D&D 5E Age of Worms Adventure Path

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I recently hit upon the idea of perhaps running a 5e AoW roll20 campaign at some point in the future. Looking for conversions, I found this here, and it is just a godsend! Thanks for all the work you have put into this, @Tormyr .


I browsed the thread, and found only passing mention of leveling up in the AP. The supposed levels given for each installment should basically work fine, I guess. But when do the PCs reach a new level? Looking at the whispering cairn, I might be tempted to have the PCs advance to 3rd level even before confronting Filge. After a quick look at the CRs and ELs in the original adventure, it seems that a group of 4 should hit 2nd level when exploring the Lair of the Architect (although I´m a bit out of training regarding 3.5s XP awards - does EL equal CR for the sake of awarding XP according to the table in the DMG?). If they manage to clear both lairs and get to the mausoleum, and beat the wind warriors (who are an overpowering EL 6 originally), they should have enough XP to be 3rd level after finishing the tomb.


I recently hit upon the idea of perhaps running a 5e AoW roll20 campaign at some point in the future. Looking for conversions, I found this here, and it is just a godsend! Thanks for all the work you have put into this, @Tormyr .
Just in case you’re interested I’ve posted some upgrades to parts two and three of the campaign. Not changing stats, this excellent resource still stands. Just adding a bit more activity to the plot to reveal more of it to the PCs and make some of the locations a bit more dynamic.


I’m part through chapter 3 with my PCs now and they seem to be enjoying it a lot.

Just one thought, I’ve made it so that a lesser restoration has to be up at to level five in order for it to work on the spawn. Same with our Paladin who has to use 25 pts of lay on hands to remove the disease


I browsed the thread, and found only passing mention of leveling up in the AP. The supposed levels given for each installment should basically work fine, I guess. But when do the PCs reach a new level? Looking at the whispering cairn, I might be tempted to have the PCs advance to 3rd level even before confronting Filge. After a quick look at the CRs and ELs in the original adventure, it seems that a group of 4 should hit 2nd level when exploring the Lair of the Architect (although I´m a bit out of training regarding 3.5s XP awards - does EL equal CR for the sake of awarding XP according to the table in the DMG?). If they manage to clear both lairs and get to the mausoleum, and beat the wind warriors (who are an overpowering EL 6 originally), they should have enough XP to be 3rd level after finishing the tomb.
I used the old construct of Encounter Level to essentially mean the average party level for a medium encounter. It's described a bit more in the AoW 00 document. They should probably reach level 2 by the time they head down past the ground floor of the tomb. Aside from that, if you keep to the levels in the AP, you should be fine. For the adventures that cover 2 levels, find a thematic change somewhere in the adventure and level them up there.


Great Old One
I browsed the thread, and found only passing mention of leveling up in the AP. The supposed levels given for each installment should basically work fine, I guess. But when do the PCs reach a new level? Looking at the whispering cairn, I might be tempted to have the PCs advance to 3rd level even before confronting Filge. After a quick look at the CRs and ELs in the original adventure, it seems that a group of 4 should hit 2nd level when exploring the Lair of the Architect (although I´m a bit out of training regarding 3.5s XP awards - does EL equal CR for the sake of awarding XP according to the table in the DMG?). If they manage to clear both lairs and get to the mausoleum, and beat the wind warriors (who are an overpowering EL 6 originally), they should have enough XP to be 3rd level after finishing the tomb.

The various modules of the AP have levels noted, you could just assume that you use milestone levelling as mentioned during the AP and at the end of each module. Honestly, XPs are something of the previous millenia... :)


Oh, I´m all for milestone advancement. I was just trying to figure out just when to advance, and wanted to have a look at the xp given in the originals to get an idea when these milestones should be.

So, I´d set the first milestone the moment they reach another level of the dungeon, no matter which it is. Originally, they would have likelyencountered EL3 (Wolves), CR2 (Sarcophagus Trap), CR2 (Mad Slasher), CR1 (Beetle Swarm) (probably at least a EL3) and CR2 (Elevator Trap) by then, which would be about 3600 xp - close, but not quite second level for a party of four. Any encounter at either lair would suffice to get them over that value, and I think it fits nicely with the idea of Milestone advancement.

Second Milestone: beating Filge. EDIT: or beating the wind warriors, as the PCs probably will have to return to the Cairn after dealing with filge.

Third Milestone: after clearing one of the three triads complexes.

Fourth Milestone: Beating the ebon aspect.

Fifth Milestone: beating back the Lizard Men army

Sixth Milestone: ending the spawn threat. (may have been accomplished earlier)
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I´m a bit unsure about the knowledge DCs in general. Neither the Wind Dukes´ Glyphs nor the Ebon Triad would be common knowledge, yet at least some of the information is associated with almost trivial DCs (either rules system). The existence of an secret, heretic evil cult trying to hide even from their orthodox counterparts is known on an easy check even Joe Average has a 50% chance of passing (in 5e at least)? I did houserule that certain knowledge checks can only be made if the PC is proficient in that field, but that makes the DCs even easier, with a +4 or +5 on the roll for starting characters. I guess I will set the base DC higher, and will have smaller gaps between the various levels of knowledge.

I´m a bit unsure about the knowledge DCs in general. Neither the Wind Dukes´ Glyphs nor the Ebon Triad would be common knowledge, yet at least some of the information is associated with almost trivial DCs (either rules system). The existence of an secret, heretic evil cult trying to hide even from their orthodox counterparts is known on an easy check even Joe Average has a 50% chance of passing (in 5e at least)? I did houserule that certain knowledge checks can only be made if the PC is proficient in that field, but that makes the DCs even easier, with a +4 or +5 on the roll for starting characters. I guess I will set the base DC higher, and will have smaller gaps between the various levels of knowledge.
It could be the designers intended this knowledge to be available to the players? Gating interesting and engaging information and clues behind all or nothing dice rolls with high DCs have few upsides, imo.

Voidrunner's Codex

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