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Against the Slavers, Part 1


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"Thank you for the healing, but we must get the prisoners aboard the merchant vessel, if they are able to look after them, and take Fitzman and nine sailors aboard this ship, if it is still sailable. Let's not cut the lines yet."

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Living EN World Judge
Gwystyl keeps his wand at the ready, saying 'Let's tie this lot up...' Moving to the belowdecks, gGstyl calls down that all is clear for the sailors to come updeck.Once they do, Gwystyl gestures to some of them to tie the prisoners, knowing that the more seasoned of them (which he will ask for) know ropes far better than he or his companions.


Bribben glares at the pirates who decided to give up after the rest of the fight was over. He then turns to Kiya. "Guard." Walking back to the aft of the ship, he speak plainly. "Is there anyway that we can lash the two ships back together? I can make it over without a problem. Kiya however will probably need some assistance."


First Post
OoC - Many apologies. Had a case that was going to trial and got killed. Ending up getting $1 million for LA, though, so it wasn't a total loss.

Hearing Feallne call out that all was well, Captain Goodman and the rest of the crew burst out from below decks. Hearing Gwystyl ask about tieing the pirates up, several sailors swarm the two panting barbarians on the folly, and begin tieing there hands and legs. Several more jump over to the pirate ship and do the same to those pirates, except for the Ogre who scares them. The Ogre, however, merely sits, tears welling in its eyes as it moans softly (to it - sounds like a Grey Whale in heat to you) and scans the ocean waves for signs of the pirate.

Bribben asks Captain Goodman about tieing the boats back together, while Norbac suggests cutting al the ropes.

"Oh, we'll want to keep this one, I think," Goodman says, and quickly has his mate and several sailors begin lashing the ships into one unit.

Once the sailors finishing securing the pirates and the ships, one of the bound pirates, an old man with only a few rotten teeth left in his mouth, calls out to Rowena. She vaguely remembers catching a glimpse of his fight with Norbac or Saarloss, and hearing him yell out he was press-ganged into piracy.

"Lady, I knows we got no call to be askin' fer nothin' and it be the yardarm fer us all. But I ken yer here for more'n killin' the likes o' us. Yer minding fer the lords, I ken. That so, I've summat to tell, fer me life. Promise me that, and I'll help ya, I will."

Li Shenron

Mäelström being somehow intrigued by an Ogre that cries, moves to the pirate ship and casts Detect Magic, then tries to scan around the boat and the pirate crew, including the ogre of course.


Norbac does the healing work (as said previously) and joins Mäelstrom. Now at his normal size, he says "What, and how, are we going to do with him?" pointing at the big ogre.


Living EN World Judge
Gwystyl scans about for any sign that there are still enemies loose on the other ship, then joins those taking interest in the Ogre.
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First Post

Rowena approaches the old pirate. "You are correct that we are after your leaders and intend to bring down the slaver organization. Tell me what you know. If you help us, we will have mercy on you."

Rowena will listen & attempt to sense motive (+11). She will also do a detect evil upon him before deciding how to deal with him.

Voidrunner's Codex

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