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Agents of the Gods Q&A


Without knowing exactly what insightful strike does, and the wording of the ability, I can't really say right now. Maybe later when I have a chance to take a look at CW.

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Interesting! :) I'm still trying to come up with a replacement for Tormal and was thinking about that. Ultimately I gave it up though. I really liked the martial artist class but feel like I shouldn't play another just yet. Any ideas out there?

Oh, and I do have another question about the Agents of the Gods campaign. Being a servant of Evelyn does my chaotic score have to be a certain level or does it matter as long as it is chaotic?


Generally speaking:

A score of 1 really counts as neutral with an inclination in tht direction.
Scores of 2-3 count as a faint commitment.
Scores of 4-8 represent the normal range.
Scores of 9 & 10 are extreme commitments.

We generall play that 1-2 count more as neutral with 3 really being the threshold where a character is considered within an alignment range.

So really a C3, G4 equates to the rules as written of Neutral Good with Chaotic Tendencies.

C4, G1 would really be Chaotic Neutral.

L8, G3 is more of Lawful Neutral with Good tendencies.

I think you get the idea. For Evelyn, she embodies Good, but she also embodies Chaos pretty effectively. I would think almost all of her servants would be C4, G4 or more on both axis. A rating of 3 would be pushing borderline and a score of 2 would hardly be worth her bother. Obviously that person doesn't really subscribe to the same ideals as she does.


Tormal said:
This is more of a general DND question that may apply to my character :). If using the swashbuckler ability Insightfull strike would that apply to an off-hand weapon?

I just looked over it. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't apply.

Just remember that it only works with finessable weapons and it doesn't work against opponents that are not affected by sneak attacks/critical hits.


First Post
Bri and I don't have solid characters yet for the agents thing, but we were gonna come by tonight anyway and work on them while everyone else gets started. Is that still the plan?


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I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to play, but I think I'm making a character tonight, just for fun. I have this great idea for an Angelic 'Sin-Eater,' based on Welsh Tradition. See, the Welsh would pay someone to take the sins of a dead man. This 'sin-eater' was an outcast, thought to be unclean and corrupted. I want an angel with the same concept: he saves others by taking their burdens as his own. As it turns out, there's some stuff in Magic of Incarnum that fits that well... I'm not even sure if that book would be allowed, but this is too fun a concept not to try. I'll post/email what I get done.

Of course, this means I have to read the narration thread too...


First Post
Done everything but skills and equipment (beyond the basics). Still not sure if I'll get to play, or even if the class/race combo is acceptable, but here's the gist of the character:

Madoc 'Sin Eater'
Dynamis Incarnate 6

His soulmelds generally take the form of:

A thin, white robe that hangs over his breatsplate and other armor. Despite it's obvious magic nature and apparent thinness, it always seems horribly heavy on Madoc's shoulders. (This is a Lifebound Vestment soulmeld. it's part of what the character is built around: it allows him to transfer up to a certain amount of damage from another to himself (at a reduced rate). He can transfer from any given creature once per hour. This is the most physical form of his 'sin eating')

A warhammer made of pure good spirits. (Incarnum Weapon soulmeld)

A small ball of blue-silver light that follows Madoc and acts as a familiar of sorts. It can fire bolts of energy, but must stay within a small distance of Madoc. Still, it allows him to attack even in a round when he takes other actions. (Soulspark Familiar soulmeld, usually bound to Crown chakra)

A cloak of blue flames with silver sparks that hangs from his shoulders. This flames seem almost still, like a patterned fabric, when not is use, but in the heat of battle the roar to life and damage those that strike Madoc. (Mantle of Flame, usually bound to shoulders, which allows Madoc to expand it into all adjacent sqaures as a standard action).

Madoc thinks of the souls that make up his soulmelds as those he's saved, and he takes pride in his soulmelds.

Still fleshing out the character but Madoc was fun to make, no matter what, so if he turns out playable great, if not, oh well.


Interesting concept. Though a little wacky. Am I to understand correctly that his soulmelds are the souls of other beings? So these creature's afterlife consists of being bound to Madoc?

OK, if he has 'saved' them, did they pass through the land of the dead first? Or are these similar to blood sacrifices where the soul directly bypassed the land of the dead?

I'm not sure I have a god that would consider such things as 'good'. But maybe once I see your character concept and backstory I will understand it better?

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