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Aeon (updated 10/9/14)


First Post
yeah thanks! as I said, i've actually been reading Sep for years now, even though i never showed up.... sep's rogue gallery is incredible as well!! can't wait for new stuff...

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First Post
Son_of_Thunder said:
Ya know, the old year has gone and this thread should die in peace without you mooks BUMPING it.

Considering that Sepulchrave still updates this thread, albeit infrequently, the odds that his loyal readers are just going to let it die are pretty much slim and none. If it bothers you to see this thread on the front page, perhaps you'd be better off posting in story hours that you actually enjoy, rather than posting snarky comments in ones that you apparently don't (thus putting them at the top again). Just a thought.


First Post
Avarice said:
Considering that Sepulchrave still updates this thread, albeit infrequently, the odds that his loyal readers are just going to let it die are pretty much slim and none. If it bothers you to see this thread on the front page, perhaps you'd be better off posting in story hours that you actually enjoy, rather than posting snarky comments in ones that you apparently don't (thus putting them at the top again). Just a thought.

Err...I read Thunder's comment as humorous, Avarice - not snarky.


First Post
Elephant said:
Err...I read Thunder's comment as humorous, Avarice - not snarky.

That could be, and if so I apologize. Not seeing a smiley in his post, I jumped to the obvious conclusion. I'll admit, I never really understood why thread bumping seems to annoy some people, and I suppose that led me to be more than a little snarky myself in my reply.

So, I suppose that since this post really doesn't contribute anything to this thread, what I'm really trying to say is BUMP! :p


First Post
Outstanding Work

It's good to see Sepulchrave is still active on the forums even if the story updates come slow.

Without making this too long I just want you to know that I can't stand reading fiction, but when ever I come back to this story I can't stop until i've read it all. All 730 pages or so of it in Word. What you've done that I think most story tellers in any medium screw up is you've made us love these characters.

I actually care what happens to them. That's why I and so many people check these boards so frequently.

What I get afraid of is that one day you'll get to tired of it. Or a major life change comes along and side swipes you away from writing these stories and sharing them with us. Leaving us forever wondering the fate of Eadric, Mostin and all the rest. Then chaos will reign on these boards...riots, looting, the works.

If that day ever comes please for the love of all that is good and holy give us a final post that summarizes what happened for the rest of the game. Answer the big questions and give us closure.

We appreciate the fantastic work you do.

Tal Rasha

Well, the story hour has, for me, come to a pause more abruptly than I would have hoped for. I... well I haven't really analyzed how excellent it is yet, seeing how I haven't actually had time to think, eat or sleep for want of getting it done. Long has it been since something gripped me to such a degree that I spent 8 hours a day reading it, AFTER my 9 to 5 at work.

While I'm thinking, I'd just like to commend you, Sepulchrave, on your synthesis of religious and philosophical principles. And the temptation of Eadric (by Titivilus) literally made me stop reading and go to a quiet place to ponder the paradox.

Getting in line for the next update with all the other sad bastards,

Tal Rasha


Dragon Lord

I haven't read this story in ages. Writing is still good. I've always wondered if Sepulchrave intended on removing the DnDisms from it and forming his own world for use as a vehicle for his fiction. I've been tapping away on my own novel for quite some time now, it is an incredible amount of work. The hardest part of that work is world development as a fantasy world must be explained to a new reader for them to fully enjoy it. Since Seps work is interspered with DnDisms it would take quite a bit of work to backwards engineer it for a non-DnD audience. I know you wouldn't want to write for Wizards because they pay poorly compared to the amount of money you could make with full ownership of your world.

Still a good read and the best on this forum. Not sure if you are already pursuing it, but you have some writing talent that could be developed into a career.

I wonder if Destan still writes.

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