Adventure Realm RPG Map Tiles - Town and Wilderness set. Already 100% Funded!

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Just want to give a quick plug to a Kickstarter project that we launched a few days ago. We're producing a set of 16 map tiles for RPGs, card mounted, full colour printing and professionally produced. They have townscape images on one side, wilderness on the other. Each tile measures 8" by 8" so there is plenty of scope for creating quick adventure maps for your games. We will also be having the tiles gloss laminated for extra durability, and our printer says this will also allow drywipe non-permanent markers to be used on the tiles. The project reached it's funding target after just 2 days so will definitely be going ahead.

If you're interested please take a look -

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We have nearly completed the artwork on the tiles for this Kickstarter, just wanted to share some of the latest:

For our wilderness tiles we have developed road tiles, with the roads having a worn, unmaintained cobbled look. We have some open terrain with rocks (good cover for outdoor encounters). And we have completed the outdoor camp tile - ideal for bandits out in the wilds, or if you want to quickly have a map for ambushing your players when they are camping overnight.

We have also tweaked some of the urban tiles, adding some barrels and crates, as well as making on of the roads transition into wilderness, so the two map sets can work together.

If you want to know any more please take a look at the project -

It's already met it's funding target, so will be going ahead, and is open until the end of October.

Just flagging up that there's only a week left on our RPG Map Tiles project. We're fully funded, so the project will be going ahead, and we will be able to deliver in double quick time, probably by Christmas. While the project has been running we've completed all the artwork (you can see the 32 map images on the link below) and we've booked a slot with the trade printer who will be making the tiles. So if you want to get in on a guaranteed successful project and don't want to wait forever for the rewards, please check us out.

Into the last 24 hours of this Kickstarter, over 200% funded and we have everything ready to start production in November. If you want to be a part of this, and get some awesome RPG mapping tiles which will add hugely to your games, please support us while the project is till running. And here's a couple of the final tiles to be completed, as the "wilderness" half of the set:


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