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[Adventure]: Shards of Eldanarth (DM: MadAzolin, Judge: ??)


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Lerrick looks at the amulet as she watches the warlock work through the ritual. Hey, move the amulet a little to the left. I think that will help.

aid another: 1d20+6 = 23 success

Lerrick the rests by putting her back against a tree. The chainmail she wears seams heavier. She wipes beads of sweat from her forehead with her arm.

endurance: 1d20+6= 10

While resting she scans the area around her.

perception: 1d20+9= 29 (crit )

She blinks her eyes focusing on the unusual size of the thorns in the vegetation in front of them. Everyone, if we continue this way our progress will be slowed. Have you seen the size of the thorns here! She walks over an plucks one off a shrub and brings it back to the group to show them.

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
When he feels the connection to the item, Martelai orders between two stanzas "Now drop the shield.". The magic around them, held at bay by the will of his friends floods back and he rides and shapes the flow into the amulets secrets.


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Kane quietly adds his own magical talent to busting through the amulet's shield. He had been silent since they had left the camp, only stopping for a moment when Martelai had called to them. Kane was not surprised by the revelation of the direction, it is where he was all ready heading in any case: straight ahead. Though he seems out of sorts as the approach the swamp, Kane does not seem overly phased, even chuckling at the suggestion of avoiding the swamp. "N-no t-time. W-we will h-have t-to t-try" he stutters

Aid another auto success
Nature 16 Endurance 13
Nature roll is good enough for moderate DC
Endurance beats easy DC


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As Martelai sings above the amulet, his voice gets softer and softer until it becomes barely audible. Warlock seems to have fallen asleep...
Rest of party channels their magic and it seems to be functioning - whatever magical defenses were around the item, they are slowing yielding to their magic.
[sblock="Martelai"] At first, you can feel only unyielding barrier before you, as solid and strong as if you were facing solid stone. However, as you sing and call for memories of your childhood, barrier suddenly disappears - somehow you are certain that attempting to brute force wouldn't have ended particularly well.
On the other side, you can sense something or someone, presence unknown yet strangely familiar - is it an amulet itself? Some presence of this land? Or something else... it is difficult to tell, but whatever it is, presence makes contact and you have no trouble understanding it: "Why Martelai? Why have you come to this place? You carry The Taint within you, you serve Things whose very nature is poison, whose will is End of all things... why? Why have you forsaken your people and delved down the path of corruption? ... questions multiply and under the gaze of this unseen presence, you feel naked, as if its gaze can see through your armors, your magic, skin and bone, down to your very soul... presence does not feel hostile, but under its gaze, you feel... tainted, as if your senses became sharper and you can feel stench of decay coming from you... memories become vivid - memories from childhood when you were guilty of something, something really bad...
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"They are stars. The same ones giving your pretty fey land it's magic. Same stars the fey use at opportune time to gain extra power. I just know them a bit more directly. And I was a promising student of Mage College and later of bardic one, if only all those eladrin could accept anyone less then perfect by their limited standard. This is my land, my connection to the stars, fueled by the intolerance of its inhabitants. I'm not here to turn back, just as summoners wont turn back from summoning demons or necromancers from summoning the dead. And there are eladrin among those. Don't you give me lectures, see how I've used the power!"
The voice stays calm, he doesn't scream at the thing, doesn't defend himself, simply states the facts in low voice


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[MENTION=100292]Neil1889[/MENTION] [sblock="Lilli"]
Thinking about what she knows of Fey realms, Lilli can recall dozens of stories about fallen castles, palaces and hunts, but those don't seem all that useful here. What she does know however, are following things:
- Mistress / Master of the Hunt is generic title for leader of the Great Hunt (or Wild Hunt), large hunts so popular among some of denizens of Fey realms (and yes, it is not that unusual to call Wild Hunt on party of adventurers, or band of monsters or other hunters or well... anything else - Lilli didn't really ever get all that hunting stuff and ideas behind it - it is supposed to be fun). It is likely these creatures have some specific 'Mistress' in mind, but you would need more information
- Palace of Stars is bit generic as well, looking around, Lilli is quite sure this entire place is ruin of some city, now long abandoned and forgotten, but again such sites are fairly common in Fey Realms. While possibly inhabited, Lilli would bet this place is devoid of any civilization - Hunters are not prone to building anything or living in cities and state of ruins around you indicate centuries of abandonment. Of course, monsters are not out of question.
- what does strike Lilli as odd is nature of this place. It is most definitely part of Fey Realms, but Fey Realms are not like mortal realms - things here are largely influenced by local Archfey (or Lords, Ladies or however they like to call themselves). If Lilli's suspicions are correct, you are not looking at sunrise as Silver moon sets and she wouldn't be surprised if you come across some other quite unusual things around here, so this place is likely directly influenced by one of Archfey (though it isn't impossible that such creature simply set local laws long ago and then left (or died))
history, nature and arcana are main skills for remembering things here, religion can be of some use, but not much



I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
[sblock=MadAzolin] [MENTION=6747396]MadAzolin[/MENTION], trying to communicate with the item without others hearing

"Would you behave better if I gave you to Lilli? She's true fey."


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"Whilst this the Feywild, some Archfey at some point left his or her mark here. We don't normally have two moons," muses Lilli, still looking for tiny nocturnal creatures that might help her.

[sblock=rolls]History = 15, Nature = 20, Arcana = 34, Religion = 23.[/sblock]


First Post
[MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] [sblock="amulet"]
"So... you have failed and refuse to follow advice of your betters, you turned to forbidden powers and regret it not... to explain your corruption to yourself, you blame them for what you have become... to convince yourself you are not a failure you blame your own people... to satisfy your conscience you repeat litany of power is not evil, it is how we use it... it is boring you know Martelai, you sound just like so many before you, it is as if I am listening to litany of corrupt mages - they all tell what you did and they have all failed and fallen. Worst part is many of them are aware what they are doing as I think you are.
You are not like those others Martelai - just look at them: overzealuos servant of puny gods of men, thing devoid of free will... jealous wizard who grasps at power of the dead in attempt to be better then his peers, even now attempting to leech power from you... mortal man who practices Art of the Sword yet understands it not except as a way to cut something, disgrace really... there are few however who might be of some use - a child, a healer and one of your little sisters, you should talk with them - there is power in these lands, it is not too late for you to throw away your foul power and turn to things more pure...
But I will not judge you - 'judge not lest be judged yourself', all of us have our demons, so consider all this to be advice, no more, no less... after all, we are but a pawns of Fate, we are what we were created to be, aren't we - there is no choice, there is no chance... I am not made to wield, but to be wielded so wield me foul one or wield me not, the choice is yours... in the end, actions will judge us all. I will do what I can to help, it is what I am made to do..."

With feint smile, voice slowly fades, presence in the amulet remaining present yet farther away. And slowly, but surely you can feel power in the item, raw magical energy given shape and form. Part of this energy (and likely only a small part) activates and for a moment you feel yourself overwhelmed, as if you are no longer in control of yourself. It lasts for but a moment however and when your senses return, you find yourself holding amulet, now shining faintly with silvery glow in one hand and strange weapon, sword seemingly wrought of ... something ... in other.
Martelai took 1 damage - apparent you managed to cut yourself on the amulet.

Shard of Eldanarth, amulet
Light mithril chain is linked to triangular piece of strange grayish metal that seems virtually weightless and partially transparent, as it does not entirely belong to this world. Single extremely complex silver rune is etched in its center, its meaning unknown. Item shines in pale silvery light and is warm to touch – it somehow feels alive.
Property: amulet of protection: amulet grants +3 to reflex, will and fortitude defenses
Property: latent knowledge: user of amulet has +2 to all knowledge skill rolls
Power: Invoke Starblade: minor, at-will: user invokes Starblade of Eldanarth (see below)
Item: Starblade of Eldanarth, Blade of Stars
Crystallized darkness is wrapped around silver core of weapon is filled with stars, their radiance many times the light of stars on the sky. It hums softly and stars flow inside it as if its interior is liquid window into star filled night of some forgotten world. Weapon is wrought of magic and energy, shaped by power of Shard of Eldanarth and will of its user. It is weightless and changes its shape and size to accommodate will of its user.
Minor, at-will: Blade of Stars: user of Shard of Eldanarth can invoke Blade of Stars at will as minor action and it can take shape of any melee weapon he has proficiency with. If Blade is thrown, it disappears after attack and immediately reforms in its user’s hand and if dropped or it leaves user’s grasp in other way, it ceases to be until invoked again.
Blade of Stars cannot be invoked in the mortal world and it can always be invoked in Feywild. Otherwise, DM has final word if Blade can be invoked on certain plane of existence – as it draws its power from arcane magic and fey realms, it is likely to be usable on planes with high affinity with magic and unlikely to be usable on planes with low affinity with magic.
Enhancement: Blade has enhancement bonus to hit and damage equal to enhancement bonus of Shards
Critical: 4 damage per plus (same damage type as sword), target is slowed until end of foe’s next turn.
Property: Blade of Stars: weapon deals radiant force damage on Feywild, damage type can differ when invoked in other arcane realms.
Property: Starblade can be wielded by any attribute of wielder’s choice rather than Str, as far as basic attacks and opportunity attacks are considered. It can be shaped into implement in which case it functions as one.
Minor: change shape of Starblade into any weapon or implement user has proficiency with. It performs as that weapon as far as basic statistics are concerned, including any and all features of weapon such as defensive weapon, offhand weapon, high crit…

Martelai meditates over the amulet, softly whispering to himself - he seems to be napping. Suddenly and without warning, he stands up and spreads his arms, clutching amulet in one. He squeezes the item hard and several drops of blood flow from his cut palm. As drops of blood start falling, amulet picks up silvery glow, similar to setting silver moon and with soft hum, weapon manifests in his other hand, strange thing wrought of magic and ... something.
[sblock="strange weapon"]
Crystallized darkness is wrapped around silver core of weapon is filled with stars, their radiance many times the light of stars on the sky. It hums softly and stars flow inside it as if its interior is liquid window into star filled night of some forgotten world.


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OOC: There is no shortage of tiny nocturnal creatures around (not sure what Lilli wants with them though :) )

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