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Alternate Barbarian


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This is a kind of expanded choice barbarian, sticking to the class format, but with a bit more customizability. The bonuses for terrain and totem make it somewhat more powerful than a standard barbarian, but not overwhelmingly so. Comments? Ideas for other specializations?


Credit to Szatany on the Wizards boards for many of the ideas here, and the general concept (http://boards1.wizards.com/showthread.php?t=168661)


Barbarians choose a home terrain, a totem, and a specialization.

All Barbarians

1st: Illiteracy


Home terrain grants abilities at levels 2 and 4.

2: +4 Bonus to Survival
4: +2 to save against Cold based attacks

2: Bonus Feat (Endurance)
4: +2 to save against Fire based attacks

2: +2 Bonus to Climb and Balance
4: +4 penalty to the DC to track the barbarian (+2 if the barbarian is travelling with non-barbarians)

2: +4 Bonus to Climbing
4: Climb at regular move speed (not running)

2: Bonus Feat (Run)
4: +4 Bonus to Spot

2: +2 Bonus to Spot and Profession (Sailor)
4: Bonus Feat (Endurance)

2: +2 to save vs Disease
4: +2 to save vs Poison

2: +4 Bonus to Move Silently
4: +2 to save vs Poison

2: +4 Bonus to Escape Artist
4: Darkvision +30’


A totem is usually an animal the barbarian is spiritually connected with, but it can also be a community. Totems give the barbarians a special bonus or ability at 1st level. A totem animal must be one that the barbarian had exposure to in their home terrain.

Ape/Monkey: +2 to climb

Bat: +2 to listen

Bear/Crocodile/Octopus: +1 to grapple checks

Bull/Lion/Rhinoceros: +2 to hit on charge attacks

Cheetah: Bonus Feat (Run)

Community: A town or village no larger than 10,000 people, alternately this can be a nomadic community; while within 1 mile of the community, the barbarian gains a +1 morale bonus to damage rolls

Dolphin/Fish/Whale: +2 to swim

Dragon: +2 to save against fear

Elephant: +2 to bull rush

Hawk/Eagle: +2 to spot

Hyena/Wolf: +2 to survival

Horse: +2 to ride

Lizard: +2 to balance

Owl: Low light vision (double normal range if already possessed)

Rat: +2 to move silently

Raven: Bonus language (any)

Shark: +2 to all damage rolls 1/day for 5 rounds

Snake: +1 to initiative

Tiger/Puma/Cougar: +2 to hide

Wolverine/Badger/Boar: Bonus Feat (Diehard)



As in the Players’ Handbook


A barbarian who specializes in raging.

1st: Fast Movement; Rage 1/day; Bonus Feat (Extra Rage); Immune to Charms and Compulsions (while raging)
4th: Rage 2/day
7th: Damage Reduction 1/--- (only while raging); Greater Rage
8th: Rage 3/day; Tireless Rage
10th: Damage Reduction 2/--- (only while raging)
12th: Rage 4/day
13th: Damage Reduction 3/--- (only while raging)
16th: Damage Reduction 4/--- (only while raging); Rage 5/day
17th: Mighty Rage
19th: Damage Reduction 5/--- (only while raging)
20th: Rage 6/day

Non-Raging Barbarian

Gains bonus fighter feats in place of raging.

1st: Fast Movement; Bonus Feat
2nd: Uncanny Dodge
3rd: Trap Sense +1
4th: Bonus Feat
5th: Improved Uncanny Dodge
6th: Trap Sense +2
7th: Damage Reduction 1/---
8th: Bonus Feat
9th: Trap Sense +3
10th: Damage Reduction 2/---
12th: Trap Sense +4; Bonus Feat
13th: Damage Reduction 3/---
15th: Trap Sense +5
16th: Damage Reduction 4/---; Bonus Feat
18th: Trap Sense +6
19th: Damage Reduction 5/---
20th: Bonus Feat

Bonus feats are taken from the fighter bonus feat list.

War Cry Barbarian

This barbarian specializes in demoralizing war cries. A war cry is a standard action that affects all opponents within 30’. Deaf opponents are immune, as are opponents who cannot hear for any other reason. War cries are a mind-affecting, sonic effect.

1st: Fast Movement; War Cry 1/day
2nd: Uncanny Dodge
3rd: War Cry 2/day
4th: +4 to save against all Sonic effects
5th: Improved Uncanny Dodge
6th: War Cry 3/day
7th: Damage Reduction 1/---; War Cry (Flat Footed)
8th: Piercing Cry
9th: War Cry 4/day
10th: Damage Reduction 2/---; Sonic Resistance 5
11th: Frightful Cry
12th: War Cry 5/day
13th: Damage Reduction 3/---; Deafening Cry
14th: Stunning Cry
15th: War Cry 6/day; Sonic Resistance 10
16th: Damage Reduction 4/---
18th: War Cry 7/day
19th: Damage Reduction 5/---
20th: Sonic Resistance 15

War Cry: Will save (DC 10 + ½ class level + Cha modifier) or be shaken for 2d6 rounds.

War Cry (Flat Footed): Any opponent that fails their saving throw against a standard war cry is considered to be flat footed until their next turn.

Piercing Cry: The DC for War Cry increases by +2.

Frightful Cry: The barbarian can, if they choose, make a frightful cry in place of a normal war cry. With a frightful cry, any opponent that fails their save is frightened for 2d6 rounds.

Deafening Cry: Any opponent that fails their save against a standard war cry is now also deafened for the duration.

Stunning Cry: A stunning cry can be made in place of a normal war cry. Any opponent that fails their save is stunned for 1d4 rounds.

Whirling Frenzy Barbarian

This barbarian uses the whirling frenzy alternative to rage, as presented in Unearthed Arcana.

1st: Fast Movement; Whirling Frenzy 1/day
2nd: Evasion
3rd: Trap Sense +1
4th: Whirling Frenzy 2/day
5th: Improved Evasion
6th: Trap Sense +2
7th: Damage Reduction 1/---
8th: Whirling Frenzy 3/day
9th: Trap Sense +3
10th: Damage Reduction 2/---
11th: Greater Frenzy
12th: Trap Sense +4; Whirling Frenzy 4/day
13th: Damage Reduction 3/---
14th: Greater Evasion
15th: Trap Sense +5
16th: Damage Reduction 4/---; Whirling Frenzy 5/day
17th: Tireless Frenzy
18th: Trap Sense +6
19th: Damage Reduction 5/---
20th: Whirling Frenzy 6/day; Mighty Frenzy

Whirling Frenzy: When the barbarian enters a whirling frenzy, they gain a +4 bonus to Strength, and +2 dodge bonus on armor class and reflex saves. They can make one extra melee attack per round, but this attack and all others are at -2 to hit. This penalty lasts until the beginning of the round after the frenzy ends, so it also affects attacks of opportunity made by the barbarian. Frenzy lasts for 5 rounds + the barbarian’s Constitution modifier. In abilities and feats denied while in a frenzy, it is identical to rage. The barbarian is fatigued after using frenzy, just as with rage.

Greater Frenzy: The Strength bonus for frenzy increases to +6, and the dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves increases to +3.

Greater Evasion: While in a frenzy, the barbarian can reroll any failed Reflex save.

Tireless Frenzy: The barbarian is no longer fatigued at the end of a frenzy.

Mighty Frenzy: The Strength bonus for frenzy increases to +8, and the dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves increases to +4.

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First Post
neat idea crafty rat! they are quite well crafted, but i have to say that they seems a bit . . .front loaded? Not sure, but just my opinion.

BTW, i have always wanted to see a Warcry Barb, so thanks for some neat ideas :D


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