Adventure: The stolen staff (DM: Someone. Judge: Luinnar)


Shun sparkles at the sight of flowing water.

Ahhhh, now that's a sight for sore eyes. Water in this forsaken hole.

The wilden drops his gear at the water's edge and reaches down to splash his face and wash the dust and grime that has been collecting over his plant-like hide.

Brrrr. Colder than a witch's :):):), this is. Still this is the first sign of hope I've seen since we came down here. I wonder about that hole in the wall across the stream. Let me see if I can reach it. Anyone have a length of rope I can carry across?

After grabbing the loose end of a rope, and asking Ryan to hold the coil, Shun drops his legs over the side of the underground channel and begins to wade across.

Refreshing, really. But... a violent shake runs through his body, shiver me timbers, this is cold.

Bracing himself against the strength of the current, and wrapping his arms around his torso to keep some small measure of warmth within his body. He continues to push across the water, wading as far as he can, hoping that the bottom doesn't drop out from underneath his feet forcing him further into the chilly stream.

Upon reaching the other side, Shun throws out his arms and takes in a deep breath.

Ahhhh, that did the trick, it did. I feel better than I have since we left the coast.

The water doesn't appear to be dripping off Shun at all, but rather it starts flowing across his skin and disappears underneath the leafy edges.

Great mother, that feels good. Let me see what we've got here.

The warden pokes his head into the hole in the wall to see where it leads.
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Brrrr. Colder than a witch's :):):), this is.
Eva rolls her eyes at that. Then, half-consciously, she moves a hand to her rear as if to check. That's when she realizes she's still wearing the magical gloves she identified from before. "These do fit nicely," she observes quietly.

OOC: The gauntlets happen to be on Eva's wishlist, so I'll grab them if no one else will.


These new tunnels Shun discovered are a bit cramped, but they'll do. They seem to be abandoned, but you persevere until the only way forward is through a hole not 4 feet tall. since Lilli is the only one who can fit comfortably*, she takes the scouting role while the others crawl on hands a knees behind her.

The claustrophobic hole finally opens over a mor espacious and well it corridor. However, the sound of an orc patrol comes nearer; with all the noise the rest of the group is making, they'll hear them for sure.

Lilli frantically looks around trying to decide what to do, and notices that the walls at the other side of the corridor are a bit unstable. A well placed spell could crumble them on the orcs, but where? Or perhaps the easiest solution could be to come back to the main group and quietly warn them abut the coming danger.

Suggested skills: Stealth, Dungeoneering

*Vyrna is a revenant. They are medium size.


First Post
"Oh, Vena, they sound like a party of dwarves on a bender," thinks Lilli, as she uses her Ghost Sound illusion to warn those behind her of the patrolling orcs. The front three of her companions hear a warning in their ears, as Lilli reactively flattens herself against the tunnel wall.

"Shhhh! Be still a moment! They'll hear us! Let them pass!"

As she does so, she readies the same illusion to mask the sounds of the party from the Orcs, should they prove inquisative, as a distraction away from the group's hidey-hole. Lilli considers for a moment what an Orc Guard's breaking wind might sound like...could Prestidigitation help here for an aromatic effect afterwards too?

[sblock=actions]Strealth roll: 18. Roll Lookup [/sblock]


Lilli watches the orc patrol pass without noticing her. When they dissapear beyond a bend she breathes with relief and signals the others to continue.

Looks like you're reaching the deepest part of the forgotten fortress. Sounds of activity reverberate and may orc voices are heard. In front of you there's an arch, guarded by two sentinels. You overpower them easily and advance to see what's behind the gate.

A muddy river divides a large chamber in two. Behind it two orcs toil around a table with numerous flasks and vials, while nearby another one gives instructions to a large group of them. Vyrna deciphers that, apparently, there are intruders in the fortress, but the rumours about an undead army are false. They must split and comb every inch of the tunnels...

That's when they apot you, but not before you can use the time to set up your attack. The leading orc brandishes his symbol of command: a long and elaborate staff that you recognize by the description Charles gave you: the staff of Suha!

GM: Since you did the challenge without failing once, you have a surprise round here. Do it and then we'll roll initiative

None yet
Ryan: 31/31
Lily 27/30,
Eva 22/24,
Shun 35/35,
Vyrna 22/22

Leading orc: 92/92
AC: 19 Fort:16 Ref:15 Will:16 MBA: +8 VS AC, 2d6+4 damage and target is Marked.
Orc alchemists:
AC: 16 Fort:14 Ref:15 Will:14 MBA: +7 VS AC, 2d4+4 damage
Orc troop: Minions
AC: 14 Fort:14 Ref:14 Will:14 MBA: +7 VS AC, 6 damage
The river and it’s edges look slippery and treacherous. You will be Slowed for sure if you try to cross it not using the bridge, and who knows what else[/sblock]



Eva whispers to Ryan beside her, "Maybe they won't notice us if we don't say anything." Eva then wordlessly fires off a magical bolt at one of the lesser orcs. He cries out horribly before falling to the ground dead with a force bolt in his chest.

[sblock=Eva actions / stats]Surprise: Magic Missile vs Orc Troop (H15) autohits and autokills it. (I'm not in range to do anything else.)

Init: 17. (1d20+1=17)

PC:Eva (Dekana) - L4W Wiki- Female Elf Mage 1
Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 10
AC:15, Fort:12, Reflex:15, Will:13 -- Speed:7
HP:22/24, Bloodied:12, Surge Value:6, Surges left:4/8
Initiative +1
Action Points: 0

Disrupt Undead, Ghost Sound, Phantasmal Assault, Restless Dead, Magic Missile
Color Orb, Darkening Flame, Elven Accuracy, Second Wind, Spook
Spirit Rend
Darkening Flame, Ray of Enfeeblement
Spirit Rend, Summon Dretch[/sblock][/sblock]
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