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Adventure Group Names


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I named our group after the original big-bad organization in my first game, Sovereign Discord. It was cheesy, but it stuck.

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The Green Adam

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I'm more prone to naming a superhero team, an order of knights or a gang then to arbitrarily name a group of adventurers. As has been mentioned, sometimes an action the PCs take earns them a name or they may, on occaision, name themselves after performing some grand deed ("We who have slain the Chaos Beast of Barthomaur shall hence be known as The 1st Law! May all who follow Chaos fear the 1st Law!").

That said, adventure party names I've GMed include but are not limited to:

The Order of the Pegasus (AD&D 1E)
The Keepers of the Keys (AD&D 1E)
The 7 Against Evil (Also known as 'The Unknown 7') (WFRP)
Nephlihem's Bane (Ars Magica)
The Covenant of Old Chalk (Ars Magica)



My favorite past adventure group names:

The Order of the Three Keys

New Grinoc Plumbling and Dungeoneering.

Adventure Bank (We adventured for money then gave weaker adventurers loans so they could buy overpowered weapons and armor. Was great 'til the recession.)


Lots of great ideas

I appreciate all the feedback. Some of our group rode horses into battle and then got pushed off a cliff. So we could be Bloody Horses.

I like the idea of letting it come from how we play.

Lord Sessadore

If I remember correctly, when the guys from Penny Arcade and PVP did their podcast game with some of the WotC R&D guys (James Wyatt and Chris Perkins?), they named their group "Acquisitions Inc." I believe the cleric was the CEO ;)


I run Compose Dream Games RPG Marketplace
You should check out a thread that I made back in september, and possibly the thread that originally inspired it.

It allows for the radom generation of group/organizations/adventurer names and if you want to go farther then that you can even randomize leaders, group colours, bases of operation, and more.

Check it out here http://www.enworld.org/forum/genera...orked-thread-band-adventurer-group-names.html

comments on it are appreciated as I never got much response.

There is something to be said for letting it come organically, but you also want it to be something that is functional in many circumstances (something you can be proud of in front of a king, or a beggar) and something that works through all levels. off the cuff: skullsplitters always works, orcslayers not so much when your 15th level;).

We have always liked to try to name our PC parties but it doesn't always stick as so often one or more players/PC's just doesn't care for someone elses idea. However, some that have been used in games I've been in/run include:

The Avengers
The Replacements (didn't really stick but it never quite was disposed of either.)
The Crew of the Red October
The Heroes of Arabel (a.k.a., HoA, and it's pronounced HOO-ah!)
The Arbiters of Succession (actually the same group as HoA, just their secret ID.)

and the one _I_ came up with that proved popular enough that it actually got used a number of times in D&D and online RPG's...

The Flashing Blades Adventuring Company - FBAC


First Post
Yeah, the group I run for is currently "The Blinkstone Companions" (as Blarg said), but I have a feeling that might change - since the current group is actually two groups merged together. Blargney actually gave the other group their name - "Lear's Lackeys", after the wizard who supposedly lead the party. Now the Lackeys and the Companions are together, we'll see where it goes.

I've rarely seen named groups, though I remember an FR group had a name in our 2e days. I think it was something to do with Feather Falls - the base of our group. In another 2e group I ran in (or was I a player? I forget) the group had a wagon that had been converted into rooms and extra carrying capacity, and the group was sort of referred to as "The Wagon Group". Doubly fun because they refused to leave the road. (They also had a talking horse that wound up being a pretty fun NPC).

Baron Opal

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I think, maybe, I had a group about 20 years ago that gave themselves a name but that's about it. Even when I tried to foster the process and had multiple, named adventuring groups in the campaign world, the players were never interested.

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