(Adventure) Of eggs and desires [GnomeWorks judging]


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Patlin said:
"Don't the creatures you want us investigating eat horses rather regularly? I'm not sure I want to be sitting on such expensive bait. If the target area is so far away that horses are required, I want the contract to set out their value in advance... shall we say a reduction in fee of 25 gp per horse lost?"
"25 gold pieces? Our horses are worth at less 50 and that is what you'll lose from your payment if you lose any... I've also heard that hippogriffs are fond of horse flesh, you'll just have to be careful. You could, like miss Rika said, leave them in Apple Glade. We have no one over there however, so you'll have to find someone by yourselves."

Dungannon said:
"Do you expect us to depart immediately, or will we have some time to take care of any personal preperations we may have need of?"
"Well it's now late, so I suggess you leave tomorrow, at first light. Come tomorrow morning at the Raddanors' compound on Green Street. Ask for Old Eldon, he'll be the one outfitting you."

Baerons gets up, retreives the contract once it is signed by everybody and says a few last words before leaving. "Well, if you don't have any further questions, I'll leave you to the planning of your journey. Sleep well and ride fast tomorrow." Baeron, Bert and Brutus leave the room if there is no further questions.

The following morning ...

You all find the Raddanors' compound on Green Street without much difficulty. The place is well known and, even at this early hour, it's quite busy and noisy. Plenty of horsemen are coming and going. Vendors in front of the building are shouting all the merits of their nearby caged animals (who are far from quiet themselves). You also see a few carrier pigeons flying in and out of the pigeon-house placed on top of the compound. You finally find someone to tell you that Old Eldon is waiting for you in the stables.

In the stable, those of you familiar with horses are amazed. You've never seen so many beautiful horses gathered in the same place. It's also obvious that whomever treats them does it with a great deal of love. They are all very well groomed and healthy looking. An old bald halfling man with very big ears seems to notice you and approaches. He speaks to you in a raspy voice. "You must be those adventurers Baeron hired. Yes .. yes .. you fit the description. I'm the one they call 'Old Eldon'. I've already prepared and packed your horses." He indicates 5 horses with saddle an packs on. [OOC: they are light horse, with saddle, saddlebags, 5 days of trail rations, 2 filled waterskins and 2 torches] "Please take good care of them. I heard you might be going after hippogriffs. Those beasts are pretty fond of horse flesh you know... What? You already knew that? Ah, sorry then. Will you be needing anything else. I could..." He's cut short by arrival of truly beautiful human lady. She wears a simple robe and a brown apron and her hair is blonde. She speaks quickly. "Sorry to interrupt you, Eldon, but I must ask your guess: Are you the adventurers lord Baeron hired to seek the fate of Marion and Famel?"

OOC: I don't think your characters should know stuff like the fact that hippogriff like horse meat unless you have some ranks in the appropriate knowledge skills. Since this is pretty minor, I just went with it but I'd like it if you didn't assume to much in the future. :)

If anyone has anything more to say to Baeron in the inn or to do in Orussus before leaving, don't hesitate to post it.

EDIT: I'd also like to make sure all your characters are approved by nimisgod.
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Rika turns and looks the over the woman. We are. Assuming nothing further happens, Rika will buy 40 more arrows for her shortbow.
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GPEKO said:
OOC: I don't think your characters should know stuff like the fact that hippogriff like horse meat unless you have some ranks in the appropriate knowledge skills. Since this is pretty minor, I just went with it but I'd like it if you didn't assume to much in the future. :)

If anyone has anything more to say to Baeron in the inn or to do in Orussus before leaving, don't hesitate to post it.

EDIT: I'd also like to make sure all your characters are approved by nimisgod.

Ironwolf nods a greeting to Old Eldon, and politely requests a horse that will be forgiving of his lack of skill. At the interuption, he listens patiently as Rika takes the lead in the conversation.

OOC: Isn't it Griffins that are particularly fond of horseflesh? I was trying to deliberately screw it up to show lack of knowledge. Sorry if I messed up. I'm trying to play Ironwolf as a fairly sceptical guy, to differentiate him from Anvuss and (to a lesser extent) Tor.

Nimisgod aproved Ironwolf a long time ago, pending psionics being accepted into ENWorld. At this point, he should be 100% good to go.
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Planus arrives popping his neck and swinging his arms. "I tell you what, I tried to sleep in one of them straw matress beds for awhile last night. How do you guys do it? Gimme a patch of grass any day." He will look over his horse, in the saddle bags to see what's there. He is obviously impressed by quality of the horses. Seeing the food he says, "A few more days of hard tack I guess. Maybe I'll get the chance to shoot a quail or turkey. Not likely given company I guess."

After the new woman arrives, Planus says, "That we are, you bet. I'm Planus Anaid. Don't worry, we'll find Marion and Famel if they can be found."

Turning back to Eldon, "If you have another 20 arrows, I think I would also stock up now. 'A bow without an arrow is no more than a stick.'"

OOC: Planus is approved.


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Old Eldom, what do you need?

OOC: Rika is approved. Would it be a problem if I have Rika having done a bit of research on hippogrifs overnight?
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The beautiful young woman nods at Rika and smiles at Planus. "Ah, very good. Then I am here to wish you luck and to implore you to bring Marion back, alive. I'm his wife, Lakita Oldrey. My instincts tell me he's still alive but in danger. Please, go with haste and find him, with Grendath's Luck."

fuzzy said:
Old Eldom, what do you need?
The old halfling seems confused by Rika's question. "What do I need? I don't need much ... just take good care of my horses. I'm the one who should be asking this question, I've been told to outfit you."

Old Eldon can give all of you a quiver of 20 arrows if you wish.

OOC: I thought both the hippogriff and griffons were fond of horse flesh, but I'm not sure anymore. Anyway ... More on them tonight, once I've checked some old books.


"I'm afraid I don't own a bow, or I'd take you up on those arrows. Unless you have a bow as well, or a few extra javelins?"

Ironwolf indicates the javelins strapped to his back as he speaks.


First Post
Well, we'll do our best to find your husband. And I would find the arrows very helpful, thank you. Rika turns to Ironwolf. Rika has tried to look up information on hippogriffs overnight.

OOC: Gather info +0 to find a library or suchlike
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ooc: I wanted to use my Gather Information skill to see if there's a library or someplace I can do a little research on hippogriffs. Basically I'm looking to learn enough so Devlin knows the basics from the Monster Manual about them.

Guilt Puppy

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Sturm bows his head to Lakita, dropping his generally offensive nature in the best sign of respect he can manage.

"By Grendath's name, we'll bring yer husband back, or give hell'n what makes us can't."

Regarding supplies, Sturm sees satisfied with his current arsenal.

"Arrows? Bah. If'n they get close 'nough'n hurt us, I'll be close 'nough'n hurt 'em right back." He reaches back to pat his big scythe, reiterating his favorite point: That he does, indeed, carry a big scythe.

(OOC: In my experience, it's DMs who are most fond of horseflesh :) In general, though, I think it's just common sense not to ride expensive pieces of meat into the hunting grounds of large predators -- of course, Sturm ain't bubbling over with common sense, so it's good someone else pointed it out.

Regarding approval, Sturm was approved for first level, but I'm not sure if he's been (or needs to be) evaluated since... Judge GnomeWorks, care to chime in? And while you're at it, is the official point-buy 30 or 32 -- one thread says 32, but the official character thread still says 30, so I'm just very confused.)

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