Aeon (updated 10/9/14)

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Jeezum Crowe!

Oh, it makes sense... But fitting it all in your head kind of hurts...

There are what, three different, competing paradigms at work that we get to see? The Green, Oronthon, and Mostin's alien perceptions? Not really counting the bad guys, since they get to be conveniently fit into one of the other paradigms, by virtue of being explained by the PCs themselves...

It has become a feat of mental agility, holding several mutually-exclusive universe-views to all be not only true, but accepting and inclusive of the others, despite each view meaning the others are wrong. Which gives some strange fractal pattern of three correct world-views, six incorrect ones, and a plethora of things I can only infer based off of an isufficient knowledge base.

And here the smartest thing I've seen in a game personally was "troll? Fireball!"


There are what, three different, competing paradigms at work that we get to see? The Green, Oronthon, and Mostin's alien perceptions? Not really counting the bad guys, since they get to be conveniently fit into one of the other paradigms, by virtue of being explained by the PCs themselves...

I don't think Mostin's paradigm has been much addressed in the SH, except that it was similar to Shomei's. Shomei was all about challenging and overcoming extraplanar forces as a sort of perpetual transcendence. Mostin's about that too, but apparently he succeeded where Shomei ended up ensnared by Asmodeus. (I recall this being connected to Tramst besting her at some very short exchange. But given her reaction to that, maybe she hopped paradigms and started being a full-out infernalist then. I know I would be sorely tempted if all I got for answers were the sorts of things Tramst offered, but then I'm profoundly anti-mystical.)


First Post
Oh, it makes sense... But fitting it all in your head kind of hurts...

There are what, three different, competing paradigms at work that we get to see? The Green, Oronthon, and Mostin's alien perceptions? Not really counting the bad guys, since they get to be conveniently fit into one of the other paradigms, by virtue of being explained by the PCs themselves...

It has become a feat of mental agility, holding several mutually-exclusive universe-views to all be not only true, but accepting and inclusive of the others, despite each view meaning the others are wrong. Which gives some strange fractal pattern of three correct world-views, six incorrect ones, and a plethora of things I can only infer based off of an isufficient knowledge base.

And here the smartest thing I've seen in a game personally was "troll? Fireball!"

As far as realities/truths interacting with each other, I can think of Oronthon,The Green, Outside (Far Realm), The Adversary Paradigm, Nothingness (Soneilon and her ilk), and the Cult of Chesne. Most these seem to be linked to each other in some direct fashion; Oronthon and the Adversary, obviously. But other are linked only by mind-boggling paradox (Soneilon being sent Outside by Mostin and transforming into some weird Pseudo-cthontic).


I don't think Mostin's paradigm has been much addressed in the SH, except that it was similar to Shomei's. Shomei was all about challenging and overcoming extraplanar forces as a sort of perpetual transcendence. Mostin's about that too, but apparently he succeeded where Shomei ended up ensnared by Asmodeus. (I recall this being connected to Tramst besting her at some very short exchange. But given her reaction to that, maybe she hopped paradigms and started being a full-out infernalist then. I know I would be sorely tempted if all I got for answers were the sorts of things Tramst offered, but then I'm profoundly anti-mystical.

I think it is just that Mostin's truth is much simpler than everyone elses; His proofs, however, are absurdly complicated. I transcend because there is no reason not to, that I get. But transcendence being psuedopods, time as part some wading pool of existence, blasting people into oblivion via mathematical formulae and even the validity of psuedonatural analogues are all a bit beyond me.

I have to wonder now, though; Did Mostin go crazy, then alienist, or alienist, then crazy? The whole bird-fear thing makes me wonder...


First Post
I think it is just that Mostin's truth is much simpler than everyone elses; His proofs, however, are absurdly complicated. I transcend because there is no reason not to, that I get. But transcendence being psuedopods, time as part some wading pool of existence, blasting people into oblivion via mathematical formulae and even the validity of psuedonatural analogues are all a bit beyond me.

I have to wonder now, though; Did Mostin go crazy, then alienist, or alienist, then crazy? The whole bird-fear thing makes me wonder...

Trying to figure out the order in which Mostin went insane is, well, insane; to me, it is like the chicken and egg conundrum.

As for the bird phobia, remember: phobias are irrational fears. Even he admits that it doesn't make much sense. I have a similar problem with bees:confused:.


The fact that Mostin has not yet transcended a simple anxiety disorder is beyond me though. Is he too proud for cognitive behaviour therapy?

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