• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



Ok, made the changes suggested by Shayuri and added a couple of autosofts. I still think I might be short on autosofts. Uploaded new versions of Lum in the post above.

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First Post
My character is pretty much finished up. Its been crazy up here as they are sending me back out of town once again for more training. I want to at least get my character finished before leaving again and I can work on an introduction while out of town pen and paper style and get it typed up when I'm gone or try and do it from my phone. Thanks for being patient.

Sounds like they're spending lots of time and money on your training. That's good news! Makes it harder to replace you. :)


Sooo... I've been thinking about fake SINs, licenses, and disposable commlinks. I'm not really sure what I need. I'll have the freebee fake SIN Till has given us all but I'm not sure what else. I've purchased a fake SIN rating 4 with several different licenses. Just wondering how you all plan on working those things.


First Post
Assuming you're SINless (you are unless you take a negative quality saying you're not), a good fake SIN is necessary to operate in society. That SIN should -not- be used in connection with anything illegal. You buy groceries with it. You drive a car that you NEVER drive on runs. You have a commlink that broadcasts it ONLY when you're not on a run, or in seedy areas, or around seedy people (like us).

Think of the good fake SIN as your secret identity.

Then, you need a cheap fake SIN to keep on hand broadcasting on a commlink when you ARE on a run. Because going anywhere without a SIN broadcast is like painting a giant CRIMINAL HERE sign on yourself. This SIN will quickly become associated with your many illegal activities though, and will become too 'hot' to keep using. That is why you want this 'working' SIN to be cheap. You will go through them like candy. Your working SIN is what you use to buy grenades and guns and ammo though. And mods for your battlecars. Anything that's questionable for a normal citizen to do or buy, you use this SIN.

Example, Death Otter is a SINner. She has a name she was born with, registered in the databases of UCAS. She could use that SIN to do normal stuff if she wants to. In this case, she chooses not to. Instead, she uses a rating 3 fake SIN that lists her name as 'Deezy Klatta.' This SIN shows her (fake) job, her (real) address, and various other identifying information...which she carefully vets to decide if she wants it to be real (like medical information that could let an EMT choose the right lifesaving drug to use) or fake (like how much money she makes at her fake job, which is actually just money she deposits from her shadowrunning on a semi-regular basis to cover living costs).

She also has a rating 1 fake SIN which shows her being named 'Beth Cotter.' It also lists information about her, ALL of which is fake. If anyone ever caught her and ran a check on her based on her biometrics, it will almost certainly show the rating 1 SIN as being fake. It would have a fair chance of revealing her rating 3 SIN as being fake, which would SUCK because that's where she has most of her non-illegal possessions, including her lifestyle, registered. It could very easily also reveal her ACTUAL SIN, in which case it would become a Criminal SIN, which is a whole other ball of stinky rancid beans.

Note that she's flying loose and easy with regards to licenses as well. Fake licenses are a good idea, because they reduce the odds someone will notice your gun and realize it's not licensed and then decide to do a detailed background search of your SIN because that's damned suspicious. She could very easily lose her Rating 1 SIN that way, even if they don't have her biometrics to work from. Her Rating 3 SIN should be fairly insulated, since her illegal gear isn't associated with it at all, unless they DO have her biometrics to work from.

Death Otter takes this chance partly because she thinks she can hide or spoof her illegal stuff if she needs to. Being a technomancer helps in this regard, since she's not using an illegal device to hack...no scanner will ever detect her cyberdeck. She's also planning on staying mostly out of sight when possible and running silent in the Matrix to avoid notice. And of course she's wildly overconfident. And kind of broke, so she can't afford fake licenses anyway. :)
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Wow, that's very useful info. Thanks, Shayuri. :)

So Rakesh, being SINless, could have a good rating 4 fake SIN under the name 'Jamie Kahn' that serves as his safe identity. It's tied to his lifestyle, a clean vehicle, and a clean commlink. Attached to that would be various licenses: driving, and I'm not sure what else.

Rakesh also has a rating 3 fake SIN under the name 'Sahil Singh'. It's stashed with a bug-out bag and some essential gear and weapons in a U-STOR-IT locker.

Finally, a crappy rating 1 fake SIN that Rakesh only uses on runs and will sooner or later trash.

Rakesh has a ton of restricted gear (pistol, cyber, bio) and some forbidden gear (assault rifle, sniper rifle). Licenses would include firearms possession, concealed carry, restricted cyberware, restricted bioware, driving. Trying to figure out what licenses I would need on which SINs.


First Post
Ok let's see if I can do this correctly...

== Info ==
Street Name: Faust
Name: John Lockwood
Movement: 16/32
Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Human Male Age 32
Height 5'9 Weight 195
Composure: 5
Judge Intentions: 6
Lift/Carry: 9 (60 kg/40 kg)
Memory: 6
Nuyen: 348

== Priorities ==
Metatype: E - Human
Attributes: A - 24 Attributes
Special: B - Adept, Magician, or Technomancer
Skills: C - 28 Skills/2 Skill Groups
Resources: D - 50,000¥

== Attributes ==
BOD: 5
AGI: 6 (8)
REA: 5 (8)
STR: 4
CHA: 2
INT: 4
LOG: 3
WIL: 3
EDG: 4
MAG: 6

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence: 6
Initiative: 9 (12) + 4d6
Rigger Initiative: 12 + 4d6
Astral Initiative: 8 + 2d6
Matrix AR Initiative: 12 + 4d6
Matrix Cold Initiative: 4 + DP + 3d6
Matrix Hot Initiative: 4 + DP + 4d6
Physical Damage Track: 11
Stun Damage Track: 10

== Limits ==
Physical: 8
Mental: 5
Social: 5
Astral: 5

== Active Skills ==
Animal Handling : 0 Pool: 1
Archery : 0 Pool: 7
Armorer : 0 Pool: 2
Automatics : 6 [Machine Pistols] Pool: 14 (16)
Blades : 1 [Knives] Pool: 9 (11)
Clubs : 0 Pool: 7
Computer : 0 Pool: 2
Con : 0 Pool: 1
Cybercombat : 0 Pool: 2
Demolitions : 0 Pool: 2
Disguise : 0 Pool: 3
Diving : 0 Pool: 4
Escape Artist : 0 Pool: 7
Etiquette : 0 Pool: 1
First Aid : 1 Pool: 4
Forgery : 0 Pool: 2
Free-Fall : 0 Pool: 4
Gunnery : 0 Pool: 7
Gymnastics : 2 Pool: 10
Hacking : 0 Pool: 2
Heavy Weapons : 0 Pool: 7
Impersonation : 0 Pool: 1
Instruction : 0 Pool: 1
Intimidation : 2 [Physical] Pool: 4 (6)
Leadership : 0 Pool: 1
Locksmith : 2 Pool: 10
Longarms : 0 Pool: 7
Navigation : 0 Pool: 3
Negotiation : 0 Pool: 1
Palming : 3 Pool: 11
Perception : 4 Pool: 8
Performance : 0 Pool: 1
Pilot Ground Craft : 0 Pool: 7
Pilot Watercraft : 0 Pool: 7
Pistols : 2 [Semi-Automatics] Pool: 10 (12)
Running : 2 Pool: 6
Sneaking : 6 [Urban] Pool: 14 (16)
Survival : 0 Pool: 2
Swimming : 2 Pool: 6
Throwing Weapons : 0 Pool: 7
Tracking : 0 Pool: 3
Unarmed Combat : 2 Pool: 10

== Knowledge Skills ==
Area Knowledge: New York Sprawl : 4 Pool: 8
English : N Pool: 0
Firearms : 3 Pool: 6
Russian : 2 Pool: 6
Security Tactics : 2 Pool: 5
Shadow Community : 3 Pool: 7

== Contacts ==
Doc Sweet; New York Sprawl; Street Doc (4, 6)
Mac; New York Sprawl; Fixer (6, 1)

== Qualities ==
Addiction (Mild) (Alcohol)
Dependent (Demanding)
Family Curse

== Powers ==
Improved Physical Attribute (AGI) Rating: 2
Improved Potential (limit) (Physical) Rating: 1
Improved Reflexes 3

== Lifestyles ==
Medium 1 months

== Armor ==
Armor Jacket 12
Armor Vest 9
Clothing 0
Helmet 2
+Low Light
+Thermographic Vision

== Weapons ==
Ares Alpha
+Gas-Vent 3 System
+Imaging Scope
+Shock Pad
+Smartgun System, Internal
+Spare Clip
+Spare Clip
+Spare Clip
+Spare Clip
+Spare Clip
Pool: 14 Accuracy: 7 DV: 11P AP: -2 RC: 9
Ares Crusader II
+Concealable Holster
+Gas-Vent 2 System
+Smartgun System, Internal
+Spare Clip
+Spare Clip
+Spare Clip
+Spare Clip
Pool: 14 (16) Accuracy: 7 DV: 7P AP: - RC: 5
Ares Crusader II
+Concealable Holster
+Gas-Vent 2 System
+Smartgun System, Internal
+Spare Clip
+Spare Clip
+Spare Clip
+Spare Clip
Pool: 14 (16) Accuracy: 7 DV: 7P AP: - RC: 5
Grenade: Fragmentation
Pool: 7 Accuracy: 8 DV: 18P(f) (-1/m) AP: +5 RC: 3
Grenade: High Explosive
Pool: 7 Accuracy: 8 DV: 16P (-2/m) AP: -2 RC: 3
Grenade: Smoke
Pool: 7 Accuracy: 8 DV: (10m Radius) AP: - RC: 3
Unarmed Attack
Pool: 10 Accuracy: 8 DV: 4S AP: - RC: 3

== Commlink ==
Hermes Ikon (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 5, FWL: 5)

== Gear ==
Ammo: APDS (Assault Rifles) x24
Ammo: Explosive Rounds (Machine Pistols) x16
Ammo: Gel Rounds (Machine Pistols) x16
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Machine Pistols) x24
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Assault Rifles) x24
Autopicker Rating 4
Contacts Rating 3
+Image Link
+Vision Enhancement Rating 1
Earbuds Rating 1
+Audio Enhancement Rating 1
Fake SIN (John Smith) Rating 3
Grenade: Fragmentation x7
Grenade: High Explosive x7
Grenade: Smoke x7
Microphone, Omni-Directional Rating 1

== Vehicles ==
Ford Americar (Sedan)
+Morphing License Plate
+Spoof Chips
+Sensor Array Rating 2


First Post
The importance of fake SINs in the game cannot be overstated. Everyone should consult page 367 of the SR5 rulebook for information on the different levels of fake SINs.

The higher the rating of the fake SIN, the more closely it matches your character and the more convincing its forged records. They're called fake SINs but really they're mostly stolen SINs. Your characters would have bought their fake SINs either from a fixer or from a criminal organization such as the Yakuza or the Vory (which is where your fixer would have gotten them).

A rating 1 fake SIN is going to have absolutely nothing in common with your character. I'm not kidding when I say that your rating 1 fake SIN could belong to an 8-year old Ethiopian ork girl who died from malaria eleven years ago. So it's not really appropriate to assume that a rating 1 fake SIN is going to have the same metatype, nationality, or even gender as your character. All this SIN is good for is general broadcasting and using in places where there's absolutely no scrutiny at all (for example, a convenience store - where all they care about is whether you have a SIN, not whether it's legit).

To demonstrate how weak a rating 1 fake SIN is, every single time you step onto a city bus or subway train there is a 44% chance it will be burned (the public scanner will be rolling a pool of 2 with a threshold of 1). Yup, that's right: A rating 1 fake SIN is garbage. It wasn't much of a gift.

A rating 2 fake SIN will get burned 11% of the time it encounters the lowest level of scrutiny. Still incredibly weak.

A rating 3 fake SIN is immune to the lowest level of scrutiny, mercifully (the threshold of 3 is beyond the means of a 2-dice pool). It does have a 9% chance of getting burned if you're stopped at a security checkpoint on the street, though. So getting into Manhattan will be risky - don't worry, that place is so dangerous for runners that it's off-limits anyway.

A rating 4 fake SIN is on the low-to-middle end of what a person trying to actually fake being a SINner in the long term will use. A 1% chance of being discovered at a security checkpoint.

A rating 5 fake SIN is the higher level used by the SINless who are trying to fit in with society - and it's beyond the availability (15F!) of new characters at creation. It's expensive but there are whole hosts of SINless who work menial under-the-table jobs for slave wages for years to save up the cash to buy one of these from the Mafia or the Triad. It's beyond the means of a standard security checkpoint to flag and will get through even high-end security with a failure rate of under 7%. It'll crumble only under long-term investigation, such as if the user is arrested.

A rating 6 fake SIN is real in every way except for one: It's fake. It has your actual biometrics as well as a concrete falsified history. It's essentially undetectable. This isn't a stolen identity, this is the result of a truckload of nuyen paid to a criminal organization to actually insert a new SIN into the system. It's of course the ultimate dream for most SINless - not for runners though. The fact that it's essentially real makes it worse than useless to you.

If a SIN is burned it's basically unusable. Technically you can still broadcast it but you're very likely to wind up leading the police right to you in short order. You'll lose the lifestyle, the licenses, and even the cash associated with the burned SIN.

What, the cash? Yup. Paper currency still exists... somewhere. It's hard to get a hold of and 99.9% of businesses don't accept it. So money is instead calculated digitally and attached to a SIN. Every single nuyen essentially has a SIN of its own, making forgery next to impossible (think: super bitcoins of the future). That's why you should own credsticks. As in multiple of them - that way if one is stolen or lost you have backup cash. Using a credstick can be seen as kind of suspicious in some places but most won't turn it down. A credstick is basically a device with a SIN of its own that exists purely for having money attached to it. Credstick prices are listed on page 443 and each level has a maximum currency amount.

Licenses exist so that you can attempt to take illegal gear with you when you're out and about in the city. If you don't have a license for your handgun, keep it under your jacket. If you don't have a license for that rifle, keep it in the trunk of your car. In the worst parts of town you'll almost never be stopped (because there's little-to-no police presence) but if you try to walk into a fancy mall in Astoria, Queens with a shotgun over your shoulder you'll raise eyebrows. Remember that even non-weapon items (like certain cybernetic implants) can have an R or F availability rating. Every time a cop runs a check on your license he's also checking your SIN - the license isn't a piece of paper or anything, it's a note or a tag that's been attached to a SIN. Licenses are best for R and F rated items that you'll always have with you, like restricted cyberware.

As for vehicles, these are easier to handle thanks to spoof chips and morphing plates, both of which I explained a while back to Mosier in this thread. If you have the spoof chip you might get pulled over for having no plate (you DID remember to pull it off before doing legwork for the run, right?) but otherwise you'll be fine. If you have both the vehicle is basically untraceable.

This is the system you're fighting. It's not there just to be a pain in the ass - maneuvering through this minefield is a core part of the game. You guys are like red pills in the Matrix. No one said being a runner was going to be easy.
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First Post
[sblock=Death Otter; THIS IS MY FINAL FORM]

Attributes: A, Skills B, Resonance C, Metatype D, Resources E


Composure: 8
Judge Intentions: 8
Memory: 11

Condition Monitor
Body: 10
Stun: 11
Overflow: 3

Initiative 9+1d6
Matrix Initiative (AR) 9+1d6
Matrix Initiative (VR) 11+4d6

Physical 4
Mental 8
Social 6

Living Persona
Rating 6
Attack 3
Sleaze 5
Data Processing 6
Firewall 5

Codeslinger (Hack on the Fly) 10
Natural Hardening 10
Analytic Mind 5
SINner (UCAS national) -5 (Name: Dolores Zane)
Distinctive Style -5 (outlandish behavior)
Allergy -5 (Mild, Uncommon - Animal Fur)

Group skills
Tasking 5 (11)
- Compiling
- Decompiling
- Registering

Active skills
Computer 6 (12)
Cybercombat 4 (10)
Electronic Warfare 5 (11)
Hacking 6 (specialized in Hosts) (12/14)
Perception 2 (7)
Pistols 3 (specialized in semi-automatics) (7/9)
Sneaking 1 (specialized in Urban) (5/7)
Software 6 (12)

Knowledge skills
Area Knowledge (New York City) 4 (9)
Matrix Games 3 (8)
Data Havens (Matrix) 3 (8/10)
Security Companies (Knight Errant) 2 (8/10)
Underworld (Matrix Crime) 2 (7/9)

English (Native)
Japanese 5 (10)

Complex Forms (resist Fading: 11)
Diffusion of Firewall (FV L+1)
Resonance Veil (FV L-1)
Resonance Spike (FV L)

1 month of Low Lifestyle, 2000
Rating 3 fake SIN, 7500 (Name: Deezy Klatta)
Rating 1 fake SIN, (free) (Name: Beth Cotter)

Certified Credstick (Silver), 20
395 ny on credstick

- Chameleon suit (with chem protection, nonconductivity and thermal damping all at rating 2), AR 9, 3700
- Armor vest, AR 9, 500

- Browning Ultra Power, ACC6/7, DMG 8P, AP -1, ammo 10(c), mode SA, RC 1, int. laser sight, 640
** Silencer, 500
** Concealable Holster, 150
Ammo (7 extra clips), 35
- 30 regular, 60
- 20 APDS, 240
- 20 stick and shock, 160

- Streetline Special, ACC4, DMG 6P, ammo 6(c), mode SA, RC 1, -2 to MAD scans to detect, 120
** Concealable Holster, 150
Ammo (1 extra clip), 5
- 20 APDS, 240

MetaLink commlink, 100 (loaded with fake SIN)
Rating 2 Contact lenses with Flare Compensation and Low Light Vision, 1150
Subvocal microphone, 50
Trodes, 70
Electronic paper (6), 30
Datachips (10), 5
Stealth tags (10), 10
Sensor tags (10), 40
* 2 cameras, 200
* 2 omnidirectional mic, 100
Low light flashlight, 25
Slap Patch (Stim) 3, 75
Tag Eraser, 450

Mac (Fixer) Con 6 / Loy 1
Reggie "The Snake" Conner (Street Doc) Con 2 / Loy 1
Tyler Horst (Knight Errant Officer) Con 3 / Loy 3

Karma expenditures
Current 0

Complex Forms
- Resonance Spike, 4kr
- Resonance Veil, 4kr

Registered Sprites
- FUTBOL (Fault Sprite) Rating 6, 1 service, 1kr

Bonus starting funds - 6kr (18000ny total start funds)[/sblock]
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