Thanks for the feedback.
My personal feeling is that adventures have changed and the style of adventure I run has changed. I try and inject more mystery/strategy into them and less dungeon crawl. I also like to create more opportunities for debate and choice in an adventure.
Allustan I think shouldn’t run away and leave the PCs to deal with a lizard man army themselves when he could make a meaningful difference. It isn’t in the character the way I play him. The changes I made were to allow the PCs to shine and simultaneously build a sense of connection with Allustan that will make them tackle a dragon to find him later.
Secondly in both the adventure and my version Daggerford is a day’s ride from the keep. Reinforcements only takes two days max. I want to enjoy the siege not to rush it, but I also don’t want Allustan and the Lords Alliance to solve the problem for the PCs.
Unfortunately I can’t abide trivial combats - particularly a set piece such as the siege. basic lizardfolk just aren’t a challenge. As written there is nothing stopping the players heading out and slaughtering the Lizardfolk en mass in one go… they have fireball etc. I’d like them to use some tactics, display some problem solving and add some leadership to the siege. I think my players will enjoy that more.
I’ll talk about Ninja Kobalds and the background and how it could be revealed in a later post. Let’s just say the sole lizard folk character able to provide exposition in the adventure as written is the shaman Hishak - who the party only meet in the lair, after having fought and probably killed 60% of the Lizardfolk tribe - who at that point they have every reason to kill.
My personal feeling is that adventures have changed and the style of adventure I run has changed. I try and inject more mystery/strategy into them and less dungeon crawl. I also like to create more opportunities for debate and choice in an adventure.
Allustan I think shouldn’t run away and leave the PCs to deal with a lizard man army themselves when he could make a meaningful difference. It isn’t in the character the way I play him. The changes I made were to allow the PCs to shine and simultaneously build a sense of connection with Allustan that will make them tackle a dragon to find him later.
Secondly in both the adventure and my version Daggerford is a day’s ride from the keep. Reinforcements only takes two days max. I want to enjoy the siege not to rush it, but I also don’t want Allustan and the Lords Alliance to solve the problem for the PCs.
Unfortunately I can’t abide trivial combats - particularly a set piece such as the siege. basic lizardfolk just aren’t a challenge. As written there is nothing stopping the players heading out and slaughtering the Lizardfolk en mass in one go… they have fireball etc. I’d like them to use some tactics, display some problem solving and add some leadership to the siege. I think my players will enjoy that more.
I’ll talk about Ninja Kobalds and the background and how it could be revealed in a later post. Let’s just say the sole lizard folk character able to provide exposition in the adventure as written is the shaman Hishak - who the party only meet in the lair, after having fought and probably killed 60% of the Lizardfolk tribe - who at that point they have every reason to kill.
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