Anyone else in the TTRPG community moving to Mastodon? Share your handle below!

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I feel old-

I only partially know what all of this means and try to not use any social media.
Same boat although I likely know less than you. :ROFLMAO:
I only know that Twitter was the Gutter of the internet and worse than Facebook.

So to get things straight: Everyone can set up a Mastodon server where people can make accounts, but every client can see all accounts on all servers? Reminds me a bit of IRC.
And I see lots of people here being apparently on the server, though that actually doesn't matter?

Regarding the question of what this is actually for: There are maybe a 100-ish private RPG sites that typically post an article every month or two. The blogspot sites can have a feed of other sites on them that simply show which sites have been updated most recently, but there is no such feature for wordpress, which now makes up a good chunk of those. Also, many blogspot sites only allow comments with a google account, which many/some people refuse to use on principle.
There's now fewer people who post less often, so I think people check less frequently if there's anything new. I know of one RSS agregator site, but I don't know how people would find it, and of course it lists you ALL the sites that are signed up. And it shows the first sentence or so of the post, which usually is more preamble than a summary of the topic.
So what I am thinking is, if I would make a mastodon account, I could write a short message stating that I wrote a new article about a certain topic in 200-ish letters and put a link to the page. And anyone who is in principle interested if there's something new on my page could follow my mastodon account to get these notifications I write. Right?
And I could also write my thoughts on someone elses articles in a few words like a comment without having permanent posts cluttering up the articles on my own site.

That would actually seem quite convenient. Especially if more people would do it?

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