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Angel news on Sci Fi Wire

Over on Sci Fi Wire, some WB bigwig is reported as saying that Spike will show up in Angel, and that Joss hasn't killed him for good. Also, apparently Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia) WON'T be back. I'll link to the article as soon as I can find it again.

EDIT: here's the link - Levin Talks Spike On Angel

I guess in retrospect it's not really "Spike WILL be back", but "WB wants Spike, and we're pretty sure Joss'll deliver".
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I hadn't even thought about that, Crothian.

I'm leaning towards Gunn myself. It would sure explain that faraway look in his eyes after he came down from the white room.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Jamdin said:
Does anybody else think that maybe Spike may be just be seen in flashbacks?

No, because it'd have to be a *lot* of flashbacks to support the implication that he's a regular member of the cast.

I think theyll take the simple path - the prophecies about "the vampire with a soul" stated that upon reaching redemption, the vampire becomes human. So, Spike comes back as a human. A nice setup, in that Spike now has something that Angel wanted all along. If he had takent he amulet for himself, he'd be in Spike's position, and could be with Buffy...


Not for the Highlander. Imagine, every episode, Angel, now leading the corporate team at Wolfram and Hart, encounters an old enemy from the past. A vampire. They have a flashback where it shows Angel, Spike, Dru, and Darla meeting the guy, and then at the end of the episode, Angel and the guy duel with wooden swords until Angel stakes him.


What? Me Worry?
That was the thing that always bugged me about the Highlander TV show. The flashbacks I didn't mind; what I got tired of was that every villain in the flashbacks was another immortal. It would've been cool to see more mortal villains, ones that gave him a hard time, but who eventually were defeated, if not by him, then by time itself.


First Post
The trouble with Highlander was that too many episodes involved meeting with an Immortal villain, plus flashbacks, ending in the death of said villain. Lather, rinse, repeat...

I hope that if Spike comes back as a human that the loss of his strength won't take the edge off of him.

This is kind of weird speculation, but what about Lorne getting the visions? The problem with Gunn or a (human) Spike getting them is that they're meant for demons. I'd rather not see a repetition of the "Cordelia's visions are killing her" storyline.

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