D&D (2024) Any Word on the Next Playtest?

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I predict a late Summer release of the PH. I strongly believe there will be other playtest docs. Maybe only 1 PH doc? But what PH content is left other than spells and maybe one final pass at the druid? Another pass at Feats? Clarifying the hints we've seen for some basic rules, like how hiding/perception/surprise works?

After a final PH doc, maybe in the following DMG doc they pitch a revised version of the Bastion Rules? Do they plan on changing the magic item format? Can they fix CR-based Encounter Building? What are things that need changed that people want to see?

On the MM side of things, any template change that showcases any magic weapon resistances changes? Will they alter or enhance Legendary Actions and Saves? Anyone know of any proud nails they want hammered down?

Either way, soon after they are done with UA for the 2024 books, they'll be doing previews. They will feed our need for information.

I'm wondering if there will even BE another playtest.

This close to the release date, I suspect all of the drafts have been written, revised, and reviewed. I'd be surprised (and a little worried) if they weren't already polishing the final drafts now.
I am under the impression, the 2024 Players Handbook comes out in May.

However, the DMs Guide and Monster Manual come out later, and there is time for more playtests for these books.

I think they may be taking the approach that the books will be completed and released when they are satisfied with them and they are ready, so the playtests will come when they are needed. I don't think they are holding themselves to a strict timeline. I hope that's the case and they aren't trying to rush them out to meet a meaningless deadline. As others have said I think the PHB will be out by years end and the DMG & MM will come later.

I don't think we'll see any more PHB playtests, but we might get another round with Bastions or some other DM-facing stuff. While plans are always changing, they DID say that we'd get some DMG and MM playtests when the PHB stuff was done, so we probably are still due two more, at least.

Maybe as early as tomorrow, but I wouldn't put money down on it.

I doubt we'll see any more PHB play tests, or if we do it will be pretty minor stuff, like a few spells or feats. I think they have what they need for the Player's Handbooks and it's probably on track for the May timeframe that was announced and retracted (I suspect they just aren't ready to commit out of an abundance of caution).

I don't think we'll see much play testing from the MM--I think they've known where they are going since Monsters of the Multiverse (I wouldn't be surprised if that one's already mostly finished)--but we'll probably see a few packets for the DMG. I'd guess maybe another revision or two on Bastions, perhaps some other subsystems like magic items, downtime, encounter building, etc.

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