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Airwalkrr's Shackled City IC

Simon raises an eyebrow as he watches the thugs flee. "Seems most unwise, attacking a man such as yourself. Risking a man's ire is one thing, risking St. Cuthbert's is another matter entirely." He shakes his head in mock despair. "What is this world coming to, eh?"

He then turns to the half-orc, grinning with delight. "Floch, my dear fellow! Excellent to see you! I knew that you were a man of character and quality, and your interference in this heinous matter only confirms my initial judgement! Let us conduct this fellow to safety, and then I shall stand you a drink or three at the Tipped Tankard, eh?"

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The young woman moves up to the trio, that obviously seemed to know each other, addressing them directly.

“Hey! Erm... guys. You live here? In Cauldron? Becaaauuuse... we just arrived and had some trouble finding a place to stay, that was half-way decent and half-way affordable for our meager pouches. Maybe you could give us some hint? Please?”


[sblock=OOC]Technically, combat wasn't over, but since none of you seem to be pursuing the thugs and they realize they are outnumbered, they are retreating.[/sblock]

"You got lucky this time, priest!" One of the thugs shouts out as they scamper out of the alleyway. "Next time we won't be so gentle. Stay away from the orphanage!"

The man in the dark cloak hobbles over to your group. He is battered and bruised, but as soon as he sees it is safe, he casts a spell upon himself and his wounds are significantly ameliorated.[sblock=Spellcraft DC 16]The man cast cure light wounds.[/sblock]Responding to the halfling, "Yes, I am much better now. Thank you for your help."

The man looks around at the crowd gathering around the edge of the alley and focuses on Floch. "Wait, I know you. You're from the orphanage. Floch wasn't it? I agree with this man," he says, motioning to Simon, "That was an impressive display. But yes, I must return to the temple. If you wouldn't mind, I would much enjoy the company. And I'm sure we can find you a place to stay for the night," he says to Alexi.

"I am Ruphus, by the way, assistant cleric at the church of St. Cuthbert."


First Post

“Gladly. Oh, and I'm Alexi.”

Somewhere above, a raven sits on the rooftop and watches the scene with curiosity.

The young woman moves up to the trio, that obviously seemed to know each other, addressing them directly.

“Hey! Erm... guys. You live here? In Cauldron? Becaaauuuse... we just arrived and had some trouble finding a place to stay, that was half-way decent and half-way affordable for our meager pouches. Maybe you could give us some hint? Please?”

Yap, drinks could be great.
He never chit chatted with the tiny folk before just said a typical howdy and a smile. he gets used to people that stare at him. Not because he is a Half Orc, because most of them know about his past as a slave in the Orc's tribe.
at least people respect him for guarding the orphanage

Looking at the woman Floch snores.
Hint, that depends are you friend or foe?

*airwalkrr - you never said if that's the cleric that forgot the prayerbook?
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"Orphanage?" Simon murmurs at the thugs' shout. "How terribly cliché of them. Is it so much to expect some style of villains, I ask you?"

The whimsy in his voice vanishes as he replies to Ruphus. "I, too, would be glad to accompany you...although I confess that I would like an explanation for this attack upon you. That can wait until we are in more private surroundings, of course."

As they begin walking, he turns his attention -- and his grin -- to Alexi. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, m'lady. I am Simon Sinople, a scholar by trade and a wanderer by inclination. What brings you to Cauldron, if I may be so bold as to ask?"
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First Post

“Friend or foe? Well, I wish the orphans no harm; quite the opposite in fact, considering that I was raised as an orphan myself. Why would anyone want to harm them, anyways? These thugs, for example. Any idea what that was about?”

“What brings me to Cauldron? I don't know, really. Curiosity? Havn't seen much of this whole region, yet, and I thought it was about time to learn some more, travel, see it with my own eyes. That... brings me here.”


First Post
The prospect of having a place to bed down for the night had improved Keth's mood considerably. And he could not help but chuckle at the question of friend or foe to the young woman he had been traveling with. Keth pushed the dark tangle of rain slicked hair back from his face, his good eye studying the man they saved.

Who were those guys?


[sblock=Strahd]Sorry, I thought it would have been apparent, but yes, this is the priest you were chasing down.[/sblock][sblock=OOC]Strahd and Bohemian, it looks like you are both using the same color for text. It might help if one of you switched.[/sblock]

As Ruphus dusts off his cloak and begins leading the way back to his temple, he explains, "At first I thought they meant to rob me, until it became clear they were trying to intimidate me. As near I can figure, they don't want the Church involved in the investigation of four missing children, but I can't imagine why."

Along the way, Ruphus seems grateful for the company, though he is constantly looking over his shoulder and acts a bit jumpy. He leads you to the north side of town and onto Obsidian Avenue. Soon you come to a majestic two-story edifice with white marble walls suffused with veins of vivid blue. Even on this rainy night it stands in stark contrast to the buildings of bare black stone that flank it on the north end of the street. A pair of white marble statues depicting armored warriors stands on either side of the temple's heavy oaken door. Each of the statues raises a great mace to the sky. Above the door's marble architrave are boldly inscribed the following words: "WITHIN LAW LIVES HOPE."

"Please come inside," Ruphus insists, motioning you within the great marble structure.

"My goodness, Ruphus," says a young acolyte, rushing up to him as you enter. "What in the name of the Cudgel happened? You look like you've been beaten within an inch of your life!"

"It's alright, Delmar," Ruphus says, reassuring the young man. "It is nothing a good night's rest and some prayer won't heal. Is Sister Jenya still awake? I must speak with her." He then turns to your group. "You should meet with her as well. I'm sure she will be interested to hear about your bravery."

"Yes, of course. She's in her study still, I believe. Let me get you a basin and cloth to clean up before you see her though."

"I can handle it, Delmar. If you will excuse me, kind folks, I'm going to meet with my superior now. In the meantime, Delmar, please see that my saviors are comfortable will you?"

Ruphus trots off leaving you with Delmar, who invites each of you to dry off with a warm blanket and some hot tea. Ruphus does not return, but after a while, a woman with premature streaks of gray in her rich brown hair enters the sanctuary. She wears a brown robe with golden trim and the same ruby starburst symbol as Ruphus around her neck. "Welcome to the Church of St. Cuthbert. My name is Jenya Urikas, acting High Priestess. Allow me to express my deepest thanks to you for lending Ruphus aid. He is not very experienced and was terribly frightened by the ordeal, but he tells me you were quite heroic to stand up to those thugs for him. If you wouldn't mind accompanying me, I'd like to speak with you more."

[sblock=OOC]Throughout the campaign you will learn the location of new places throughout town. You may then travel to these locations at your leisure. Learning about new locations may be done in a variety of ways. It may be plot-related, or you may learn about them through Knowledge or Gather Information checks. At the outset of the campaign, you know of the following locations:
-City Gates (four in all, one for each cardinal direction)
-Tipped Tankard Tavern (on Ash Avenue on the northwest part of town)

In addition, Strahd's character, Floch, knows the location of the Lantern Street Orphanage (on a side street off Ash Avenue on the northeast side) because he works there, and Zarust's character, Goran, knows the location of the Temple of Lordly Might (on the far west side on Obsidian Avenue), because he is of the faithful of Kord.

I have a blank map of Cauldron and at some point I will mess around with photoshop to see what I can do about labeling the places you have discovered. For now, it is sufficient that you have a list of places you can visit.

You may now add the Church of St. Cuthbert to your known locations (on Obsidian Avenue on the north side).[/sblock]


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Floch hands the prayer book to Rophus before he leaves.
Once Jenya comes he accompany her. He is more then interested to hear what she have to say about the kidnapping.

Voidrunner's Codex

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