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Airwalkrr's Shatterscape IC (Cooperative Design-As-You-Go PBP)


Kylest tensed as he felt a presence loom up behind him. He turned sharply, fists clenching, but he clearly expected something more threatening than a slip of a human girl. He forces himself to relax, and finds himself staring at her tatoos for a moment before her apology filters through his adrenaline.

He breaks eye contact, looking away, and speaks in a voice gone gravelly from disuse.

"No insult taken lass. Sorry for. . . I'm just a little bit jumpy right now."

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Arden smiles, relieved that the dwarf didn't carry through with that clenched fist.

"Narovan can have that effect on a person."

She inclines her head in acceptance of his apology and steps off to the side to wait for the innkeep to become free. When the man does return from reading the scroll that another customer handed him she speaks up.

"Yes, no sense traveling the streets now. A mug of the Narovan dark, please. And any leftovers you might have from the evenings meal."

She turns again to the dwarf.

"I recommend the Dark. It really is quite good."


As if sensing the tension in the dwarf, the innkeeper walks over and motions inside. "Please sir, you are wearied. Perhaps a drop of brandy to wet your tongue will set your mind at ease. Come, sir. Sit yerself by the fire and I shall fetch it fer ye. What do ye say?"

Once he has the dwarf situated, he comes to wait upon the lady, "Narovian dark it is ma'am. An' I kin whip up some bread n' cheese if that be te yer likin'. Afraid there weren't no meat delivered today so I wasn't able to make any of me stew."
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Deuce Traveler

Kleb had been adventuring for years after Born's death before arriving at Narovan. He had always meant to go to the city and find Born's friend, Canestriel, but he felt oath-bound to follow the teachings of the Order of Luthes and help those in need. And in these dark times there was always someone in need. But now he finally arrived triumphantly in Narovan... and promptly had his backpack stolen by a wily halfling gypsy.

One of his legs began to grow stiff from a mixture of an old injury and the cold, and he bent down to massage the numb limb. "I'm sorry, sir. I must admit that I have been recently robbed and the brash lad was a bit quick for me to chase down. Still, I have a strong back and a sharp mind. I would be glad to pay for my board by either labor or perhaps by having me do a reading to your customers from the Book of Luthes."


The innkeeper gives Kleb a long, hard stare, then holds out his hand as if to shake it in introduction with the wearied man.

[sblock=Spot DC 21; automatic for Kleb]The old innkeeper slips five silver pieces into the wearied man's hand.[/sblock]

"Ah yes, of course sir, I'd be happy ter, but... Oh look see here, this is more than enough fer the night sir. Don't you worry yer head about it." It seems the man has enough money in his hand after all. The innkeeper then leans in to whisper something into the wearied man's ear.

[sblock=Listen DC 15; automatic for Kleb]"Don't worry, lad. I'm not about to put you out into the cold. Go grad ye a spot by the fire and dinnae think a thought aboot it."[/sblock]


First Post
Micheal sees the Paladin come in, and mutters something under his breath before he looks back at the bartender, and passing him 2 silvers, saying "Ill take another one of your brew, and what food that could get me with the rest....whats the cost of a room here by the way?"


Kylest withdraws again from the sudden attention he has drawn. He shakes off the barkeep's offer, and is greatful for the distraction provided by the new human's arrival. He places his burden down in a corner and seats himself down, watching the rest of the room carefully.


Arden discreetly hands a gold coin to the barkeep before taking a seat at one of the two tables. She holds the wooden box in her lap.

"Bread and cheese will do fine. Thank you."

[You should have found a money-changer. Now one of these brutes will rob you in the night. Or worse!]

Arden sighs and wishes she could block out the Coward's incessant ranting. As she waits she studies the new arrival and the thirsty man at the bar.

Deuce Traveler

The paladin smiles and nods respectfully to the innkeeper to show thanks. There was kindness here, which validated much of the Order's teachings. He made a mental note to try and repay the charity he had seen as he handed the innkeeper the five silver pieces back and walked into the room.

The assortment of travelers was odd: a jumpy young lass speaking with a stocky, shaved dwarf ... another man drinking beer and staring at Kleb with an air of distaste ... and locals that glanced a distrusting eye. Feeling a bit uncomfortable the tired, armored man took a seat near the fire, massaged his calf in an attempt to get the stiffness out, and took a book to read from a vest pocket.


Responding to Michael's request, the innkeeper replies, "I've bread n' cheese enough for all if you delight it sir. 'Ave it out in a jiffy. Oh, an' a bed in the common room be five pieces o' silver. My deepest apologies but the private rooms already be taken." He moves over to a small pantry behind the bar and retrieves a baker's box and large cheese wheel which he sets down upon the largest table, producing a hunk of cheese and loaf of bread for both Arden and Michael. He hands Arden her change (3 sp and 4 cp, assuming she pays for a spot in the common room as well), then heads back to the bar. He returns a few moments later with a frothy mug of dark ale. "Enjoy, lass!" he says with a wide grin.

[sblock=Spot DC 20]There is a raven perched on the rafters above you. While there is nothing particularly unusual about that in and of itself, the bird appears to be watching the door very intently.[/sblock][sblock=Skill Spoilers: Read Me]Whenever you see a spoiler block with a skill DC listed, you may roll that skill check. Special conditions may also be listed, such as "within 30 feet of the lantern" or "automatic for [character x]." If you succeed on the skill check and/or fulfill the special condition, you may read the skill spoiler. I have no way to monitor abuse, so please use the honor system. If the skill is trained only, I will try to always include a reminder to that effect with a parenthetical note. Since we are using the honor system, I don't care what method you use to roll for skill spoilers, although I would prefer you be consistent. You could even roll these skill checks at home with real dice for all I care. You are only cheating yourself of the experience if you elect to cheat.[/sblock][sblock=OOC]Other than the innkeeper, your characters are the only ones in the bar room. The other guests that the innkeeper refer to appear to have already retired.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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