Aeon (updated 10/9/14)


Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
W00t! First reply :)

Awesome as always Sep! Each post has great and epic things going on... thanks for sharing with us all.

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So many interesting events are transpiring... angels falling into Viridescence, Shvar Choryati lurching towards Wyre; if the Enforcer goes after the Anantam, the Chesnite victory will be hollow indeed... Ninit apparently down... Sibud's token in the hands of the good guys... Soneillon recovered the Urn! :eek: Did she get the epic pseudonatural template added to the chthonic template!? I seem to recall that vast quantities of time can pass Outside without any time passing... she could have been gone for geological ages, subjectively speaking.

edit: Ninit is one of the Nireem. What is Hlioth doing with her spear? Her +5 ghost touch greater wounding spear?
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So many interesting events are transpiring... angels falling into Viridescence, Shvar Choryati lurching towards Wyre; if the Enforcer goes after the Anantam, the Chesnite victory will be hollow indeed... Ninit apparently down... Sibud's token in the hands of the good guys... Soneillon recovered the Urn! :eek: Did she get the epic pseudonatural template added to the chthonic template!? I seem to recall that vast quantities of time can pass Outside without any time passing... she could have been gone for geological ages, subjectively speaking.

Yeah the tendrils disturbed me greatly as well :/


First Post
So Hlioth somehow survived her encounter with Soneillon. I'd say I'm shocked, but death doesn't seem to be much of a obstacle these days.


So Hlioth somehow survived her encounter with Soneillon. I'd say I'm shocked, but death doesn't seem to be much of a obstacle these days.

That's the truth! But Hlioth's demise and return were anticipated:

"Quiet your ego!" Hlioth snapped. "And for once, do as I say. I will be busy dying elsewhere. Do not mourn. I will be back ere sunrise."

"Hence, I mourn."

As long as you aren't soul-trapped, death is just a time-out.


I assume that this is what every other immortal wants to put his greedy fingers/claws/worms on :)

Talisman of Necromatic Power (Major Artifact): This age-worn, plain black disc grants a +6 enhancement bonus to the Wisdom and Charisma of any undead spellcaster. Furthermore, it grants a +2 profane bonus to all caster level checks and save DCs of spells and spell-like abilities from the necromancy school which the wearer uses. Finally, it grants a +30 competence bonus to all Spellcraft and Knowledge (arcana) checks involving the necromancy school.

Hmm...I begin to understand why Naatha, Guho, Rishih and even Anumid would prefer the Talisman to stay as far away from Prahar as possible. I wonder though, since he is level wise on par with the other immortals - somewhere around CR 35, why doesn't he possess a similiar item (Temenun and Yeshe each have one) ??
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First Post
That's the truth! But Hlioth's demise and return were anticipated:

"Quiet your ego!" Hlioth snapped. "And for once, do as I say. I will be busy dying elsewhere. Do not mourn. I will be back ere sunrise."

"Hence, I mourn."

As long as you aren't soul-trapped, death is just a time-out.

Hmmm, I completely forgot about that conversation. Now it all makes more sense. :p

Voidrunner's Codex

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