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Adventure: Redblade's Riches!! (Ozymandias79 judging!)

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"Nice work, lads. Let's drop this other clockwork job, eh?" Quagmire's booming voice rolls out. He ducks over next to Beyrk and slices at the scout, knocking it towards Hrav's ready blade.

[sblock=actions]Minor: inspired belligerence on c4. TSNT, all allies gain CA and +4 damage against c4.
Move: shift to AA34
Standard: Hammer and Anvil vs. c4, 24 vs. Reflex hits for 9 damage, and Hrav can make a basic melee attack with +1 to hit and +8 damage (+4 from Hammer and Anvil, +4 Inspired belligerence). Also, Quagmire gets 4 temp hp.


First Post
Hrav jabs at the scout Quagmire hits, and just barely hits the widget, but manages to somehow rattle loose quite a few gears, sending it flying apart.

[sblock=Mechanics]Free action - Hammer and Anvil basic attack against C4.

MBA C4 (CA, Inspired Bel, H&A) (1d20+11+2+1=16, 1d10+5+4+4=23)

Hits AC 16 for 23 damage, killing C4. Heh, rolled a 2 on my d20 which JUST hits after all the bonuses, and rolled max damage to go with it.[/sblock]

[sblock=Hrav's Info]Hrav Kortaga - Male Bugbear Rogue (Fighter) 5
Initiative: +6, Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 18, Low-Light Vision
AC: 19, Fort: 17, Reflex: 19, Will: 14 - Speed: 6
HP: 35/46, Bloodied: 23, Surge Value: 12, Surges left: 2/8
Action Points: 1
Resists: 5 Necrotic, 5 Poison

Clever Strike
Piercing Strike

Nasty Backswing
Predatory Eye
Second Wind (Item: May use two surges when bloodied)
Student of the Sword +1 and Mark
Torturous Strike

Downward Spiral
Handspring Assault

Acidic Rapier Ranged Attack (Encounter)
Acidic Rapier Ongoing Damage (Daily)
Deathcut Leather Armor (Daily)
Potion of Healing x1

Full character sheet[/sblock]

The Digger

First Post
Girth was confused for just a moment trying to decide his next target. He had an opponent next to him;, his original target, the cobra seemed almost out of it and the last turret was still spitting bolts. And so it was the turret he decided to attack, confident that he could avoid the retaliation of the miniscule clay beast.

Despite his moments of planning he still almost missed his target, Fortunately his Eldritch bolt struck home, splintering shards of wood from the remaining turret. Then, like lightning, Girth moved towards the door.

[sblock=OOC]http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2532251/ Eldritch Blast: 13 vs Ref (Turret 1) and 9 damage: Shift to X35; I presume the Scout will attack but I will let Phoenix deal with that.[/sblock]


First Post
*Kauldron blinks and looks around.*

Now where those dang-blasted, little fellers go to? Hmmm. Must of gotten scared and flew the coop.

*He grins and draws a long puff upon his cigar, letting out a cloud of smoke around himself. Then twirls his blade within his hand. Hunkering down and raising his shield up. He charge the Iron Cobra and slams his shield into the serpent, though it proves to be far to quick for the little iron kettle, as his blade catches nothing but air.*

[sblock=C1 Opportunity Attack]Opportunity Attack: Bite
-Attack: +5 vs. AC (13; Miss) [/sblock]

[sblock=Actions]Standard: Charge to AA32 using Virtuous Strike
-Attack: +9 vs. AC (14; Miss)
Save vs. Dazed and Slowed: 16 (Success)
End of Turn: Divine Sanction is removed from C1. Divine Sanction remains upon Iron Cobra and Magic Turret 1 due to Majestic Halo.[/sblock]

[sblock=Kauldron Opportunity Attack]Opportunity Attack vs. T1 (when it fires): Virtuous Strike
-Attack: +8 vs. AC (15; Miss) [/sblock]

[sblock=Kauldron]Kauldron- Male Goblin Paladin 1
Passive Perception: 10, Passive Insight: 10
AC:20, Fort:14, Reflex:16, Will:15 -- Speed:5
HP:16/29, Temp HP:5
Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges left:2/12
Divine Challenge
Enfeebling Strike
Goblin Tactics
Virtuous Strike
Action Point [X]
Channel Divinity [X]
Javelin [ ] [ ]
Second Wind [ ]
Valorous Smite [X]
Lay on Hands [X]
Majestic Halo [X]
Symbol of Brawn [X] [/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=OOC to everybody]Hello.

First off, my apologies to all of you for my absence. This has been due to many things. Lack of time due to the schedule of my recently acquired job. And most sadly of all, a lack of enthusiasm on my part. My fellow players and DM's are not to blame. It's not because your stories or characters are uninteresting to me. But for some reason my desire to play, my enjoyment of playing, has taken a back seat to just doing my duty to keep posting for the benefit of everyone else for a little while now. I don't know if it may be related to my protracted lack of playing D&D in RL or not.

What all this boils down to is this: I need to take a break. If I didn't come here and declare it and let you all know, if I just disappeared, the guilt would keep me from reappearing someday. I hope to come back. I want to be able to come back and play and enjoy it again someday. I've been playing PbP here since before Morrus took over the boards from Eric Noah. The reason I've been absent for the past week was in coming to this decision one way or the other. But I've made my decision and it's time to implement it. Sorry to everyone involved for the trouble this causes. I will miss the stories we share, and I think that's important. If I kept going just to keep going and got even less interested, I might have lost that as well. I am hopeful that in missing the stories and the camaraderie, it will help draw me back here when I'm ready to start again.

For the Dm's I'm playing under, feel free to NPC my PC's until you find a convenient place to write them out of the story. For the players in my game, I'll give a little more detailed info for the adventure before disappearing.

To everyone here, farewell for now. I hope to return and enjoy your company again someday. Someday as soon as possible. ;)[/sblock][sblock=To my players and the judge Ozy]Well, this sucks.

For you more than me maybe even. I'm very sorry to do this to all of you the most. The question is whether you want to wrap up this combat (like its not already about over) and say that this room was the last in the adventure, or if Ozy gets stuck DMing the last few encounters. I don't know whether this should players choice or what. I know the judge stepping in is for if the DM disappears entirely. But I'm willing to wrap up this encounter at least and give all the XP due and wrap up the adventure here if that's what the players would prefer. I don't wanna stick Ozy with all sorts of trouble because of my falling out.

Not finishing the last 3 encounters would maybe unbalance the Magic Item distribution that was planned for the adventure. I don't know if it's possible to advertise for a replacement DM instead of foisting it upon Ozy. Unless he wants it. So those are some questions for all of you. I'm not totally disappearing quite yet. I'm done with my PC's for now, but I'll check back here until the DM stuff is either done (if adventure is ended after this encounter) or turned over to someone. I'll post the XP once we wrap up this encounter, but I don't have the time today. I gotta get to work. I'll check back again soon to see what you all have said.[/sblock]


[sblock=ooc]I understand, P8; indeed, your description hits uncomfortably close to home, sometimes. I certainly can't fault you for wanting to move on, and I hope you'll be back in whatever capacity you see fit, when you've had a chance to rest for a while.

As for how we should proceed in this adventure... I could go either way, really. This would certainly be a good stopping point. ((By which I mean the end of this encounter; but we seem to have things reasonably under control... (he says, foolishly)) We go down the stairs, find that Redblade himself is elsewhere, grab some loot and run off with it. Perfectly reasonable. If the treasure balance doesn't work out quite right, you could just convert it to an appropriate amount of cash and call it a day.

On the other hand, if a DM can be found to run the last few encounters, I'm happy to continue. But I'm not going to work very hard to look for one.


First Post
[sblock=ooc]I spoke to Ozzy briefly about this online. Since God Forge is wrapping up more quickly than anticipated (we're on the last encounter) I don't have another adventure planned.

If the player's wish to continue, I would be happy to fill in as DM. [/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=OOC]Sorry to hear, PH8008. DMing can be burn-outy, for sure.

I'd been happy w/ SC. He still owes me some experience somewhere. ;)[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=OOC]Take the time you need and come back refreshed and recharged, Phoenix! :)

I'm happy with Scorp taking over as DM and that would be my first choice. If the rest of the gang would rather call it an adventure after this fight, I'm okay with that, too.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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