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When - on your next turn? That depends if balaclava has another 20 rounds he can spend on suppressing fire. It's unlikely. Chances are he'll have to spend his entire turn reloading.

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Just a quick heads up for Herald. Commanding a spirit doesn't necessarily involve saying words out loud, but I added that bit in for flavor. Herald's actual command is to kill anyone who tries to fight us, starting with Lunchmeat.


The delay action has me a little confused. I thought we would get to take our Round Two, Pass One actions after balaclava ended his turn but it seems like we've moved on to the second pass. Am I missing something?


First Post
No, you're not missing anything - I screwed up. Go ahead and take your turn now and I'll resolve it before Death Otter's (it would have resolved prior to Faust's, as well).


Thanks. I've added my Pass One actions.

There are a couple of other things I'm having trouble figuring out. What effect does Accuracy have? Lum's pistol has 5 (7) but I'm not sure how that affects his combat stats/rolls. I figured out the (7) is the smartgun benefit. His pistol also lists AP -1 but I don't know what that means, either. Armor Penetration? Heh, maybe I should go back to the Quick Start rules to find basic info.


First Post
Your Accuracy with a weapon is a limit on your successes, if I remember right.

AP stands for Armor Penetration. It reduces the bonus that armor gives to Body, when reducing damage. It also reduces armor rating for the purpose of determining whether damage is Stun or Physical (ie - if the damage value exceeds the modified armor rating, it's physical and potentially lethal).


First Post
Accuracy is a limit on your shooting rolls. A limit is a hard cap on how many successes you can score. So if you have a limit of 7 it means any successes above 7 are ignored. Think of it as max damage. Only when you start to get truly monstrous dice pools does the accuracy limit start coming into play.

AP is armor penetration. With AP -1 you reduce your target's armor by 1 when you hit. The two big considerations for armor are: If the damage value (modified by how many successes you scored on your shooting roll) is equal to or greater than your target's armor (modified by AP) then you do physical damage (rather than stun damage). And your opponent rolls his body + armor to reduce damage at the very end of the attack step.

Edit: Ninja'd!


First Post
A note about how I handle cover: I'll let you benefit from cover even if you haven't reused the Take Cover action at the end of a pass. If you haven't exposed yourself since last taking cover (for example, you've been reloading or taking a drug) you get all the cover's bonus. If you have exposed yourself since last taking cover you'll get a reduced defense bonus if you were in good cover (as described on pg 190).

For example - balaclava last took cover a couple passes ago and has exposed himself (by shooting) since then. He won't benefit from good cover because he's exposed himself but it's not as if he had to totally step into the open to shoot. So he's still benefiting from partial cover.

Here's a table to help illustrate what I mean:

What happens when you don't retake cover at the end of a passPartial Cover (+2 normally)Good Cover (+4 normally)
Haven't exposed yourself since you used Take Cover+2 defense+4 defense
Have exposed yourself since you used Take Cover+0 defense+2 defense

If your action is hostile (such as shooting, taking aim, or whatever) it's going to count as exposing. Reloading and the like won't expose you. Actually moving out of the cover at all (using your movement) will totally strip you of cover, of course.

Most of the cover in the subway train is good cover - it's big metal panels and heavy benches for you to duck or crouch behind.

Voidrunner's Codex

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