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Advice! Any ideas on a race of bunny fairy creatures?

My girlfriend is really in to both bunnies and fairies. I though it would be nice if I could present her with a race of fairy bunnies. I know that in most cases she finds the body shape of the bunny cuter than a humanoid bunny person or bunny girl, so I was thinking fuzzy rabbits with gossamer wings. However we are playing fourth edition now and while I can run a combat ok I'm still not what you would call well versed in the rules. I could use help with Monster Manual stats but most especially with making a playable character race like the ones in the back of the MM.

I have no idea if fairy rabbits appear in any preexisting mythology or literature so I don't what kind of fey niche they would hold. Though certainly something cute. No deadly killer bunnies with pointy teeth.

I know she likes the Viera bunnywomen from the Ivalice kingdom in Final Fantasy 12?

Any thoughts?
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The EN World kitten
I can't think of any sort of bunny-people, fey or not, from WotC or third-party books.

I never played FFXII, but the viera just seemed like slightly-mystical bunny-people to me, and not truly fey (like elves in D&D). If that's your take also, you might be interested in the following.

A while back, I also wanted to make a viera-like character. I developed a race by using the stats for a hare (from Dangerous Denizens, from Kenzer Co.) with the Anthropomorphic template (from Savage Species) and increased the resulting creature's size to Medium to create a new race. I posted the character, Zara, on the d20 NPC Wiki, and also listed her racial traits in case anyone else wanted to use them to make a PC. Hopefully, those will be of help to you.

As an aside, the character was made with rules from the Book of Erotic Fantasy, and while there are no inappropriate pictures, some of the writing is Not Safe For Work.


First Post
well, you could just take the stats of a drow, drop the +2 int and +2 dex, and spell resistance, and then say that she's shaped like whatever she wants. naturally, you'd also drop the +2 LA.

i sense it's mostly a cosmetic change. with the above, she'd still get spell-like abilities for adding to her 'fae-ness', a charisma boost, +2 against will, darkvision, and a svelte frame (fluff purposes only).

alternately, check the savage species book?


Staff member
I don't know of anything like that in particular, but here's how you could get there (besides roguerouge's excellent suggestion):

1) Savage Species has the Anthropomorphic Animal rules. There is also the spell Awaken. Either could be used to form the basis for your sentient bunny.

2) Add the Winged template. (Savage Species).

3) Change creature type to Fey (see MM appendix).


First Post
You, sir, are looking for the elusive Calygraunt, AKA the Feystag. Originally printed in 2Ed in a Creature Catalogue, it is a bipedal, small sized fey; a bunny's body with deer antlers. In the original art I believe he also wielded a short sword.

Here, someone converted it over to third edition.


He made it a cat with antlers. Trust me, its supposed to be a bunny. I've got the original laying around here...somewhere. Just convert him over to 4E, make him a bunny and you're good to go.


Bunnie Stirges


I can see a race of airbourne white fluffies who have long syringe like snouts and who suck you blood...

...kind of spooky! ;)


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