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[Adventure] The Darkest Night (DM: johnmeier1, Judge: Ozymandias79)


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Tonk flips onto his feet and charges the warcaster standing by himself. [Move: Stand. Standard: CHARGE! to L4. 1d20+10+1=25 v. AC, 1d8+5(mace)+1d8(vanguard property)=12]

Tonk slaps the warcaster in the face, then follows up with a punishing blow to the hobgoblin's midsection. A flare of light bursts from Tonk's armor, rejuvenating the half-orc. [Free: Use daily power of the armor -- regain 13 HP] Tonk hops to the other side of the warcaster. [Shift to L5. Tonk gains +1 AC.]

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Murphy uses the stored necrotic energy in his armor to punish the hobgoblin who knocked him down. The assassin stood up, and looked at the bastard sword at his foes feet, "You are on my blade" Murphy hisses, then calls a shadow creature onto its back. With the hobgoblin slightly distracted, Murphy flipped the blade in the air, catching it in the opposite direction he was holding it and stabbed downwards.

The blade plunged into the foes chest and as it did, Murphy drew upon the shadow energy and lets it flow through him, distorting his appearance.

Did you catch this from last turn? Immediate Reaction: If J3 hits Murphy with melee attack use Deathcut Leather armor Daily power to do 1d10+4 Necrotic damage. If not I'd like to have used it necrotic (1d10+4=14) deals max damage[/sblock]


Free: shroud on hobbo at J3
Move: Stand
Standard: Shadow Storm on J3 (invoke shroud) - vs ac; dmg; shroud (1d20+12=24, 1d4+12=13, 1d6=6) hits AC 24 for 19 damage (damage is 4 dex, 1 enhancement, 2 from it being bloodied, 4 because no other enemies adjacent, 1 from one adjacent creature)
I hope that kills him...
Minor: Shade Form - he is insubstantial, and he gains vulnerable 5 radiant. In addition, he can make Stealth checks to become hidden if he had any cover or concealment, and he can use cover granted by his allies both to become hidden and to remain hidden. Sustain Minor: The form persists.

[sblock=ministats]Murphy Tang Male Human Assassin 4
Initiative: +6, Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 14, Senses: Normal
AC:22, Fort:17, Reflex:20, Will:20
HP:45/45, Bloodied:22, Surge Value:11, Surges left:8/8
Action Points: 1
Executioner's Noose
Shadow Storm
Assassin's Shroud
Shadow Step
Changeling Disguise

Shadow Darts
Army of the Night
Sneak Attack
Changeling's Trick
Cloak of Shadows
Slayer's Escape
Shade Form

Targeted for Death
Twilight Assassin
Talon Amulet
Deathcut Leather Armour


Important Stuff: When Murphy kills with a melee attack, gains 5 thp.
When attacking with CA, add +1 damage (Talon Amulet)

Full sheet: [/sblock]


[sblock=OOC] Murphy kills the hobgoblin at H2 (sorry forgot about the armor, was thinking of the hobgoblin who went away from you) so Tonk can charge right by. Tonk bloodies W2.[/sblock]


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Dextyr moves away from the edge of the ship, not wanting to get thrown into the churning sea. He continues to sing the battle hymn when he notices Shorrin is hard pressed by a group of hobgoblins. "Fear not Shorrin, we shall drive these wretches to the bottom of the sea" he shouts out, hoping to motivate his large and outnumbered friend.

Move Action = move to J5
Minor Action = Sustain zone
Minor Action = Majestic word on Shorrin, spend a HS and slide 1 square if you would like.


First Post
"Noooooooooo" Janus cries as the dragonling takes a swan dive into the drink, "You'll pay for that you, you pirate, goblin things..." Janus wittingly finishes as another spell is cast amongst the milling crowd.

Move Action: N/A
Standard Action: Sleep @ N2 Burst 2: 1d20+7+1 Vs Will

Hit: Target is slowed (save ends). If the target fails its first saving throw against this power, the target becomes unconscious (save ends)Miss: Target is slowed (save ends)
Hit: Target is slowed (save ends). If the target fails its first saving throw against this power, the target becomes unconscious (save ends)
Miss: Target is slowed (save ends)
FFS Invisible Castle is the suckiest die roller, ever.
Hit: Target is slowed (save ends). If the target fails its first saving throw against this power, the target becomes unconscious (save ends)Miss: Target is slowed (save ends)

[sblock=Stat Block]
Janus Reinhardt - Male Human Wizard 4
Passive Perception: 15, Passive Insight: 21
AC: 20, Fort: 14, Reflex: 18, Will: 18 -- Speed: 6
HP: 15/34, Bloodied: 16, Surge Value: 8+2, Surges left: 7/7
Initiative: +6
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: Available
Powers: Magic Missile, Ray of frost, Thunderwave, Icy Terrain, Color Spray, Freezing Cloud (Not Memorized), Sleep (Memorized),
Expeditious Retreat (Memorized), Feather Fall (Not Memorized)

Dragonling: Dead
AC: 20, Fort: 14, Reflex: 18, Will: 18 Speed 5, Fly 6 (hover)
HP: 1. a missed attack never damages it.
Constant Benefits: Can read and speak Draconic. When you spend a healing surge regain 2 additional HP.
Active Benefits: Dragons Breath. Once per encounter, use dragonling’s space as origin square for a close blast arcane attack power.


[sblock=changer] It looks like if you use N2 you will hit Shorrin and miss W2, I think you meant N3. Depending on where Shorrin shifts this may hit him or not... but it will definitely hit Tonk if you want to roll that one (roll for both of them just in case, or I will later)

At the moment you only hit W2 but the others are still slowed. Do you want to use orb of imposition to give any of them a penalty?

[sblock=OOC] Some hobgoblins seem to immediate resist the spell:
H3 slow 5 (still slowed save ends)
H5 slow 15 (saves)
W1 slow 2 (still slowed save ends)
W2 sleep 15 (saves)
W3 slow 16 (saves)

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I thought I was before them in initiative. I won't cast if it hits either, I will do a full post when I get home from work. Sorry.


[sblock=OOC] I will post for Shorrin and Saraz in 2 hours or so to keep the game moving. I know with the Wiki down things have slowed (and maybe the Easter holiday) but this is just the first encounter...

Shorrin will use Dextyr's slide to M1, then shift to L2 and Tide of Iron H3
Saraz will move to H4 and use Memory Hole (no Augment) on H3 if he is still alive...

Voidrunner's Codex

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