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After the manor...


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The last day the group spent at the Merinthian manor, we took the time to bury the bodies of those we found within the house. Each was wrapped in white linen then we placed a gold coin over each of their eyes. In the case of the body with its head trapped in the wall, we removed the head from the neck and constructed a false head out of wood to bury with the body as well as place coins on. Then the bodies were buried just outside the house as several of us recited the prayers given on the clay cylinders. The one body in the house that was obviously not a part of the original inhabitants was taken outside the orchard before being buried.

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That night as the group is sleeping Ceru is unable to take his standard watch shift. Those who try to wake him realize that he is sleeping far too deeply to be awakened until whatever he is being affected by wears off.

In Ceru's dream, he finds himself standing on a peaceful beach, not unlike those of his home island. In front of him is clear blue water as far as he can see, and it seems calming and reassuring. To each side of him in the distance, the beach comes to jagged rock jutting up from the beach and water like writhing tentacles with wicked spikes that took on a swordlike appearance. Behind him lies a thick forest that gave him a feeling of danger, as if something were waiting just inside. As he watches the trees, he notes that some of the shadows start to shift and a large pair of metallic cat-like eyes appear from within. Ceru quickly turns back to face the calming water. Only moments later a small shape begins to emerge from the water only a short ways away. Then another appears, and then another, and then many more until there are hundreds of these small creatures slowly crawling their way up the beach. Ceru watches as all around him the creatures find their places in the soft beach sand. One of these creatures makes it way right up to Ceru's feet and slowly cranes it's neck up toward Ceru. Ceru crouches down next to the creature and extends his hand toward the creature. Gently he places his hand on the creatures back to find it hard as stone. Then, as the other creatures on the beach begin to make their way back to the water, Ceru rises to his feet and watches as the one in front of him turns to return to the water as well. As the last one disappears into the water Ceru's sight fades to black and he awakens feeling as rested as ever. He explains to the group what he experienced, and it is obvious to note that each of Ceru's shoulders and part way down each arm are fresh looking tattoos of a dark green pattern similar to the shell of a turtle. This experience, Ceru explains, has seemed to awaken something inside of him and he believes new abilities will be at his disposal. Unfortunately, the environment of the dream gave Ceru a distaste for weapons of metal, and vows in front of all of you to never use such weapons again. So Oceas, if you want a spear...


that was nice. I take it you have figured out what your next totem spirit is. Do me a favor and wo a little write up on all your totem spirits for me. You know, stuff like how you address them, what relationship you have with them, etc. Not quite a stat out, but a personality rough-in.


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I'm not to sure whether or not this would be the place I should put this post but since it would be happening about the same time i'll go ahead and do so.

That evening after the burials had been completed and most of the group is together Tormal does stop and ask a moment of everyone's time. He seems a bit more distressed then normal but otherwise as normal as he was before. He sits there for a moment trying to organize what he wants to say in his head. Finally after a minute or two he nods in acceptance as if defeated by his conscience.

He sighs deeply then engages the group with a serious look.

"There are a few things that I have wanted to address and yet a couple more that I have recently decided need to be addressed. The first and most important, in my opinion, is the alleged breach of trust within the group. I want to start off by saying that I personally have little care for money except for the fact that I would collect to help others. As you can see I carry little of value - I feel I have no serious need for it. So, I would hope none of you would believe that greed drives my actions or speech. I feel that there is a serious lack of trust within the group and that deeply disturbs me. Esepcailly with recent events. We have been in a number of dangerous situations and I want my friends to watch my back just as I would their's. I feel from now on that everyone in this group should uphold a certain level of integrity. Whether or not any of you have aquired anything while in this group, without other's knowing is of no concern to me. It's said and done, I didn't see it and I don't care. But from now on I hope that all of us will respect eachother enough to avoid accusing eachother and witholding things that may be benificial to everyone. Whether it's a need or a want, we are all in this group, risking our lives and we all want to benifit equally. I'm afraid if either of those continue, or we find that any member of this group that does not share such integrity with the others, I will either leave or propse that such a member does. On that same note... we are all allowed to be ourselves. We are allowed to keep our secrets and have our own plans but If there is information that is either benifical to the group or can cause harm I'm asking that it be announced to everyone. I will do the same..."

He stops for a moment to catch his breath and re organize himself. He does sit down where he was standing and continues...

"Secondly I want to reinforce a topic we've already addressed. I feel that any major actions be addressed by the entire group. This should include anything that we find or any information that we may want to act on. While there isn't a huge problem here I was a bit shocked when the mirror was broken... i'm sure you could all tell. I feel that one of you... " he looks at tyrm and felix " could have at least told everyone your going to break it. This is not to say that we have to constantly have a meeting over every movement we make, but there was a certain level of mystery of this location that we had not addressed at the time the mirror was broken.... perhaps it's just me... " He shakes his head a bit

"One that same note I feel that the second clay tablet that was not destroyed should be voted on. I feel that we should save it for whomever we plan on returning these cylinders to. I don't mind that Tyrm is the one holding it, but the way you withold it from everyone, I feel, does not follow the rest of the groups edicit when dealing with anything we find. If you think it's evil then fine, but that doesn't mean you have to hoard it away."

He sighs a bit and looks at the ground for a bit. You noticed a somewhat distressed tone on his voice as he continues...

"The final thing I wanted to address is of a personal nature. And since I want to uphold my own integrity I feel this needs to be brought up.(OOC: no, not that kind of personal thing - don't go there) Some time ago, i'm sure you all remember, I ventured off into the forest and preceeded to meditate prior to my training. If you remember I spoke of a Kimoni, or a vision, I had while I was out there. Then, soon after, the murders in Ft. Greerson began happening. Both Ayla and I were accused and so on. The problem is... I fear the accusations were not completely false... or that I know or have the capability of knowing what did them. On our way to that town outside of Ft. Greerson I had a distinct impression something was trying to take my body over. It scared me, yet nothing actually happened. Then, last night, I voluntarilly meditated on the kimoni and that feeling I had... I had a short distinct glimpse of a bloody heart. While I don't know what it means or what is wrong with me I do wish to warn everyone here of what I am experiencing. If anything were to happen to me, and I seem to not be myself, I would expect all of you to act in the same manner as if it were not me...." He stops.... and awaits any reply.


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After a few moments he does began speaking again.

In a somewhat irritated tone he states,

"The groups silence is somewhat unsettling. If you wish that I no longer venture with you I would understand... or perhaps i'm not the only one? Has anyone else had any similar experiences since our visit at Ft greerson? I simply brought this up as a warning and perhaps for some assistance. If anyone here has any idea of what it means or what is causing it I would appreciate your input...."

He sits there with a somewhat worried look upon his face. He does stand up while speaking and began walking around.


This is an interesting conversation and I am watching with interest. Trust is one of those things that you would think an adventurer would demand out of his or her companions. After all, you are trusting each person to watch out for your life. I like this conversation because it departs from the metagame aspect that the PCs for the other players are on your side. We are actually talking about how PCs might feel in this situation.

Too bad nobody wants to talk to Tormal about this. :(


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Li focuses for a second, then speaks. "Tormal, do not let my silence disconcert you. I just needed time to inwardly digest what you have brought up."

"Your last concern is the easiest to deal with, so let me speak on that first. I, for one, have no doubt of your honor and steadfastness, Tormal, and even if you have something to do with the murders, I will stay with you. I see no reason to believe you willing killed anyone, nor did Lord Tannerson, who's judgement I live by. I stand by you, even if it is my own life I risk. If anybody finds Tormals admissions distressing, I will speak with you personally, and as the effective arbiter of Greerson's law here, I will decide if you can leave without breaking the terms of your punishment."

"As to the matter of group possesions, I have little need for material wealth, my honor is my fortune, my service is my well-being. I can, however, see the need to be just, and so I propose this: in the matter of material wealth, when no greater law has jurisdiction, the group as a whole decides what to do by a vote of simple majority. I consider you all my peers, and a vote is the only way I can see to express that."

"And for the matter of making decisions, I think that we can not second geuss the decisions made by others. I would propose that, when we cannot make a decision as a group, we all make decisions according to our best instincts. I have a deep trust in all of you, despite our personal conflicts, and I trust your judgment. We should always give feedback on the decisions that are made. Tormal did not think that the mirror should be broken, and it is good that he expressed this. Only by expressing his feelings can Tormal make sure nobody makes the same mistake again."

"Finally, I feel that recent events may be an indication that our group may not be ment to be. Some of us have expressed concerns with how the Seekers are run, and with other members of the group. Perhaps we should consider splitting the Seekers of Legend, if anybody feels these differences are insurmountable. I think we may still work together, but I would like to know how everybody else feels. Regardless of how the group survives these ordelas, I suggest that at the next possible occasion we write a formal constitution laying down the expectations for the Seekers."


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Macbeth said:
"Your last concern is the easiest to deal with, so let me speak on that first. I, for one, have no doubt of your honor and steadfastness, Tormal, and even if you have something to do with the murders, I will stay with you. I see no reason to believe you willing killed anyone, nor did Lord Tannerson, who's judgement I live by. I stand by you, even if it is my own life I risk. If anybody finds Tormals admissions distressing, I will speak with you personally, and as the effective arbiter of Greerson's law here, I will decide if you can leave without breaking the terms of your punishment."

Tormal looks around with a bit more confidence. He does step in as Li finishes and in a slightly argumentative voice proclaims,

"Friend, I was not saying that I " He puts his hand on his chest " am the one to have faulty honor or a lack of steadfastness but that something outside of my control may. I bring this up because if I am not of myself, I wish you all to act upon the situation as you would normally. and.. If I truly have killed anyone I can assure you it wasn't of my own will."

Macbeth said:
"Finally, I feel that recent events may be an indication that our group may not be ment to be. Some of us have expressed concerns with how the Seekers are run, and with other members of the group. Perhaps we should consider splitting the Seekers of Legend, if anybody feels these differences are insurmountable. I think we may still work together, but I would like to know how everybody else feels. Regardless of how the group survives these ordelas, I suggest that at the next possible occasion we write a formal constitution laying down the expectations for the Seekers."

After Li has done tormal steps in once more to say his part.

"I'm not entirely sure I entirely agree with you Li. I feel this group is meant to be. We cannot expect everything to always fit together like a puzzle ring right away. As a matter of fact we have to have rough parts and tough times so that we may grow and learn as a group. If there is no experience together then we can never hope to learn eachother. Personally I think this group should stay together... but If there are some of you who feel opposite, by all means, you're welcome to leave."


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Li lets Tormal speak his mind, then, after a slight pause, responds. "Tormal, I too would like to see us stay together, but I think that may not be an option. It seems some of us are not happy with how the group works. If anybody has a problem, or wants to leave, please speak now. I would rather deal with this now, instead of in the heat of conflict."

"Also, I would like to discuss what we do witht the cylinders we found. From what I have heard from Felix and Oceas, these cylinders would be very valuable in the eyes of a scholar, so I would like to suggest that we donate these cylinders to the scholar of Merinthian history that Felix mentioned earlier. We have no use for them, and the cylinders would do much more good to a scholar then to the Seekers. However, if we do give them away, I would like to read some of the instructions on how to let luck flow through a house. Our manor on Lord Tannerson's land might use some redecorating.


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For trust within the group it must be of paramount concern. While taking things from a ruin and not sharing them is not, in all likelyness, going to harm a group member it is the breaking of the trust that is the issue. When there is dire need will you still withhold such things? I know that I was rather insistant that nobody was to use the other tablet and the necromantic powers stored inside I have decided, after much deliberation and thought, that if the need was dire enough to warrent its use that I would concent to its use even though I would prefer to find another way. If we as a group can not trust each other to share information about things found then how can we trust each other with our lives?

With the group encountering such organized opponents I feel that we need to come up with several possible reactions that we can have and stick to them as close as possible. This is something that as a group I feel that we need to have in all instances.

As for the group being indecisive, something must be done to make decisions easier and quicker. I think the easiest way for this to be done is for a group of three to be chosen to make decisions for the group. One should be of a military mind, one of a diplomatic mind and one in good standings with your sponser Lord Tannerson to represent the interests that he has vested in the group. This council of three will make decisions as to the actions of the group based off of the arguments put forth by the remaining members. While this is not meant to become a tyrranical state I fear that it could become such a thing and as such there should be failsafes to assure that this will not happen. Any group member who thinks that they can do a better job in the interest of the group should feel free to challange the current person in that posistion. It will then be put up to a party vote and the tally will determine who will be the leader. The ruling council will be in their posistions for the period of whatever mission we are on unless there is an extreame situation that needs to be addressed at which point a vote of no confidence can be brought up.

Personally, having gotten to know all of you a little over our travels, I nominate Tormal to be the Military leader, Li to be the liaison to Lord tannerson. As for diplomatic leader I would not hesitate to step into the roll. But being the new member of the group if you all feel more comfortable with someone else being in that posistion then I would be more then happy to follow along with that decision.

The council of three will be held responsible for whatever fate befalls the group based off of their decisions.

If anyone else has any thoughts please come forward with them and add to the discussion.

Voidrunner's Codex

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