D&D 5E Adventures in Rokugan Arrives August 5th

Adventures in Rokugan is Edge Studios' official 5E version of Legend of the Five Rings, announced last year. Legend of the Five Rings is an East Asian inspired setting which goes all the way back to the 1990s, and was purchased by Fantasy Flight Games in 2018, before being moved over to FFG's sister company, Edge Studios in 2020 (which has taken over all the TTRPG operations from FFG, including Star Wars).

The 5E version includes new classes -- Shinobi, Pilgrim, Courtier, Ritualist, Bushi, Duelist, Acolyte -- and various new shapeshifting animal species.

It's coming out on August 5th and will cost $49.99.

Adventures in Rokugan brings the famous setting of Legend of the Five Rings to the ever-popular ruleset of the 5th Edition SRD. Players can explore this rich setting in a whole new light, and the familiar rules promise to engage an entirely new audience of roleplaying fans. Alongside a new focus on roleplaying activities such as dungeon delving and monster hunting, Adventures in Rokugan promises to provide something for all fans of Rokugan.


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Sorry for your friend. I also lost my cousin by fault of a cancer refall. He was younger than me, married and with two little children. We were together in her younger brother's wedding some months before.


I see reasons to hope a great future for AiR. L5R has been a RPG what has atracted a lot of anime+manga fans, and I wouldn't be too surprised if some players used AiR to play settings based in different franchises from manga+anime.

You can play no-humans, but it is not very easy to explain the reason because a tengu would be with humans.

Rokugan was designed for stories about court intrigues, not to be a dungeon-crawler campaign.

I have thought about special infernal plane for the kolats, and others without a religious life. Their punishment, or test, in the afterlife, is to live in a realm like the material plane, but they have to survive without the spiritual guide of the Heaven. They try it.. and sometimes it works for a time, but they fall, and they rebuild again. Is their "afterlife" a "failed state"? Almost, but there is also enough hope to prove they don't need the guide of the Heaven.

* Other point is if the emperors allows alliance marriages with people from other realms and a different religion... what about the fate in the afterlife? Perhaps someone executed for converting to a foreign religion would be considered a traitor by his compatriots, but a holy martyr by his corelegionaries. Where would go that soul in the afterlife? Maybe the Rokugans would be really surprised if this wasn't sent to the Jidoku(hell) but the Heaven.

* Or Fe Lung discovers he discover he needs the "essence" or "ki" from somebody. This is like a reincarnation, but not really, but his soul is more like a "quantic clone", something like Mark Twain's "The Prince and the Pauper". This soul lived a fate like him (the youngest brother and not very love by his father) but this was enough lucky to find the right spritial guide and this tought him to love himself and forgive his father. Then he changed his fate. Fu Leng catchs him and "steals" his "ki" also his memories, and then Fun Leng realises how had been his life if he was chosen other path, or he had fallen in other place where he didn't become the hell-king. Then causes Fu Leng started to doubt about his goals, but now he can't stop because there are new troubles, unknown shadow created from the Darkness. The oni meet their match.

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