D&D General Adventurers Go Left?

Adventurers Go Left?

  • Turn left to victory

    Votes: 15 50.0%
  • Right you are. Go right.

    Votes: 9 30.0%
  • I did not sign up for this. Turn back.

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Destroy the stone in front of you. Go forwards.

    Votes: 4 13.3%

Imagine your adventuring party goes down a stone corridor in some dungeon. You reach an intersection where one corridor snakes to the left. The other corridor sharply turns to the right. Both feature sconces of torches at regular intervals.
Where everything is equally enigmatic and dangerous what do you do?

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Bacon Bits

This was maybe 25 years ago now. Myself and another player in our current group used to play in a campaign where some of the players... tended to do a lot of stupid and dangerous things. Not even always intentionally. The players were just that dense sometimes. They were great guys, they were just the type to investigate a strange panel in the dungeon floor by standing on it. Or starting a fight with a heavily telegraphed dragon masquerading as a human wizard... who we were sent to ask for help.

It became a bit of a trope that these PCs would always start out every encounter, room exploration, etc. by going right and then doing something stupid. At one point me and the other player just looked at each other and we said, "We step to the left." Going left became the way to say to each other that we weren't doing something stupid. And it kept our characters alive and saved the party more than once.

So whenever the DM asks, "Which way are you going?" the answer is almost always, "We go left."


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Imagine your adventuring party goes down a stone corridor in some dungeon. You reach an intersection where one corridor snakes to the left. The other corridor sharply turns to the right. Both feature sconces of torches at regular intervals.
Where everything is equally enigmatic and dangerous what do you do?
You ain’t looking right, it’s full of openings, it’s just you ain’t seein’ ‘em.


Hi, I'm a Mindflayer, but don't let that worry you
Side-scroller video games (Mario, Mega Man, Contra, etc.) have trained me to think that right = end-goal. So I would choose right if I wanted to complete the dungeon as soon as possible, and left if I wanted to explore more.
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