D&D 5E Advice: Cooking/healing half feat


So... I am looking for a half-feat geared towards cooking, that isn't as lame as Chef or Gourmand.
Ideally I am looking for something that requires preparing a meal after (a short or long rest) for X people, which gives them some amount of Temp HP.
My current concept is built off of the Medic/Chef/Gourmand Feats:
  • May up your Wisdom +1
  • You gain proficiency with cook’s utensils. If you are already proficient with them, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with them.
  • As an action, you can inspect a drink or plate of food within 5 feet of you and determine whether it is poisoned, rancid, nor safe to eat; provided that you can see and smell it.
  • After a short or long rest, you can prepare a meal for 6 people. Anyone that partakes of the meal can spend 1 hit die and get the result in both healing and temp hit points.

At first I was afraid of making something too powerful, but now I am thinking it is too weak.
This feat really only has to be balance for my character. Being a Warforged (Monk), I don't eat, so cannot benefit from the meal. (And yes, I kind of like the irony of a trained chef that can't eat his own meals.) So it being a bit powerful only helps others.

So, I would appreciate any critiques, or suggestions for changes.

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Looks pretty good!

My main concern would be the lack of scaling. 1HD (+con?) worth of temp HP can be really strong at 1st level but not very significant at lvl 10. Unfortunately I don't really have any suggestions for tweaking it.


I find it a bit powerful. The +1 Wisdom is not needed unless you have checks to make in order to make a good meal. The detect poison spell at-will may not come up that much, but is powerful enough if you walk by every plate of food in the room. The automatic healing and aid spell temp HP with no roll to see how good you made the meal is a bit much as well. It also steps on other classes abilities which may be fine, but think about if this works with them or if players need to pick one. I'm thinking about the bard's ability to play music and bonus heal people. This does not even require PCs to spend hit dice to gain the healing.

I would require some sort of Wisdom (Medicine) check to determine how good the meal was and base the healing off that.
DC15- gain 1d6 temp HP
DC17- gain 1d8 temp HP
DC20- gain 1 hit die healing
DC22- gain 1 hit die and 1d4 temp
DC25- gain 1 hit die and 1d6 temp

You could have something to boost these numbers such as if you have more than 10 ranks in medicine or if you use a healing potion in the meal. Maybe some quest for a 'secret' ingredient.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Ideally I am looking for something that requires preparing a meal after (a short or long rest) for X people, which gives them some amount of Temp HP.

Generally speaking, without modern conveniences, preparing a meal of notable quality for several to many people is likely to take longer than the one hour of a short rest. Cooking takes time.

So, you might want to require preparing a meal during a long or short rest, or just saying that the diners can't take advantage of such a meal more than once per long rest, or something.


So... I am looking for a half-feat geared towards cooking, that isn't as lame as Chef or Gourmand.
Ideally I am looking for something that requires preparing a meal after (a short or long rest) for X people, which gives them some amount of Temp HP.
My current concept is built off of the Medic/Chef/Gourmand Feats:
  • May up your Wisdom +1
  • You gain proficiency with cook’s utensils. If you are already proficient with them, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with them.
  • As an action, you can inspect a drink or plate of food within 5 feet of you and determine whether it is poisoned, rancid, nor safe to eat; provided that you can see and smell it.
  • After a short or long rest, you can prepare a meal for 6 people. Anyone that partakes of the meal can spend 1 hit die and get the result in both healing and temp hit points.

At first I was afraid of making something too powerful, but now I am thinking it is too weak.
This feat really only has to be balance for my character. Being a Warforged (Monk), I don't eat, so cannot benefit from the meal. (And yes, I kind of like the irony of a trained chef that can't eat his own meals.) So it being a bit powerful only helps others.

So, I would appreciate any critiques, or suggestions for changes.
So basically this feat is +1 Wisdom and a hit die worth of temporary HP every rest - the detect poison feature is going to come into play maybe once in a campaign, if that, and you can always use temp hit dice after a short rest anyway. Proficiency with chef's tools is whatever. The temp HP feature can be easily maxed out through various combinations with other abilities. So yeah, this is way too powerful at low levels, especially level 1 (i.e. that barbarian now has 28 HP, effectively), more balanced at higher levels, but also fundamentally uninteresting - it doesn't add new choices. You would just automatically do it as part of every rest.

Why not just say that your character is learning to cook, rather than spending a whole feat on it? Basically, what Sam Riegel is doing with his automaton character in Critical Role?

As others said, it's very powerful at low levels and not sure why the official feats are inadequate. But, my biggest concern is its free, it doesn't use any resources so why wouldn't you do it every rest? And then it just becomes something boring and background because its' all the time. Maybe the temp HP only last an hour. Or requires 10gp of ingredients per person. Or preferably, both.

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