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Any Indie d20/OGL designers out there?

Andy Kitkowski

First Post
Hey all, I'm trying to make a shout out for a new awards ceremony that's starting up this year, called the "2002 Indie RPG Awards". It's basically like an Origins or ENnie awards, but not for the "industry giants"- Instead, it's for the small-press publishers and indie designers who make all those great games and supplements behind the scenes but never get any credit for it.

I've pretty much put together this awards ceremony from scratch, so this is the Trial Year. If everything goes good, we'll keep them up from next year on.

Even though the majority of d20 designers write supplements for D&D, there are some people who come up with original games and game worlds that use the d20 system in a new way. This award is to these types recognize games and their designers.

Anyway, if you've released a free or for purchase INDIE RPG game or supplement in 2002 (using your own system, or d20/OGL), please head over to my site and register. If you've released a for purchase game in 2001-2002, you can actually vote on these awards. If you know anyone who has designed Indie RPGs, please get the word out.

Also, since it's all for a good cause (getting a moderate cash prize out to a creative game designer), I've turned on an option for these awards that allows fans and folks who can't normally vote- You can actually BUY votes for the awards, which will increase the prize pool for the winner and show support for all those designers.

Thanks- This isn't meant to be a general PR, because I'm actually looking for original d20/OGL game designers (not straight D&D supplement designers). But if you are one of these indie designers, it's about time you've gotten the recognition you deserve.

The awards are at http://www.rpg-awards.com

Thanks again!

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What? Me Worry?
Just so people know, the ENnies accepts entries from anyone with an eligible product. It's not all about the industry giants. I realize that the popular vote usually follows the big guys, but the nominations themselves can give recognition to even the smallest d20 publisher. Many of them actually like competing with the big boys; they've posted as much on these boards. EDIT: I wanted to say that I do understand that you are giving awards to more than d20 products, so that is an important distinction.

Sorry; I just wanted to clarify that point.

Anyway, good luck with this! Sounds interesting.
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Andy Kitkowski

First Post
Thanks for the clarification!

Yeah, I also recognize that ALL d20 products get put in the mix for the awards. But, as you noted, they don't have much of a chance to win against in-house D&D and the like.

On the other hand, if it were a mind-numbingly-good game, it might ;)

But thanks for that point.



First Post
Do they also recognize supporting supplements and game aids like (my stuff) and miniatures/dungeon tiles/etc... the stuff that makes playing really fun and interesting (my biast opinion of course) ?


Andy Kitkowski

First Post
Well, the main award is for an actual RPG game itself, but there are several sub awards, like "Best Use of the d20 License". This award is to recognize people who use the d20 logo/license in a neat or creative way. So if that stuff uses the d20 logo, it wouldn't hurt to try to submit it...


ENnies winner and NOT Scrappy Doo
Andy Kitkowski said:
Yeah, I also recognize that ALL d20 products get put in the mix for the awards. But, as you noted, they don't have much of a chance to win against in-house D&D and the like.


I did. (Win against a WotC product in a category that a WotC product was nominated for an award).


I love my ENnie. I cherish it.


First Post
who's an industry giant?

Not to play devil's advotcate :p

But it's a valid question. A lot of companies out there are only two people who farm out for art/writing/editing, etc.

Joe and I are just masochists with a dream, doing the entire process (except printing and distribution) by ourselves. I know a lot of people started out like us, but eventually have to do something else to be competitive (i.e. put out lots of products a year)

So I guess if you could pull off a indie award (which I think would be a cool idea) that would be one of the first questions to resolve since that's the question people will ask. That and how do you get backing from the gaming community, i.e. how do you make having the indie award a signal to people that the recipent is a worthy product?

Just some food for thought.


Andy Kitkowski

First Post
Thanks, Suzi!

Admittedly, I've changed a little of my focus since the awards began, too. Before, I thought of myself as waving the banner of quality Indie RPGs, pushing through the RPG commuity to show them that indie games are quality, too.

Now, I'm more like, "I want to have FUN with this". So I'm doing this more as a "social party for independent RPG designers" and less like a "formal, critical awards ceremony". While I hope that more folks come over and check out these games, and that I get the word out, I'm just meaning the thing to be like a cocktail party, heck even a kegger, for indie RPG designers.

Thanks again for your comments!


First Post
Andy Kitkowski said:
Admittedly, I've changed a little of my focus since the awards began, too. Before, I thought of myself as waving the banner of quality Indie RPGs, pushing through the RPG commuity to show them that indie games are quality, too.

I understand the want to do this. Kinda like routing for the underdog, except some of those underdogs would kick a** if they had the resources and names of big companies like WotC or whitewolf. But then I have to remember, it's a game. I know to some it's a business, but if you're not having fun, why are you doing it? Or rather, if you have to do it, then why not have fun :p

Now, I'm more like, "I want to have FUN with this". So I'm doing this more as a "social party for independent RPG designers" and less like a "formal, critical awards ceremony". While I hope that more folks come over and check out these games, and that I get the word out, I'm just meaning the thing to be like a cocktail party, heck even a kegger, for indie RPG designers.

Kegger? Will there be beer bongs and flaming Dr. Peppers to boot? Sorry, old college suzi crept out..... :)

I'll keep my ears open for more news on this front. Fight the good fight :)


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