D&D 5E Any fluff from various editions you want to see carried forward in 5e?

Most of the discussions thus far have focused on the mechanics from various editions. Are there any chunks of "fluff" that folks would like to see re-emerge or continue?

The information that comes to mind for me is the expansion on Tharizdun and the Cult of the Elemental Eye in 4E. While not the largest fan of the 4e cosmology vs. the Great Wheel I do really like their creation story for the Abyss that focuses on the Chained God.

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First Post
Hmmm... :hmm:

Well at the very least it wouldn't be D&D without Pelor around for some reason. I am surprisingly neutral on most of the other deities, and downright negative towards the racial ones, but I have a soft-spot for the Sun God.


First Post
I would like to read about dragons, rided dragons, dragon highlords, dragon orbs, and... yes you understood... dragonlances!
Dragonlance setting apart, I would like to read more about knights, peasants, castles and medieval lore. I think that D&D has got to be too much fantastic in last years. And too much dark: I prefer "regions of light" to "points of light".
More shining armors, white horses, sunny places on art please!


Knight of Solamnia
The number one bit of fluff in my mind is the settings. I hope that all the settings will get some love, whether in print or through DDI. I hope, too, that we'll see subsetting support as well, like the Neverwinter sourcebook and Kara-tur articles.

I would like to find a way to bring level titles back. Maybe not necessarily tied to levels, but maybe as ranks or something like that.

I want to see some of the old tables come back. Things like "What type of wench do you meet?". While not mechanically important, it added a level of fun.

I also want to see a lot of the monster fluff return. Stats alone do not make up a monster. Ecology, background, etc. are all good stuff.


I would like to read about dragons, rided dragons, dragon highlords, dragon orbs, and... yes you understood... dragonlances!
Dragonlance setting apart, I would like to read more about knights, peasants, castles and medieval lore. I think that D&D has got to be too much fantastic in last years. And too much dark: I prefer "regions of light" to "points of light".
More shining armors, white horses, sunny places on art please!

While I really like the POL setting in the campaign I play, I agree with this.

For one thing POL can get pretty depressing. If there are just scattered town and villages, you can but think what is the point of fighting evil. I think there needs to be some light on the hill, some pinncle of good civilisation (especially by mid paragon) to remind good PCs what they are fighting for.

For another I think the POL assumption was too baked into 4th edition. I hope future of editions weaken this assumption and support a wider range of play styles.


I would be very happy if the default settings didn't feature entire racial pantheons, but instead gods that favored some races over others, much as in 4e.

I also would like more explicit discussion on the rarity of magic, and that worlds with more common magic must necessarily deviate more and more from medieval Europe.


For another I think the POL assumption was too baked into 4th edition. I hope future of editions weaken this assumption and support a wider range of play styles.

I could do without ever again seeing the phrase "Points of Light" in another D&D book. Seriously, I liked the concept, but they repeated the phrase throughout the 4e line ad nauseam.

Voidrunner's Codex

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