Paizo After D&D’s missteps, Paizo’s Pathfinder and Starfinder enter 2023 stronger than ever

WotC's loss is Paizo's gain, I find it ironic that WotC may have created the very threat they feared in the first place. If I was Hollywood company, except for Paramount who have their dance partner already, I'd start courting Paizo RIGHT NOW. A lot of potential at a more affordible price.

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I dropped 5E and started a Starfinder campaign (Fly Free or Die, appropriately). I have never been a "D&D only" GM, but I admit to often defaulting to 5E because it was easy to get players. But it was a good kick in the pants to revisit some of my favorite games (SWADE, Starfinder) and make an effort toward expanding my horizons a little.

I dropped 5E and started a Starfinder campaign (Fly Free or Die, appropriately). I have never been a "D&D only" GM, but I admit to often defaulting to 5E because it was easy to get players. But it was a good kick in the pants to revisit some of my favorite games (SWADE, Starfinder) and make an effort toward expanding my horizons a little.

Paizo's going to have to get it's ass in gear if they want to take advtange of their moments and do a new print run ASAP.


Chaotic Looseleaf
All this article says is that Paizo is planning on releasing products in 2023.

Oh, no, I'm wrong, it also mischaracterizes the creation of the ORC as a 'legal battle.'

It says two things, I guess.

We've sold as much Level Up in the last month as we did in the 6 months preceding it.
That is actual good news.

Voidrunner's Codex

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