Diana Jones Emerging Designer Submissions Open


Submissions for the 2025 Emerging Designers program from the Diana Jones Award are now open. The program focuses on giving a boost to up and coming talent in the tabletop gaming space. From the website:

Designers who are selected as finalists receive a free badge and hotel room at Gen Con, up to $2,000 travel reimbursement for both domestic and international travel, a $75 per day food stipend, and a $2,000 honorarium for presenting their work. Designers are showcased at GenCon and receive a package of game design resources and tools which vary each year, made possible by our sponsors. Prizes typically include: 1-year voting membership in GAMA, a hobby games eLibrary, prototyping credit at The Game Crafter, Affinity 2 Graphic Design Suite, Protospiel Online badge, Gen Con TableTakes Interview, and a Gen Con TV Game Demo Spot.​

Designers are eligible if they published their first professional or commercial product (including self-published, PWYW, and PDF downloads) no more than three years from the selection year. In the case of this year, that would be before 2022. More information about eligibility and submission requirements are available on the Diana Jones website, and you can nominate yourself or another designer using the submission form. Deadline for all submissions is February 14, 2025.

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Darryl Mott

Darryl Mott

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