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Kickstarter Amethyst Kickstarter has begun!

Dias Ex Machina

Publisher / Game Designer
Last ten days of the Amethyst kickstarter. For anyone who's still on the fence (or anyone who'd like a sneak preview) here's a mockup of the kind of thing you can expect from the Fate version.

An overview of how the species rules work: you can choose the species vocation as one of your six (vocations use the same pyramid as approaches), or if you don't feel like investing in it, you can default to +0 (with your own species only). The vocation gives you permission to do everything in the entire writeup and select the species stunts (which only make you better at things you can already do, not usually let you do things you couldn't before). If you want to be better at it, you just take the vocation at a higher rank. If you want to be much better and more focused/more flexible at it, you take a species aspect (and if you take the species vocation at +3, you HAVE to take a species aspect).


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Dias Ex Machina

Publisher / Game Designer
Only one week remains to support Dias Ex Machina's Amethyst Kickstarter. We've reached 80% and are so close to making it!

(I can't include the link because of limitations with RPGNow mass email system. Just head on over to Kickstarter and search for "Amethyst")

Here is an updated list of the pledge levels and their rewards:

Pledge $5 or more
Contributor Level: Get your name in the credits of our core rule book as a contributor. Every little bit helps. Also receive four brand-new high resolution wallpaper images from Amethyst. Pledge $10 or more Art Nut Level: Contributor rewards + you get a digital copy of the Amethyst Artbook—a promotional book detailing the dozens of sketches and color images created for Amethyst. You’ll also receive a pre-release preview of Amethyst Factions 30 days before the release of the main rulebook.

Pledge $20 or more
Factions Level (FOR RETURNING AMETHYST PLAYERS): Art Nut rewards + you’ll receive a digital copy of the Amethyst Factions rulebook (for every system Amethystsupports) as well as a digital copy of the Amethyst novel, Aiden’s Way. You’ll also be able to acquire the POD edition of any digital books in premium color at cost from RPGNow.

Pledge $20 or more
Amethyst Starter (FOR NEW AMETHYST PLAYERS): Art Nut rewards + you’ll receive a digital copy of the Amethyst core rulebook (for every system Amethyst supports). You’ll also be able to acquire the POD edition of any digital books in premium color at cost from RPGNow.

Pledge $40 or more
Complete Amethyst: Factions rewards + you’ll receive digital copies of every Amethystproduct created via this Kickstarter (core rulebooks, Factions, and the Hearts of Chaos--Complete adventure). You’ll also be able to acquire the POD edition of any digital books in premium color at cost from RPGNow.

Pledge $70 or more
Amethyst Overload: Complete Amethyst rewards + you’ll receive ALL old and new Amethyst color art in SUPER-high resolution available as a digital download. Over a hundred illustrations, more than four gigabytes of art with permission to print said art, hang it on a wall, put it on a shirt, etc.

Pledge $100 or more
Techan Fanatic: Amethyst Art Overload rewards + you’ll also receive personalized signed art inserts from both writer Chris Dias and artist Nick Greenwood. You’ll also have your name or your character’s name added into the Amethyst lore. In addition, you will receive the print edition of one of the PDFs offered by the Kickstarter (your choice). For those collectors out there, you'll also receive PDF's from every product DEM offers until now (including Ultramodern4, Apex, NeuroSpasta, and all previous Amethyst products).

Pledge $250 or more
True Saint: Techan Fanatic + you’ll receive a customized 8x10 image by Nick Greenwood of your character or character of your choosing. Said illustration may even find itself in the main book. You’ll also be invited to name a city/region in the final publication and add additional detail in said entry. (The end results of everything you provide will be held by Dias Ex Machina Games. We reserve the right to reject or modify unsuitable suggestions.) In addition, you will receive the print editions of two (total) of the PDFs offered by the Kickstarter (your choice). You and up to four of your friends will also be invited to a personalized online Amethyst game experience run by game creator Chris Dias. Said session/s will run around 4-6 hours total and will be a fully personalized experience not found in any published form. You’ll also have access to an exclusive developer forum allowing access to early artwork and g! ame concepts.
NOTE: Alternately, instead of a customized game session, you can have a hand in creating additional content for Amethyst. This can be either a mini module to be released as an additional adventure for everyone that pledged $40 or more or an entire section of the world map you will be able to develop with the original creator of Amethyst.

Pledge $500 or more
One of the Angels: True Saint rewards + you become an official sponsor of Amethyst, with a separate credit. You and up to four of your friends will gain the benefits from the "Techan Fanatic" level. In addition, you will receive the print editions of three (total) of the PDFs offered by the Kickstarter (your choice). Your group will also be invited to a personalized online Amethyst game experience—a mini-campaign run by game creator Chris Dias. Said sessions could run between 12-18 hours total and will be a fully personalized experience not found in any published form. Your group’s characters will be illustrated by Nick Greenwood with a digital and print of the artwork, signed by the artist. Your customized module with characters and original artwork will also be compiled and released as an additional adventure for everyone that pledged 40$ or more.
NOTE: Alternately, instead of a customized campaign, you c! an have a hand in creating a full adventure to be released as an additional adventure for everyone that pledged $40 or more. You will receive top writing credit for said adventure. Original artwork will be created and you will have a hand that development as well!

Dias Ex Machina

Publisher / Game Designer
Three updates:

1: We've mentioned on the Kickstarter that we have it on authority that there will be at least an SRD and probably an OGL for D&D Next (5E). WOTC is committed in rebuilding their 3PP base after 4E. DEM was the first to sign (so goes the rumor) to the GSL, and we’re even more confident now. The release date for the DDN version of Amethyst will only be announced once we have the DDN final rules in hand--Amethyst will not be a rules-free version--it will be a fully adapted setting using D&D Next. If the KS succeeds, content will start being released as early as Christmas and will continue steadily the weeks and months to follow.

2: The first priority is for the updated color images which will be used for the rebooted core rulebooks. The Pathfinder version will be released first, and most likely very quickly. The 4th Edition D&D will follow soon after, followed by the Fate Core and Savage Worlds editions. The expansion supplements will follow soon after. The 13th Age edition may take a bit longer depending on playtesting The D&D Next (5E) edition will have a release date the moment we have the rules in our hands. The listed arrival date in the Kickstarter refers the vast majority of books. The adventures written for the $500 pledges will take longer as they will only be created after all the core book and supplements have been released.

3: Here's an update on the Fate Core Version


Dias Ex Machina

Publisher / Game Designer
With just over two days left, it's looking good for the Amethyst Kickstarter. We passed our goal (WOOT!!) with significant wiggle room. I've already been in contact with Nick Greenwood on our battle plan moving forward. It's a very exciting time and hope more people will be able to get in on the rewards until they no longer become available. Be sure to share it amongst those you know, starting at the $40 level, there are numerous rewards to be had including over 15 PDFs. There are also gigabytes of high resolution artwork available at the $70 reward level. My thanks again to everyone who contributed. Remember, there is now a PayPal option for those unable to use Amazon (though check your currency conversion before you pledge). We are actually only a few hundred dollars away from reaching that soundtrack.

Dias Ex Machina

Publisher / Game Designer
24 hours remain for the Amethyst Kickstarter. We passed, and it's been awesome! We're keeping the Paypal option open at least until the end of November for those unable to get in on time or cant use Amazon. We are only $500 away from clearing the soundtrack.

Voidrunner's Codex

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