AMA: J Gray, Line Manager for Cyberpunk @ RTG

J Gray

Good morning! My name is J Gray and I’m the line manager for Cyberpunk over at R. Talsorian Games. I thought it would be fun to do an AMA here. Or an almost AMA. I’ve got a few rules.

1. I won’t respond to questions insulting my colleagues or myself.
2. I can’t break NDAs or talk about top secret stuff.

Other than that, I love chatting with other gamers so please, ask away.

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Big Cyberpunk and Mekton fan here. Any plans for more milspec vehicles and powered armor like back in the 2020 days? And favorite edition of Mekton?

J Gray

Big Cyberpunk and Mekton fan here. Any plans for more milspec vehicles and powered armor like back in the 2020 days? And favorite edition of Mekton?
Hi! On milspec gear: eventually, yes. We will explore the higher end of the cyberpunk power level.

On Mekton: rules wise, I think you can do the most with Zeta but I’ve got a copy of the original white box on my shelf and it is a prized possession.

J Gray

Do you have a favourite cyberpunk author and favourite book(s)?
In general, I try not to compare books against one another. I find I enjoy it more if I take each on its own merits. That being said, I’m always a sucker for the classics by Cardigan, Gibson, and Melissa Scott. Don’t tell anyone, but I dig a number of the old Shadowrun books, too. Especially the original trilogy and Steve Kenson’s novels.

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