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(Adventure) Retrieval of Fallon's Key (Macbeth Judging)


One of the elfs, winking at the others answers "It's exactly the same as a horse!" The griffon on which the elf is riding seems to look back at him when he says that, and the elf pats the beast on it's head with a laugh.

Another elf, looking to the sky for what, it's hard to say, probably in exasperation says "It's nothing like a horse. First of all, a well trained griffon is stronger, more manuverable and dangerous then a horse. Then add another demention of travel, not to mention the pull of the world to the equation. No, it's nothing like any other landbound creature... unless you are asking about training them. Take one young enough and they train better then the smartest horse, but wait to long, and the griffon gets it in their head that they should train you."

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Janos Audron

[Does it even matter where Thay is? It doesn't affect your adventure, merely my background. It isn't in walking distance. Janos Teleported here, Thebis travelled several years before he got here.]

Well, Rogier, I see that even you rather bend that break.

And with that, Thebis-Ra climbs on the griffon of the Elf who can't tie his laces...


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Iggy will climb aboard a Griffin, a disturbed look on his face

OOC: I'd just like to say I'm really enjoying this so far. You just don't encounter situations like the one we just had in the traditional party formation settings. I'm glad everyone is aboard. One more comment, Janos, I find it difficult to read the red letters. Could you use a color that contrasts better with black?


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"Well, here goes nothing," Llolian says, and climbs aboard one of the strange beasts. He makes sure he is tied in securely, than checks again to make sure everything is secured. Then he checks all of his equipment, in particular checking to make sure he won't lose any arrows.

OOC - gryphons at first level. How Cool! But now if Llolian survives (not good chances, w/ Sara now after him) I'll have a quandary at next level - ride (flying) skill (b/c he probably learned something he'll never use?) or something useful? Decisions, decisions . . .



[OoC:Not to me, I happen to work in a copy-right enfrigement office (though very indirectly), and if ENWorld were to try to publish anything from the developement of this world, they would not be able to do so with the Wizards of They there. It violates the publication rights of WotC that now own the Forgotten Realms setting. I was just looking out for possible problems in the future, that's all. Nothing personal.

As for the ride(Griffon) skill... it sure does give a character flavor! I'd do it!]

The elves help the others buckle their belts on and show them where to hold on to, and asks if they would please not kick the griffons, they tend to bite when someone other then the drivers do that.
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As Serene Wind approaches the beast, his fascination with them isn't enough to get a smile out of him.

He is concerned. Thebis-Ra said he's using hate and anger to stay focused. This is so wrong! One can never achieve harmony this way. The dissonance inside him will feed of his energies, his successes and his joys. How could one be glad of that?! Then there is this strange elven boy who speaks in two different ways. was he the only one to notice that? Could be his father speaking through him? But why a father would do that to his son? Could he send a loyal servant? It's also so sad they're all so interested in money. Maybe he should give up his share.

He stops for a moment closing his eyes and focusing on the regularity of his breath. As he was taught, he uses the calmness of his body to ease the tumult in his mind, regaining the serenity that earned him his name. He decides to keep his senses alerted when in Fallon and to try to ease the conflicts that could arise among his new companions. "Every moment has a lesson for you to learn. Learn to listen." his master's voice echoes in his head.

He opens his eyes again and meets the elf he'll be traveling with with a renewed smile. "It's such a majestic beast. Is it also affectionate? Does it reciprocate its master's cares?"
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Kahuna Burger

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Snipehunt said:
After the young elf speaks his piece, Llolian sees the problem, and understands why Sara became so angry at the Paladin.

"Sara, I have nothing against weapons, or those who wield them. But I cannot trust a woman who would draw a sword against her own companions.

"And anyway, using a god-given ability to spy out those with evil intent is hardly cause for concern. I was taught the only one afraid of having another know her heart is the one with someting to hide. I hope you have nothing to hide from us . . . and that I can trust you at my back."

"I see we're from different worlds, Llolian - That was just a bit of play to focus the attention, and when I draw my swords against someone, one of us leaves bloody. As for hiding... I have nothing to hide in my bags, but I don't want anyone searching them when I wasn't looking. Anyone who wants to know about my heart should use questions, not magic."

Sara looks pointedly at the elf's bow for a moment. "As for your back, if we have all been hired then we are working together. And if we are working together, you have nothing to fear. I'm just glad you don't have sweaty fingers. Where I come from, you don't aim at anything you wouldn't mind hitting. And if you didn't kill me, you'd probably mind hitting me."

When the griffons arrive already with riders, sara gives iggy a look of disapointment. "You're spared my panicked clutches this time, my mighty wizard. And here I was going to ask what you can do to a second sword to make it look good with a flaming one..." After sizing up the elves, Sara leaps up behind the lithest of them. Buckling in and leaning close to talk, she askes "So how many personalities does the little tyke have, anyway?"


The elf that Serene Wind talks to answeres "Affectionate? Yes, indeed thay can be, but watch out for thier kisses, aye Lindelin?" the last is yelled to a lithe elf that Sara had just finished climbing behind. The lithe elf laughs and pulls back his hair to show one of his ears, where it appears as if a chunk had been ripped off.

Yet another elf, with dark brown hair and brown eyes (an oddity for this fair group of elves), joining the laughter, adds "Don't listen to them, my friend! He got that bite from his wife after she found him with a mistress!" The rest of the elves laugh, Lendelin included, who, in retaliation, throws a piece of leather or dried beef at the man from a pouch on the saddle.

The piece of meat hits the brown haired elf, who ducks to avoid it but who was unsuccessful. The piece of meat/leather fell to the ground, only to be picked up and eaten by the griffon that the brown haired elf was sitting on. "Careful with that food! You'll get Geldengha fat!"

"The way you baby her, she's already fat!" Lindelin shoots back. Feeling Sara press herself against him, Lindelin leans back to listen, turning his whole ear in her direction to hear her whispered words. He then leans forward once more, answering with a shake of his head. "That whole family is strange, except maybe Legolin. None of them but her join our dances or banquits. Who can say but them. I will tell you that when the boy turns al serious, he's a spitting image to his father. The Head Master has done alot for the elves of Fallon, but in my oppinion, he's way to serious!"


"The boy looks to the others, seeing them all seated and strapped in. He motions to the other elves, and in a conserted thrust, all of them launch simaltainiously into the air, seeming to miss eachother by mear chance. The companions feel as if their stomachs are left behind on the ground, and the suddon rush of air makes their eyes water. The elves take time to pull goggles down over their eyes, and the more observant members note that the elves let the griffons take off with their eyes closed!

The ten griffons circle around eachother in an intricate dance as they struggle for altitude, the elves now guiding them. In the conerted effort, a whirlwind forms in the eye of their formation, raising small pieces of debree in their wake. The elves raise their voices and yell cheers at the top of their lungs, some of them dropping the riens to guide the beasts with thier knees as they pump their first in the air, or just corress the air currents with their fingers. After reaching a sinificant hieght (those of you who can see would note that the people in the city look as ants... and with the strange outlook, you can not figure where anything is on the ground, until you note the distinctive Red Dragon statue. The group of griffons, as if with one mind, all turn to the east, and fall into a V formation.


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Wind laughs with the elves, and when they take off, he gives up to his sensations. He concentrates on the wind upon his skin as he does when he's running, but not on his rushing blood as when he enters deep meditation. He exhales to completely empty his lungs and then slowly inhales to fill them up with the good, fresh, clean air of the sky. He imitates the riders' gestures and clutching his griffon with his legs he open his arms offering his face and chest to the breeze. He closes his eyes and leans back to better savor the caresses of the wind that's trying to find ways to flow through his clothes, all along his skin, ruffling the hair on his arms, sliding on the palm of his feet and on his shaven head, playing with his eyelashes...

He gently recedes from that perfect moment, much more relaxed and confident; he straightens up on his saddle, and asks his rider: "Is this going to be a long journey? How far are we from your home? Oh, and may I ask you how long have you been riding griffons? Does one get used to this?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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