• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Adventure: The Power of Knowledge (DM: Fragsie, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)


First Post
In a strange combination of shadow magic and grace, Mikara teleports herself on either side of the rushing hoard, back fliping here, and tumbling there, in order to herd them into a straighter line and hopefully keep them from trying to rush in at all angles.

- Move actions: Mikara uses Shadow Step to teleport on either side of people and then uses Acrobatics as part of those move actions to backflip an tumble in a path that keeps people from moving where she doesn't want them to go (i.e. anywhere but a straight line a few people wide). She rolls an Acrobatics check (main skill for a physical challenge; gains a +2 bonus because of this) (1d20+10+2=21) [/sblock]

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[sblock=OOC]There is no primary skill for this challenge so you don't get the +2 for that, but quite an imaginative skill use so i'll give it to you anyway ;)[/sblock]


First Post
Skalisss wades into the crowd attempting to use his size and strength to help the others steer the masses into the TURTLEDOME!

"Right thisss way people, there isss room for all in the TURTLEDOME!"

[SBLOCK=Aid Another]
Aid Another: Strength check (1d20+5=6)
Fail the DC10, Skalisss will not lend an ally a +2 modifier this round. :(


[sblock=OOC]I'll wait until after Brother Shane to do Growl's turn in case he can give an edge to whatever Tinwe rolls, you only need one more success for a total victory.[/sblock]


First Post
Growl shifts to his bear form, attempting to awe them with the primal strength of the nature spirits and point them the right way, but only succeeds in startling some of the people into hurrying more.

[sblock=Mechanics]Athletics Check (1d20+6=13)[/sblock]

[sblock=Growl's Info]Growl- "Male" Warforged Druid 2
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 20
AC: 19, Fort: 15, Reflex: 12, Will: 17 - Speed: 6
HP: 35/35, Bloodied: 17, Surge Value: 8 (10 in beast form), Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

Chill Wind
Savage Rend
Swarming Locusts
Wild Shape

Darting Bite
Second Wind
Warforged Resolve

Faerie Fire
Enduring Beast Hide Armor +1 (Daily)

Full character sheet[/sblock]


[sblock=OOC] I only just noticed you updated your post garyh, and the use of your wild shape is cool, no doubt quite awe inspiring, so a +2 for you :)

I'll post for Brother Shane in 3 1/2 hours if we don't hear from Tinwe.[/sblock]


[sblock=Roll for Brother Shane]Diplomacy 1d20+8 = 10. Writing update now.[/sblock]

Skalisss' initial attempt to slow the masses with physical force unfortunately don't work and quite a few are injured in the rush to enter the giant turtle, but reassurances from the monk in your midst help to slow the onslaught just enough to allow Ceryx to tend the wounds of those that had been hurt. Gradually the team starts to work together like a well oilled machine with the massive hulk of a half metal bear, and the flitting acrobatics of a semi-transparent drow keeping the crowd (almost fearfully) in line and moving at a reasonable pace.

[sblock=Results]Skill Challenge S2: Crowd Corral - Total Victory(8 successes), each character gains a single use +2 to diplomacy checks to influence Mr. Pinch. The party gains 2x healing potions.

The characters will only be awarded experience during an extended rest, so you don't officially get it yet, but I will keep a running list of experience in the tracking spoiler in my original post. In case you're curious; you each got 200 XP for that[/sblock]

As the population of Dauntons dockside slowly filters past you the area become a lot more open, and you spy a large man sat under an parasol in an oversized deck chair at the end of a pier in the distance, there is a chest of some description next to him, and what you presume to be a fishing rod poking out over the harbour waters.

"Ah, and there is the... err; man, himself!" rasps Ned.
"So it is, we should like to take you to him post haste, from such a nice spot he no doubt witnessed your valiant efforts to bring us new customers. Oh, before we forget..."
"I promised you these." the skull lord reaches into his pack and removes two potion flasks that he proffers to the group at large.


The rag-tag group of adventurers; led by the skull lord, walk across the dockside and up one of the harbours three stonework main piers. As you approach the end of the pier it becomes apparent that the person you are going to see is no man, but an oni. His skin is a vivid turquoise and his grey-white hair is tied into a pony tail to keep it neat under a wide brimmed hat. The hat is adorned with a number of hooks and fishing lures, some of which are much bigger than the majority of fish to be found in Dauntons waters. Beside him is an exquisitely carved chest that has opened out to a small table, running down each side of the chest are a number of small drawers, one of which is open to reveal a selection of lead weights.

Upon noticing your approach the oni rests his rod on the open drawer, attaching it to a small hook before reaching over to the tabletop beside him where you can see a flagon and a number of tea cups;

"May I offer you a drink, that certainly looked like tiring work, I suppose old chuckle-bones here roped you in to doing that?" The oni waves toward the skull lord with a slightly exasperated look.
"Not that your efforts were not appreciated of course, allow me to introduce myself; I am Aggravus Pinch, and I have a job for you... one that requires a modicum of restraint. I have a fair amount of experience with adventurers from Daunton, and based on that I am slightly nervous about hiring you people for this quest, especially considering its political nature. But the city has agreed to send a representative of their own along with you, thus safeguarding me slightly."

Mr. Pinch pauses a moment to allow this to sink in.

"Almost two days ago now, The 'Magnificently Muscled Minotaur Mob'; one of my gladiator groups, went out into yonder city to find an old shrine that they had heard tale of so that they could pray for victory in their upcoming bout. They are not normally overly religious, but I gathered from their request that this shrine has a particular meaning to their people, so I let them go."

"They have not returned since, and they are due to fight in the Turtledome in a days time. I would like you to find and bring back my missing minotaurs, before their fight if at all possible."

The oni steeples his hands and looks at you over the top of his half-rimmed glasses, waiting for your responses, the more alert of you may have noticed that he does not seem to be affected by the same magicks that make everyone else shout out the monster arenas name.
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First Post
Mikara steps out in front of the group and walks with a bounce in her step.

"Hi Mr. Pinch!" Mikara says, waving in a very feminine way, It's really nice to meet you. My name is Mikara. Yeah, we met up with your bone-head assistant," she says with a slightly mischievous grin on her face, looking over at the skull lord wryly, "And he said that you had this job for us. Don't worry, we won't hurt your gladiators too much. We don't want them dead before their fight, right? We can talk first and see if they will come back with us without a fight, so no worries, kk? Even if they won't come back nicely, we can always just rough them up a bit or knock them out." Mikara looks around, making a show of being awed at the splendor of the magnificent TURTLEDOME! "That won't be a problem with all of your magics, right? You could get them all healed up for their fight tomorrow?"

I'll use Mikara's +2 to diplomacy on this roll. Her Diplomacy is 1d20+4, so please roll the 1d20+6 for me (IC is down again...*sigh*) [/sblock]


[sblock=Roll for Mikara]Diplomacy Check 1d20+6 = 9, unfortunate, Invisible castle seems like it's going through some kind of life/death crisis at the moment, so until it's reliably back up, I'd like us all to use CoCo Roller please, sign up for it, just make sure that all your session names have 'TPoK' in them, and the encounter title if there is one.[/sblock]

Mr. Pinch chuckles slightly at Mikara's cute display; "Well met young drow, I know many of your kind; in fact there is a harem under my employment, so I am fully aware that you are in fact not cute at all, but deadly!"

"With any luck my gladiators are not staying away of their own free will, if they are there should be no need to rough them up even if you could..." Uncontrolled giggling escapes the oni's mouth for a moment, but he manages to bring it under control soon enough. "...I have here a scroll that is linked to the minotaur's contract, simply read this to them and they will be compelled to follow you back here." Mr. Pinch opens another of the many drawers in his fishing chest and recovers a scroll case and passes it to the drow girl.

"I think it more likely that they encountered a group of adventurers who thought they were raiding the city or some-such thing and got into a scrape. So if they are wounded, yes I have provisions with which to facilitate their recovery."


First Post
"Oh, thank you!" Mikara says, continuing to keep up her bubbly girl facade as she accepts the scroll. "Hopefully we won't have to use this. That just wouldn't be any fun! Of course, that means that your gladiators might be in some real trouble!"

Mikara turns to the rest of the group. "Those Minotaurs might be in some big trouble, so we should hurry and try to catch up to them! They already have two days lead on us!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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