Do we have a big, exciting announcement to make? Yes, yes we do!

Announcing Level Up Gateway — Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition (A5E)
Online character builder coming later this year!
EN Publishing (Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition) and Alexander Fredstie (Tableplop) are excited to announce Level Up Gateway, the long-awaited official, online character builder to support the popular Level Up game line.
Level Up Gateway contains official Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition material and enables players and Narrators to build characters, roll colourful, animated virtual dice, and access official A5E rules. Later, it will also include an integrated virtual tabletop (VTT).
- Create characters by selecting options in the step by step character builder.
- Avoid mistakes on character sheets with calculated equipment weight, item costs, and more.
- Roll ability checks, attack and damage rolls, saving throws, and more with a single click using colourful, animated dice.
- Pick dice to use for a roll or select ahead of time for damage types, attacks and skill checks.
- See where your bonuses come from with attack and damage details.
- Track inventory, feature uses, health and more.
- Roll on random tables with digital dice.
- Real time synced dice rolls for all connected players so everyone can experience the suspense of an important roll.
Frequently Asked Questions
What will Level Up Gateway cost? We have not yet finalised our pricing plans, but you will be able to make characters for free. Other features or content may have a price attached, and we will announce our plans as we get closer to launch.When does it launch? The platform is well underway (as you can see from the screenshots below). We hope to have a beta version available for those who backed the Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition Kickstarter later this year, with more widespread access rolling out afterwards.
Do I need to download anything? Level Up Gateway is browser-based. You do not need to download any software.