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Advice for playing a stupid character


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I have a player IMC who usually plays high-INT, high-CHA investigator/leader types. But this time around he's playing a dumb-as-a-post lizardfolk, and he's having some trouble curbing his usual instincts for social interaction and puzzle solving. Does anyone have any suggestions to help a smart player keep in character as a dumb PC?

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How dumb is dumb-as-a-post?
Ignore the details. Don't record any names, locations, things like that (much like a lazy or apathetic player would do). Call people by the wrong name, ask people to repeat things over and over again, when they speak of hypothetical situations, request examples, and if they don't give an example, you don't really understand the concept. Same goes for things like rules (for instance, if he tries to gamble). Even if tactics or strategy are discussed at length, charge at the nearest enemy or the strongest-looking enemy and attack, unless another PC is there to tell you what to do at that moment.

Sometimes people who have very low IQ's often know it, and can often hate it. Perhaps this guy is envious of smarter people, and gets frustrated or angry at things he does not understand? An inferiority complex could develop.

Edit: Unless the smart player is a strong role-player, there is a definite chance that he will become frustrated with the character. I've seen it happen too many times. A smart/talkative/intuitive player tries to play a slow/quiet/uninspired character, usually for a laugh, but then gets frustrated by the character and feels too constrained by it after 1 or 2 sessions.
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I played just such a character once, & initially had some difficulty dealing with situations where I'd figure something out or have an idea which the other players hadn't seized upon but not have a way to share it in character. What I finally did was play my character a bit more stupid than he actually was, in order to balance the odd 'idiot savant' moment when he'd say something really sensible (allowing me the player to share those ideas). To make it more fun (& funny), I'd usually have him propose some really stupid idea immediately thereafter & like that one better.

Actually, I think that last touchs on a key ingredient to making such a character fun -- use it as a bit of comic relief. From Abbott & Costello to Rose from "Golden Girls" to Pinky (& the Brain), there's certainly the cultural history to draw upon, including those moments when the idiot fools the genius.


It really depends on what you mean by "stupid." If you mean, has poor cognitive skills, the character is going to get eaten by a hydra at some point. If you mean, "Has an Int of 4," you play them just like a regular character, except they have fewer skills, describe things in less nuanced terms, and can't grasp concepts that aren't fairly literal. They have would have a limited vocabulary. However, with a good Wis and Cha, they won't "sound dumb." They just won't say things like, "It seems likely, given his suspicious behavior earlier, the Count is actually under the effect of some spell, or not the Count at all." They'll say something like, "I get a funny feeling about the Count."

Truly dump as a post would be 7 or less on all of Int, Wis, and Cha, and would not be a playable character.


Victoria Rules
Are we talking low Int, or low Wis?

Low Wis is more fun, as you can just about do *anything* and get away with it...until you die, which inevitably happens sooner rather than later.

Low Int can become boring in a hurry, though some here have posted good ideas on what to do with it.

Charisma doesn't enter into the "dumb" equation much.


I DM a campaign with 2 hill giant PCs (see sig.) one has a 5 INT and the other has 7 INT. They both take meainings literally (they don't get innuendos, subtlety, or puns) and relationships are simplified into useful or food. Feel free to flip through the story hour for specific examples.

There is an instance, where in order to stop getting hit with arrows, one of the giants sticks another PC through a trap door to get shot in order to have the attacking orcs use up all their ammo on the "little guy" first.


First Post
Thanks for the help, folks. This is a low-Int, high-Wis character (Druidic Avenger). His scores aren't that appalling (Int 8), but the player is used to very high-Int characters so I was looking for things to help balance out that tendency.


First Post
BigCat said:
Thanks for the help, folks. This is a low-Int, high-Wis character (Druidic Avenger). His scores aren't that appalling (Int 8), but the player is used to very high-Int characters so I was looking for things to help balance out that tendency.

In that case - the character would usually 'go with his gut'. His intuition tends to be more correct than him sitting down and thinking something out would be. He can still puzzle things out the long way, he just takes a while and generally the conclusion ends up about the same (or so he may well insist).

DON'T think things through, you'll just trip yourself up. If you get a bad vibe off something or someone, it's not to be trusted unless very through evidence to the contrary is shown. If you think something's threatening, take appropriate action (kill it, neutralize it, or flee), and don't dawdle - do it now. If there's a sitation, person, etc around that you don't trust, clam up and talk as little as possible around them; as the saying goes, a wise man once said nothing.

You are ALL about the first impression. I would actually suggest the character pick up ranks in Sense Motive if at all possible, as it'd fit very well with how they'd interact.

Hand of Evil

Pick a character and become their shadow and only listen to them.
Have catch phases and common sayings: Mommy always said...
Have a plan and stick to it, if something changes stand around. All orc dead.
Group things in big groups: dogs are wolfs, werewolf, worgs. orcs are goblins, gnolls, hobs.

See the link DM Advice in my sig.

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