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[Adventure]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin, Judge: ??)

OOC: Maybe Lerrick / [MENTION=79956]dimsdale[/MENTION] can do something before we rest? She's a healer with healing powers untouched...and she can spend even encounter powers if we're to rest immediately after.

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First Post
Shaking off sickness and shock from ritual, party can survey the surroundings:

As sickness and dullness from whatever darkness Martelai dragged you through and following shock fade, you start to feel... strange.
[sblock="characters not native to Feywild"]
Something is wrong in this place... perhaps it was effect of the ritual, but you don't seem all yourself here - while it is obviously night, it seems bright, stars shining alarmingly intense and moon seems almost like a sun. Very air seems aglow with sparkling mist, it seems to flow with... something, like tiny strands and rivulets in colors you never knew exist... and colors, you have never seen so many colors...
Rest of your senses are overwhelmed as well - you can feel blood running through your veins, sense every fiber of your body; heartbeat drums in your ears and countless noises and sounds assail you; to make it worse, you think you can actually pick every separate sound in that terrible noise if you concentrate hard enough. Your armor and clothing are alarmingly sensible on your skin and each prick and cut you suffered during that ritual seems to hurt in highly personal way... scents and fragrances of this place mix into heavy mass you can almost touch and you realize each of your companions has particular scent to him... Martelai in particular has quite an offensive reek of disease and decay.
As these strange sensations make you dizzy, you can feel your emotions running amok as well - whatever is happening here, this place threatens to turn calm to serenity, tiny sadness to sorrow, fear to horror and every other emotion into its overwhelming variant...
you suffer -2 penalties to skills checks and initiative rolls; effects last until end of next encounter.

[sblock="Fey-native characters"]
You blink and shake yourself as effects of radiant beauty of Fey realms slam hard against your senses. Acclimation is quick however and after all this time in bleak, shadowy reality of mortal realms, you feel at home again. Thinking back at your time spent in the world of mortals, you wonder why did you bother at all - that place is but a hollow shadow of true reality, dim sorrowful shell of true reality...
Massive moon shines on the star-filled sky, each of stars brilliant in intensity, its color easily visible. Few pale clouds race across the night sky, their movement unusually fast as if driven by hurricane winds, multicolored starlight illuminating them.
Very air in this place seems infused with magic, from mist that shines from rays of starlight to wind that carries raw arcane energies within itself.
As one’s eyes adjust to strange eldritch twilight of this place, rest of surroundings becomes visible:

Everyone finds himself standing in middle of long crumbled ruin. Archway is located in its center, cracked and mossy, but still standing. Vines with massive green leaves and foot long thorns in vibrant colors have long ago covered the stone pillars, but center of building is mostly clear of vegetation, revealing mosaic representing strange draconic creatures surrounded by circle of stars.
[sblock="arcana DC 20"]
Archway and mosaic it is set on are likely teleportation circle. While its magic is feint, it seems active - it is likely that linked portal ritual could use it as beacon for start or end-point for teleportation.
Moonlit glades are ahead, surrounded by colossal trees providing thick canopy high overhead, pierced by rays of starlight and moonlight. Stone tiles of road once lead into the glades, but they barely hold against encroaching vegetation now. Occasional pillar still stands, covered by vines and strange wisps of pale light that seems to slowly cycle between blue, purple and green.
It is difficult to discern anything beyond the glades – land seems to rise ahead, but massive trees and light mist that permeates the air obscures visibility beyond several hundred yards.
Turning about, one sees drop many hundreds of feet deep into lake that spans as far as the eye can see. Waters of lake glitter from starlight and howling wind beats it, sending enormous waves crashing into cliff-face below, spray of water forming glittering mist that surrounds entire cliff. Massive birds with brilliant wings sing as they ride the howling wind and spray of water and dive into the lake.
It is difficult to discern anything beyond the water – there is hint of land, massive trees and mountains in the distance, but strange twilight and mist don’t make for good visibility.

Path of stone tiles leads into the moonlit glades surrounded by colossal trees. Road can be barely called so however – bushes, thick vines and thorn covered pillars make for difficult travel. Birds covered with vibrant plumage sing from smaller trees with glittering bluish and green leafs and miniature fey creatures fly around like insects, their wings glittering. Remains of ruins are scattered by the path – walls and buildings once stood here, but are now no more than scattered blocks of vine-covered stone.
[sblock="arcana DC 15, take 10 is legal"]
This place must be Feywild, eldritch realm of twilight, brilliant reflection of mortal world.
[sblock="perception or passive perception DC 20"]
Careful observation of colossal trees reveals spiderwebs hanging from some of them, silver and glittering from moonlight. While spiders don’t appear visible, shadows sitting on webs might be bloated monsters. Some of massive trees seem to have large nests or some sort of strange dwellings built on them – there actually might be someone living here…
[sblock="perception or passive perception DC 25"]
While glades are tranquil and definitely devoid of recent civilization – there is undeniable sense of something or someone watching and careful observation reveals strange shadows skittering through vegetation – there is something out there and it is most certainly not friendly
[sblock="DM's comments / OOC"]
This seems like a good place to survey the surroundings and catch a breath - party has short rest.
- it is perfectly legal to use encounter powers before taking short rest and they will recharge normally for use in next encounter or encounter-like scene. However powers used after the short rest is taken will not be available until after next rest (generally after next encounter or equivalent).
- i will pause here a bit (48h or so) for everyone to catch up. Also please link character stats if you haven't done it before - OOC thread is fine; in meanwhile, feel free to investigate the surroundings, but I will assume party is generally in near vicinity of portal/ruin unless someone insists on scouting by himself


First Post
"Look, this archway can be used as the linked portal out of here," says Lilli.

"It's certainly Arcadia, isn't it Lotte? Not sure exactly where, though."

[sblock=rolls]Arcana = 30 , then Perception = 6 to first look around the Feywild.[/sblock]

Arcana for the portal(1d20+13=22)
Passive perception 26

"It is beautiful if little overwhelming. But we're not alone here. Careful and be ready!"

[MENTION=6747396]MadAzolin[/MENTION], does it help that Cyr is immortal and has known the glory of the heavens? And has been an eladrin or hundred in his countless lives?
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First Post
ooc: wow: sorry I'm late here :)

Lerrick shakes her head in order to regain her bearings. She then quickly goes into medic mode, surveying the damage, ignoring her own wounds until everyone else has been treated. She first goes to Cyr and offers her a healing potion. Here...drink this and you should be ok. She then moves to the warlock. Her emerald eyes turn slowly turn a bright silver. She then touches the warlock, which sets forth a surge of healing warmth through out the body of the warlock. She then sits down and closes her eyes for a moment as she concentrates on healing herself. A moment later she stands. I take it something went wrong?

actions (assuming that short rest is taking place)
healing potion given to Cyr (now left with 5/6)
Healing word on warlock: 3d6+5 hp= 15 + healing surge
Lerrick spends a healing surge as well

Perception check: 1d20+9= crit

Lerrick the looks overhead, then turns to get a view of her surroundings. She then whispers in a low voice : uh...people...we're not alone. Someone or something is watching us...and I don't think it's friendly

[sblock=Lerrick Stats]
AC: 22 Fort: 20 Reflex: 19 Will: 24
HP: 60/63 Surges: 9/10 Surge Value: 15
CURSED: none
STATUS: none


  • Ritual Caster: Lerrick can preform and master rituals my level or lower
  • Pacifist's Reward: Lerrick, if her attack doesn't do damage, receives +2 temp hitpoints at the end of her turn.
  • Healer's Implement: +1 to healing power when ally uses a healing surge as a result of a power used by Lerrick
  • Pacifist Healer: an additional 1d6+5 to hp for each heal word Lerrick uses
  • Improved Defenses: +1 feat bonus: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
  • Group Vigor: Everyone within 10 feet of Lerrick receives 1 extra hit point when they spend a healing surge

Astral Seal
Sacred Flame

Knack for Success
Channel Divinity: favor of the Gods
Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy
Noble Presence
Healing Word (2) now (1)
Hymn of Resurgence
Bastion of Health

Life transference
Moment of Glory
Iron to Glass

Medic's Dagger: (Power)
Potion Bandoleer: Currently stocked with 6 healing potions
Healer's Broach: (Power)
Gleaming Diamond Bracers: (Power)
River of Life Gloves: (Power)

OOC: : Lerrick has a feat that gives anyone within ten squares of her 1 extra hp for each healing surge spent. Please adjust your hp accordingly if you spent a surge.
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First Post
Kane, who has a deep frown etched on his face, regards Cyr with the briefest moment of doubt upon hearing the warning. A moment later, however, he draws one of the blades slung at his side and arcs the fingers of his other hand to activate his defensive ward. His one good eye peers about the overwhelming landscape, attempting to spot any signs of danger, a reflex from a time when his vision was once complete, though a pointless one. "Jade" he calls. Beside him a strange beast shimmers into view, something between a cross between, a racoon, a wolf and a greyhound.

Perception 19

[sblock=Kane Arcane]
PC:Kane Arcane (jbear1979) - L4W Wiki
Human Hybrid Swordmage | Wizard 8
Passive Perception/Insight 16
AC:26, Fort:21, Reflex:22, Will:21, Speed:6
HP: (+0 THP) 65/65, Bloodied:32, Surge Value:16, Surges left:9/11
Initiative +4
Action Points: 1 (encounter):


MBA: Frostbrand Longsword +2, +11 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
Freezing Burst, Phantasmal Assault, Sword Burst

Glorious Presence:
Aegis of Shielding:
Channelling Shield:
Dimensional Vortex:
Charm of the Defender:
Frostbrand Longsword (Freezing Blast):
Frostbrand Longsword (Extinguish Fires):
Evil Eye of the Vistani:
Boots of the Fencing Master:
Viper Belt:
Second Wind

Flaming Sphere:
Swordmage's Shielding Fire:
Fire Shield:
Dislocation Longsword:
Amulet of Psychic Interference:
Power Jewel:
Raven Cloak:

Combat notes:
Resistances: 7 Fire; 5 Necrotic, Cold, Poison
Boots of the Fencing Master: +1 item bonus to AC & REF TENT when Kane shifts.
White Lotus Riposte: When an enemy Kane has hit with an At Will Power attacks him on his next turn, they take 4 dmg (type is equal to the damage type dealt by at will power)
Gauntlets of Arcane Might: Kane gains 2 THP when he hits an enemy he marks with an Arcane power
Shimmering Cloth Armor: Kane's ranged and area attacks do not provoke OAtks
War Wizard's Expertise: Kane's arcane attacks vs allies take a -5 penalty to hit.

Jade, Feybeast HP (+0 THP) 32/32; AC 21 F/R/W 23/19/23
Perception +9
MBA: Claw: +13 vs AC; 1d12+4 dmg
Aura +2 dmg to all allies vs enemies in Fey Beast Aura; Kane gains CAdv vs enemies in aura

"Don't trouble yourself, keep the potion for someone who really needs it. In couple of minutes I'll be as good as new."

Cyr checks his cuts and bruises and decides he will survive without the potion. Quickly binding the worst he looks over the web encased canopy trying to spot precise location(s) of the lurkers.

OOC: Thank you, dimsdale, but we're on short rest so I'll simply spend the surge, without using your potion.

Cyr spends a surge and heals too many hp and is overflowing with life (there should be a feat that allows any overhealing to become temp hps provided you were wounded when you spent the surge - maybe limited to half level?)

Also: Initiative (1d20+10-2=17)
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Martelai goes from terribly cut and rotten to surprisingly hale on the word of one little girl. He looks up at he warning of his minions...er...sacrifices...NO!, friends and comrades and prepares himself for upcoming confrontation.

OOC: Healing 15 +18 = 35 out of 45 damage...spending additional surge to get to full, Martelai is at 7/9 surges.

Init (1d20+5=11)

NOTE TO ALL: if you have fear power: enemies who can see Martelai take -2 to saving throws vs Fear effects

Voidrunner's Codex

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