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(Adventure) The Island of Varras'zul (Manzanita Judging) (Concluded)


LEW Judge
Surprise Round:

Nezrak drew steel, stepped toward the halfling then cut at the space above his companion's head. The blade connected and bounced off the creature's hide, but not without slicing a deep gash upon its body [8 damage].

Unlike most animals, the Python did not retreat at the failure of its ambush. It turned its attention to Nezrak instead of the halfling struck at the grey elf. The python latched its fanged mouth upon the elf's shoulder [5 damage, 0/5 hp]then adjusted its fall to land upon Nezrak. Quick as lightning and with the mouth still biting, the Python wrapped its muscled coils around Nezrak and constricted [7 damage, -7/5 hp]. The breathless Nezrak soon fell to darkness afterward.

Bloodlust flashed in the Python's eyes as it felt its prey fall limp. It loosened its coils from the elf's body, ready to fell another victim. Nezrak lay senseless amongst the vegetation.

Round 1


Rillian, like Nezrak, drew his dagger and stabbed at the Python. Since the Python was between Rillian and Ogrin, he took advantage of the distraction wrought by the animal's unfavorable position. Rillian missed however, his short blade unable to connect with the swaying yet quick movements of the python.

The Python retaliated against Rillian's attack but likewise missed. It hissed angrily as Rillian dodged its fangs with agility.

The dwarf Rasereit drew the bigger of his axes and moved toward the animal. The undergrowth prevented him from moving very far, however. He managed to close with the animal, but had yet to make an attack. Grunting, he readied both his weapons for a fierce attack...

ooc: Scun's turn



Mona Rillian
Python* Rasereit

*Python is on top of Nezrak

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First Post
Scun spontaneously turns his prepared shield of faith into a cure light wounds and then steps forward and discharges the heal on Nezrak. He should be next to Mona, and he tells her that she can stand behind him for protection.


First Post
As the snake is no longer wrapped around his companion, Rillian is comfortable switching to a larger weapon. Droping his dagger, he draws his short sword, and attacks the Python, doing his best to keep the snake between him and a companion. When the Python falls, Rillian will be sure to retrieve his dagger.

/ooc I just wanted you to know that I understood:
nimisgod said:
ooc3: Rillian cannot draw a dagger, move to the python and attack bec. he does not have BAB +1.
Which is why I specified an attack only if his movement was 5ft or less, since you can combine drawing a weapon, a 5ft move, and an attack :)


Ogrin curses his ignorance. Busy swatting flies, he did not have his weapons ready - not that he expected trouble this quickly. He draws his rapier [move action], tries to find an advantageous position [possible 5ft step] and stabs at the snakes head when it seems occupied with another ally. Attack, possibly sneak attack damage due to flanking.

Attack: Rapier +3 (1D4+3, crit 19-20/x2, sneak attack damage 1D6)
Defense: AC 17, HP 8, Saves Fort +3 Ref +6 Will +1

OOC: Ogrin will have his rapier drawn after this battle.


LEW Judge
Round 2:


Scun channelled the power of Mongrel through his touch and into the prone grey elf. Some of Nezrak's wounds disappeared and his condition stabilized, but he was still unconscious (-1/5 hp).

Ogrin stabbed at the creature with his rapier but his blade bounced off the python's leathery hide.

Mona moved behind Scun, seeking the protection of the half-orc's wide frame. She began to incant a prayer of healing for when the way to Nezrak was free of danger.

Rillian's shortsword found the same success that Ogrin had.

The Python continued its attack upon Rillian but once again, Rillian's agility prevailed.

Rasereit felled ax blows upon the snake. A deadly near miss sliced open the python's belly whilst the dwarf's handax finished off the fallen beast.

ooc: combat over.

Mona moved to touch Nezrak, healing him fully with the power of her spell. Bones moved to their proper places and the bite marks disappeared completely.
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First Post
As the 2 clerics are attending to the fallen Nezrak, Rillian sheathes his shortsword, and then carefully collects, cleans and sheathes his dagger. Keeping his javelins ready, he says:

"Wow, Rasereit, you sure gave that snake what for! I sure am glad it didn't get a-hold-a me like it did poor Nezrak. Where'd ya learn to fight like that?"


Ogrin agrees with Rillian. "Aye, a well-placed blow it was.". He pokes the snake corpse with his boot and continues, "Makes the mosquitos look quite harmless, eh?"
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Rae ArdGaoth

"Ha harr!" Razh laughs aloud as he examines the dead python's body. "Ah got ye good, din't Ah, wee thing? Naught kin stand up against a mighty dwarf of the Vundinn clan! Me 7th father taught me how t'fight. He got himself kilt soon after that, though. Practice, me friends, practice. And what better practice than slaying goblins galore, neh? 'Tis what I do best! Ha harr!" He takes his waraxe and chops the beast's head off. After digging a shallow hole, he places the head in the ground. "But still, the fella was probably just hungry. Ah well. Better put this outta the way so no one gets hurt." He cleans his blades on some large tropical leaves then walks over to Nezrak to see how he's doing.


First Post
As Nezrak comes back to consciusness, he shakes his head to clear his thoughts, and looks around. Seeing that the snake is dead, he moves to pick up his sword and get up, brushing dirt from his clothes. He looks at Scun and answers: "I think I'm alright, I don't feel any worse than you usually are supposed to do after you've been bitten by a huge snake. Or something. Not exactly a promising start for me, but it would be a lot worse without you. Thanks to you and everybody else."

Looking around, he continues: "Everybody else looks alive too, right? I suppose we shouldn't stop moving, since I'm alright too. The sooner we get further, the sooner we get safe. Supposedly at least. We can't really see far in this jungle."

He then proceeds to clean his blade, while thanking everybody.

OOC: It's been a long time since I've played a 1st level character. Whew. Nezrak will keep his sword in hand after this.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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