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(Adventure) Heroes of The Vesper Peaks (Uriel judging)


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Jairik leans in toward Kreepto and says, " I fear we may have brought more unwanted attention your way, I will take my leave, but would like to find out more about this mine. Later, when not so many eyes are upon us."

Jairik catches the attention of a barmaid, orders two glasses of the best wine they have, tips her 2 silver, and gives her a lusty wink. As he receives the wine, he hears the elf's comments to the half-orc and decides he is leaving this scrum at the right time.

Jairik quickly crosses the room to where the woman in plate is playing the harpsicord. He approaches her saying, "What a fool am I. I bring a drink to a fair lady whose hands are too occupied to receive it. Nonetheless, if you would permit me to join you, we could toast your skill when you are done playing." With this Jairik seats himself so that he can see Kreepto and the miners on the other side of the table. "I am Jairik, fair lady of the harpsicord, a bard of but a few years myself. I had been listening to the kobold tell of his being thrown off a job for protesting the mining practices of his foreman, digging up into smoking rock or some such. As I don't know much about mining, I must take him at his word that it was dangerous, and judging by some of the looks of the other patrons, they are not thrilled at his relaying the tale. I thought it best to find more attractive and less dangerous company, and your sweet music brought me to you."
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Nace's dark eyes give the half-orc a quick assessing glance as Grog comes over, but the youth stays standing by the table, listening to Kreepto and Jairik and the others. He sips his second ale, and frowns as Kreepto goes on, apparently uncomfortable with the attention. He glance to the other miners as they glare at the kobold and he glares back.

'Never had much use for these diggers,' he thinks. 'But they can turn crazy-nasty in a hurry, especially when they've strong drink in them.'

He turns back to Kreepto and the others, as Vanadan tries to stir up trouble. His gaze fixes on the gray elf for a second, then he sets his drink down after taking a couple of long pulls from the mug. He gives a nod to Grog and taps his mug. "Don't see a need for trouble," the slight youth tells the tall half-orc, "at his insistance," he continues, nodding to the elf. "The little fellow wants to unload his concerns, this is the place for it, it seems. Most of us are just curious, hearing of such odd goings-on in the mines."
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First Post
Grog ignores the elf trying to start a fight. He might not be smart,
but he's not an idiot either. :)

Grog turns to the human addressing him,
"I agree, but if the kobold want to be alone, we should leave him be."

Turning to Kreepto,
"Grog know how you feel. Not many like him either."

OOC: Is Kreepto related to Meepo the Mighty?


Jagos tries to get some information from the miner seated next to him:

"Nice entertainment here tonight." He says with a gesture to the musicians and the juggler. "Are they often here?"

After hearing the man's answer Jagos continues by asking about Kreepto:

"Seems like your kobold has gotten into some trouble over there, does he often cause mischief?"

The miner responds by explaining that "That bard, the moron, he always hits on the lady-knight. She doesn't seem to care much for him, but he keeps on trying as pathetic as it may be. The dwarf on the other hand, is only a juggler of weapons when you get him this lightheaded. The man's a gruff arse any other day."

"Kreepto? The kobold? Kreepto the coward, that's what he's called. He claims it himself, apparently being a good coward is prided among his clan. I've got next to no idea where he came from or what he's here to do, but he's saved a few people, and for that I'm grateful."

"As far as the new mines are concerned, it's the foreman's design. He's always known what to do. Good man, but his son went off to another region to study economics and science. Strange kid, and having left his father's trade work, I suppose that disappoints him. I've got a few kids of my own, they're going to be miners just like their father! Good kids, they already know what they're meant to be, unlike some of these other fellows kids."

Jairik quickly crosses the room to where the woman in plate is playing the harpsicord. He approaches her saying, "What a fool am I. I bring a drink to a fair lady whose hands are too occupied to receive it. Nonetheless, if you would permit me to join you, we could toast your skill when you are done playing." With this Jairik seats himself so that he can see Kreepto and the miners on the other side of the table. "I am Jairik, fair lady of the harpsicord, a bard of but a few years myself. I had been listening to the kobold tell of his being thrown off a job for protesting the mining practices of his foreman, digging up into smoking rock or some such. As I don't know much about mining, I must take him at his word that it was dangerous, and judging by some of the looks of the other patrons, they are not thrilled at his relaying the tale. I thought it best to find more attractive and less dangerous company, and your sweet music brought me to you."

Lydia, the soldier, turns up her hands after finishing a verse, abandoning Nertle's attempts at entertainment and turns over to Jairik. "Bards... everywhere. My days and nights are surrounded by musicians and beggers. I've no intention to insult you, but I'm curious as to what brings you around here? This is a bigger crowd than usual frequents this shady little dump. I'm here on account of seeing my sister, that lady whom you just grabbed a drink from. The rest of you though... well some of you are obviously here for the drink, but it looks to me like the rest are armed and fighting men..."

"They look like the sort that the Guild is accustomed to throwing out of town, honestly."

OOC: Is Kreepto related to Meepo the Mighty?
(OOC: Are you asking me? Cause, I'm not going to tell you any such thing... :] )


Creamsteak said:
Yes, you know of the normal dangers of digging upwards into a mountain once you are already deep inside. Also, you can surmise from the way Kreepto describes the tunnels that it is structurally unsound and quite dangerous. Higher caverns have less pressure, and so require less support to keep from collapsing, but because the rock of this mountain is somewhat soft, the digging methods Kreepto describes are very dangerous.

*Kunst considers these things; taking a deep swig of his stout and keeping quiet as the half-orc comes around, wondering if he might be able to get a minute with Kreepto to himself to talk. Maybe Kreepto can get me inside of the mines to check out the tunneling or let me talk to the foreman about the dangers.*

*Kunst finishes his stout and attempts to hail down the waitress, unsuccessfully for some time until she finally notices him; he sees if he can get a mug of nice cold water, clean water.*


First Post
Jairik replies to Lydia, "This is a odd bunch here tonight. But what would the guild have to fear from these men, they were close to fighting with each other when I came over here. I don't think they are planning some armed uprising. They all seem to be intent on hearing out Kreepto, and his tale of the new mines, which he believes are headed for ruin."

" I am curious, if I may ask another question, how is it that someone as fair as you comes to be wearing such heavy armor? A woman of your beauty would seem to be suited for a life other than that of a soldier." Jairik leans in toward her, awaiting an answer.


First Post
Creamsteak said:
"As far as the new mines are concerned, it's the foreman's design. He's always known what to do. Good man, but his son went off to another region to study economics and science. Strange kid, and having left his father's trade work, I suppose that disappoints him. I've got a few kids of my own, they're going to be miners just like their father! Good kids, they already know what they're meant to be, unlike some of these other fellows kids."
After a pause, during which Jagos sits with slightly narrowed eyes, trying to determine whether that was meant as an insult or not, Jagos gestures to his backpack, fitted with bedroll and all, and responds, with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes: "I think you've chosen the wrong person to complain to about folk not staying where they're supposed to." His voice more or less threatening depending on if he deems it an insult or not. He looks over towards the odd group gathered around Kreepto and adds: "Though I suppose you could have picked worse as well."

After letting his words sink in he continues as if nothing had happened: "How long since the kid left anyways?"

ooc: I hope no one minds me playing my own game at the moment, I just can't see Jagos getting more directly involved with Kreepto right now.
Sense Motive: +6, Intimidate: +6 if necessary


Nace sips a bit more of his drink and listens to Kreepto, and the people around him. The youth wipes his mouth and looks to the kobold. "So.. if they know not to mine that way... hmm. I don't know too much about mining, but it seems that someone must be directing them to do that, in which case someone must either want something buried - or maybe suspects something is buried - in the area they are heading towards? You think the foreman is looking for some kind of treasure? Or.. hmm. You mentioned things that sleep in the rock, and the smoke smell you're smelling... you think they might be nearing the lair of something best left asleep?"

The youth quirks a slight smile. "Just guessing, really. But there has to be a reason, yeah? It'd be interesting to see what's going on there."


First Post
Vanadan was disappointed after the half-orc's reply and it was clearly readable from his face. The little fun I would have had and I run into a soft orc-spawn.

This is geting me nowhere. Where could I find job around here. My studies aren't paying themselfs! He orders a beaker of elven wine (or just simply wine if they don't have it). Do I have to get friendly just to get a job? he thinks as he observes the patrons.


First Post
Grog grabs another seat and goes back to his ale.

Something about this kobold and his mining story has
grabbed his interest, so he tries to listen in on the
conversations without being too obvious.

He mumbles to himself,
"Ale not bad, but want some grog."

Voidrunner's Codex

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