(Adventure) The Burning Tower (Knight Otu Judging) [Concluded]


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Persephone sighs, debating whether to use her last magic missile or not. She decides to await an opening. If she can drag the monk out of the combat area w/o getting too close to the construct, she will.

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Gorefoot - Gnome Barbarian 1

Bloody spittle flying from his incoherent screams, Gorefoot brings his sword down on the construct again and again with disturbing potency.

OOC: Continuing to rage (7 rounds left) and power attack for 1. +6 (+8 for flanking) to hit, 1d10+9 damage.


Round 4 ends, 5 begins

Gorefoot misses.

(Fant can still go in round 4.)

Persephone looks for a way to help Rodimus, but realizes the monk is actually sharing the enemy constructs space. (The X is the space they share.)

Nars swings each of his blades, and connects with one of them. The blow isn't able to penetrate the vital areas, but he still strikes for 1 point of damage. OOC: It's got moderate fortification, so you can get sneak attack damage, but only on a particularly lucky shot.

Ishmael is next.


Ooc: Nimisgod, you did that action allready... and fumbled your warhammer. Do you want to pick it up and attack again? It would risk an AOO.


LEW Judge
ooc: oops! My bad. I didn't see that line.

The Halfling considered moving to Rodimus' rescue. Based on what he remembered seeing in the half-orc's aura however, he decided that would rather not do so unless ordered.

Ishmael raised his shield to his defense and carefully picked up Violet.

ooc: Standard action-> Full Defense
Move action-> Pick up Warhammer
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Persephone, confused at this sort of combat, unknown to her before, is confused.

"Fant!" She shouts. "I've only got one spell left! Should I use it now?"


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'Ed' i'ear ar' elenea!²'
Morulas exclaims, watching blades and hammers clang in the fray, winceing as the huge constructs unabated fury. His gracefully curved eyes noting all to well the splatters of red on the floor which certainly did not flow from the countless chinks and dents that mar the mechanical brutes armored hide.

'Whatever mishap Rilithorne may have brought upon himself, he'll have to pay for this one!'
with these words, the elf once more steels his resolve and draws another arrow to his cheek-bone, waiting for yet another opportunity to get a clear shot.


By the sea and stars!

[Attack + 3 (inc. -4 penalty) / Damage 1d8 +1]

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