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Adventure: Food of the Gods (DM: ryryguy, Judge: renau1g)


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As Azryah shakes Hedra's hand, she mentions,

"I did just think of one other thing. The exact location of the plantation, will that be waiting for us in Fulcrum? I'm not familiar with the Isle, so I'm not sure if it being 'in the boonies' is enough direction."

She makes a mental note to find a map of the island before heading to the ship in the morning, or if one isn't available before leaving the port when they arrive at Fulcrum.

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Having come with everything he needed, Chaku lifts the young kobold gently off his shoulder and sets him on the floor. I am prepared to go now. Saluting his new employer, Chaku leaves the groups and meanders off toward the waiting ship on the Outer Harbor.

As he attempts to cross the boarding plank, one of the shipmates up to his elbows in suds as he scrubs the deck hollers out, Hey, ye canna board mate, this be a private vessel, now bugger off afore I call da crew! Chaku pauses and laughs, which only serves to agitate the deckhand even more. Be at peace sailor, you sail at dawn for the Isle of Opposition at the request of the Mistress of the Ships, Hedra Silverships. I am one of those you are to ferry over, and I have come so I will not be late. I sleep like a rock, and do not want to be late for the voyage. I was hoping to set my bedroll on the deck and sleep here, so that even if I over sleep, I'm not late.

The deckhand laughs about the goliath's rationale, and scurries below for a few minutes. Just as the barbarian grows bored, he returns and nods. Yeah, ye can bunk down over there. Only condition is, you gotta scrub the deck where ye sleep, since I won't be doin it only ta have ye dirty it up again.

Chaku spends the next few hours chatting it up with the deck scrubber, even having a scrubbing race with the lad, which the sailor easily wins after Chaku needs to go back over a few spots. Later, Chaku sets his bedroll over the portion he cleaned, and with the soothing sway of the boat, is out in no time, hugging his maul like a teddy.
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Jynxx shakes the lady's hand and offers a slight bow, "I agree to your terms. No more than four days and you shall have your produce."

Once outside the door, Jynxx turns to his companions, "I think the one who has encroached upon our lady's business is one with paying attention to. It would appear that either money or fear is a large factor."


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"Now then, if we're agreed on terms, Neb downstairs will work up some contracts for you. But I also like to seal things with a good old-fashioned handshake." She comes back around the desk to stand before you with an outstreched palm. She looks each in the eye as you shake her hand.

Kaeysari normally is too shy to look people she doesn't know right in the eye, but she's alert enough to recognize this as a test, and looks Hedra down as she grips her hand firmly.

Once outside the door, Jynxx turns to his companions, "I think the one who has encroached upon our lady's business is one with paying attention to. It would appear that either money or fear is a large factor."

"Possibly both," Kaeysari says.

When the group is far enough from the door, she speaks again. "A very strange thing happened back in the office. I. . . heard this voice. . . in my head. Did anyone else. . . ?" she trails off, looking slightly embarassed.

"At any rate, I intend to find rest for the night, and to make a small offering at the temple of Poseedyus--Netari they call him here--for calm seas and a prosperous voyage."


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Papolstaanas stretches up and shakes Hedra's hand enthusiastically after Chaku puts him down. He then shoulders his oversized backpack and follows the others out.

When the group is far enough from the door, she speaks again. "A very strange thing happened back in the office. I. . . heard this voice. . . in my head. Did anyone else. . . ?" she trails off, looking slightly embarassed.

"Me too!" Papolstaanas exclaims, glad, at least, not to be the only crazy person. "It was scary. I don't like it. Do you think maybe this building is haunted?"

"At any rate, I intend to find rest for the night, and to make a small offering at the temple of Poseedyus--Netari they call him here--for calm seas and a prosperous voyage."

"I haven't spent much time in Daunton,"
says Papolstaanas. "Can I come with you? We can see some of the city before we leave tomorrow!"


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[sblock=Azryah]Hedra did say she'd have a guide plus pack animals waiting for you at the port to take you to the plantation. If you ask her how far it is, she doesn't know exactly (she's never been there in person) but she thinks two or three hours.

See below about a map... Azryah could find it at the Great Library, or you might think of another place it could be found. I'll leave it up to you to decide. If you do visit the Library, you can make a History, Arcana or Nature check to try to dig up more information about the place. If you are looking someplace else, you could pick another appropriate skill (possibly Religion or Streetwise). (Pick one skill for the check, representing some hours of effort.)[/sblock]

[sblock=Map of the Isle]It's not too hard to find a basic map of the Isle of Opposition. (I've added the map as an attachment... gotta get set up with photobucket or something to put maps inline soon. :))

I assume that when you the map, you also find out the basic information found on the wiki here. (I'll be filling in lots more detail on that wiki as the adventure progresses and you see more stuff first hand.)

Fulcrum is actually the island in the middle of the harbor. You'll see how you get from there to the main island.

The gates mentioned on the wiki as being on "opposite ends of the island" are actually on the two "horns" that enclose the entrance to the harbor. So they are not really far from each other as the crow flies. However, in practice they are opposite ends because you have to travel the long way around between them, for reasons that will become clearer when you get there.

Scale of the map is sketchy (that's the Transitive Isles for you! :)), but to give you an idea, it would take at least a day to travel from one gate to the other on foot. At least. If you find yourself doing lots of travel on the Isle, you might want to try to find some mounts.[/sblock]

[sblock=Chaku]Love the scrubbing race!

A point of clarification, the ship you're travelling on is not the pretty sloop tied up by Hedra's office. Oh no! The ship you're travelling on is tied up about a ten minute hike away, in the Outer Harbor. (I wasn't sure from your post if you were thinking the sloop but it seemed like maybe so.)[/sblock]


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[sblock=ooc]I knew it wasn't that one, she had to give an address to a mooring on the outer harbor, which I took to not be "20 feet to the left" ;). Any decision yet on my query regarding Howl of Fury RP effect?[/sblock]


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Jynxx nodded, "The place may very well be haunted."

Kaeysari looks a bit concerned at this. "Did you hear something too?" she asks Jynxx. "What kind of people would set up shop in a haunted building?"

"I haven't spent much time in Daunton," says Papolstaanas. "Can I come with you? We can see some of the city before we leave tomorrow!"

"Sure," says Kaeysari. "We've just got to remember to get up on time. There are a few interesting temples I want to get a look at, and we've got to see the Tower of the Five, and also the Great Library. Is there anything you wish to see?"


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"We've just got to remember to get up on time. There are a few interesting temples I want to get a look at, and we've got to see the Tower of the Five, and also the Great Library. Is there anything you wish to see?"

"I've heard the Street of Flags has many interesting buildings," Papolstaanas replies. "We could put our gear on the boat and then go."

Probably there should be some sort of sightseeing montage, perhaps ending with Papolstaanas falling sound asleep and having to be carried back to the boat.

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