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AGOT - Winter is Coming - Solo


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This page is for the intention of my players and I to “sit down” and see what type of campaign the players wish to play. I am up for anything.

The game is based on a series of books called “A song of Ice and Fire.” The first book is called “A Game of Thrones” (AGOT). Here is a brief background on the setting – Yes I know this information IS NOT 100% accurate it has been abbreviated for speed and space purposes:

The Seven Kingdoms (aka Westros)

It is a land where summers can last decades and winters a lifetime, winter is returning.

About 300 years ago the Aegon “the Conqueror” Targaryen landed on Westros. At that time Westros was seven independent kingdoms fighting each other. The seven kingdoms (and the respective noble house) are the Kingdom of the Reach (Tyrell), Kingdom of Dorne (Martell), Kingdom of the Storm (Baratheon), Kingdom of the Mountain and Vale (Arryn), Kingdom of the Isles (Greyjoy), Kingdom of the River (Tully), and Kingdom of the North (Stark). Aegon landed and conquered the kingdoms. He placed himself as King of the Seven Kingdoms. Where Aegon landed was built the capital city, King’s Landing.

Fast forward about 280 years. In Targaryen tradition the brother and sister marry. But due to inbreeding King Aerys II is the last Targaryen King. Many of the noble lords are upset and angered by Aerys II rule. Events occur and a rebellion occurs. Robert Baratheon is the leader of the rebellion and strongest of the warlords claims the Throne.

Fast forward about 20 years – this is where the game takes place.

The game is a modified version of the d20 system.

Here is what the book says are three possible settings/party styles of play.

• The Noble House Game — you and your fellow players portray the various members of one of the noble houses. This can range from the actual family members to heads of the household staff, such as the captain of the guard, the house maester (healers/advisors), the family’s septon (holymen/holywomen), or even the master of horses. An example of this type of game from the books would involve playing members of House Stark moving to the royal court in King’s Landing.

• A Game of Thrones — the players take the roles of influential members of Westeros’s ruling class. High-ranking septons, influential nobles and similar ilk plot and scheme and
seek to put their own representatives into places of power. This style seeks to capture the Machiavellian orchestrations of Cersei, Varys, Littlefinger and others for power over the throne of the Seven Kingdoms.

• The Band of Heroes Game — a mixed band of heroes set out to battle a common foe,
and in the process gain renown, wealth and experience. This could vary from a band of
sellswords (mercenaries) plying their trade among the Free Cities (not in Westros), to brothers of the Night’s Watch (defenders on the wall) battling wildlings and terrors beyond the Wall.

Here are few ideas for characters along these lines of play based on the games character classes.

Younger Child of the Lord (Noble House)
Diplomat (Game of Thrones)
Travelling Performer (Band of Heroes)

House Septon (Noble House)
Official of the Faith (Game of Thrones)
Wandering Servant of the People (Band of

House Woodsman (Noble House)
Master of the Hunt (Game of Thrones)
Poacher (Band of Heroes)

House Agent (Noble House)
Spymaster (Game of Thrones)
Thief (Band of Heroes Game)

House Soldier (Noble House)
Knight (Game of Thrones)
Sellswords (Band of Heroes)

Student of the Citadel (Noble House)
House Maester (Game of Thrones)
Fallen Maester (Band of Heroes)

Heir to the House (Noble House)
Lord on the Small Council (Game of
Baseborn Outcast (Band of Heroes)

Captive Wildling (Noble House)
Dothraki Khal (Game of Thrones)
Clan Marauder (Band of Heroes)

Just as a side note this is a rare game where the players can play powerful characters. Ie you can play nobles, kings, and decision makers – just something to keep in mind.

Another option is for the players to make a noble house.

Another option is for the players to play in another timeframe. Ie the rebellion or earlier in the Golden Age of the Seven Kingdoms.

Another option is for the players to insert themselves into the novels and rewrite them and they see fit.

Well I am done ranting and raving. If there is anything you would like to add or say please say so.
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My dream campaign would be to play some of the major characters from the novels in an "alternate history" type campaign where some event turned out differently from the books and then we played out the ramifications. However, everyone would have to be very familiar with the books and this would probably be the most complicated campaign.

Playing in the past might be an option, say during the Blackfyre rebellion, or even back farther when the Targaryens first came to Westeros and fought their wars of dominance.

I don't know. There's lots of ways to go.


The more I think about it, the more playing a campaign set in the past appeals to me. It avoids many of the problems inherent in trying to run a campaign set in the current period and it's not like there aren't enough interesting periods.

As I mentioned previously, we could play during the Targaryen conquest of Westeros, or during the Blackfyre rebellion. Another possibility is to play during Robert's Rebellion. We could also just pick some other time and play, say during the reign of Aegon IV (I think he's mentioned as being one of the most cruel and depraved Targaryen kings which could be interesting).


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I like the idea of playing during the Blackfyre Rebellion. It allows the players the most options. First, the players on not restricted by the novels, there is very little written about this time. Most of what is written is brief and not very detailed. Second, the players can still play some of the houses that are very restricted in later times, Targaryen for example.
And third, the players can make there own destiny and history on the Kingdom.

Here is a brief history of the Blackfyre Rebellion.

King Aegon IV, however, best known as Aegon the Unworthy, left the realm in a legacy of turmoil. The father of many bastards, he legitimised them on his death bed. He placed his eldest bastard son Daemon above the rest and gave him the sword Blackfyre, the ancestral Valyrian weapon of the Targaryen kings. Daemon took the last name of Blackfyre after the sword.

It was King Aegon’s son Daeron who succeeded Aegon IV, however, 184 years after Aegon’s Conquest. His claim was based on his legitimacy, although some rumoured that he was in fact the son of Aegon’s brother, Prince Aemon the Dragonknight. He became known as Daeron the Good due to his wise rule. In the 12th year of Daeron’s reign, however, Daemon Blackfyre rebelled. Half the realm followed the black dragon of Daemon’s banner.

At the Redgrass Field, a pitched battle took place to determine who would hold the Iron Throne. During the course of that battle, Daemon Blackfyre and his two eldest sons were slain. His remaining sons and his half-brother Bittersteel, another of Aegon’s legitimised bastards, fled to the Free Cities. They and their descendants were to trouble the Seven Kingdoms for generations until the death of the last Blackfyre Pretender, Maelys the Monstrous, during the War of the Ninepenny Kings in the reign of King Aegon V.


I think a campaign during this period would be a lot of fun. The question now is, what type of campaign would we want to play? Band of heroes? Noble houses? Either way, I would lean toward playing a Stark or a Targaryen.


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Since none of the other players are chipping in, here is what I am thinking. I would like to see a noble house campaign. I have been working on the details for the Blackfyre Rebellion.

Players would be 5th level. No ECL. I can work anything into the campaign.

One thing the players have to decide or at least think about is what side of the rebellion are they going to side. Either Targaryen or Blackfyre. I don't want the players to be fighting with each other. Unless this is the type of campaign they want to play. It would see more enjoyable if everyone would work together, rather than fighting each other.

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