Cerebral Paladin
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I proffered the second contract I had prepared in advance. She read it carefully, but the contract was short and clear, binding her to serve my will completely. She was reluctant, but finally drew blood again and signed her name on this contract as well. The ring I wore grew hot as she finished signing and the gold took on a slightly reddish tinge.
With that, I had bound my first devil to service, and with much more favorable terms than I had ever expected. I had expected her to negotiate on the length of service and would have agreed if pushed to service for a term of years. I also would have agreed to a more restricted servitude, but she had agreed to everything.
There are few ways to test an agreement that you have written. Most of the techniques for testing whether a devil has been bound serve to verify the nature of the contract when the devil has drawn it up. When the diabolist has drafted the contract, there should be no doubt, at least assuming the diabolist’s competence. Still, I had my doubts. She had agreed with so little resistance--a little negotiating, but not even insisting that I alter the contract itself, and without even any torment.
I instructed her to lower her resistance to a spell and cast detect thoughts. I had a clear read on her mind and asked her what her opinion of me was. Her thoughts, or at least her surface thoughts, were dominated by surprise at my audacity, although she also found me impressive and attractive, to the point of wondering whether she could draw my interest, despite my concubines. I sensed no reservations or secret hatred. While my spell was only a minor one and could not allow me to read beneath the surface thoughts, it was sufficient to resolve my doubts.
I spoke with his excellence the bishop, who congratulated me on my success and agreed that all appeared to be in order.
With that, I had bound my first devil to service, and with much more favorable terms than I had ever expected. I had expected her to negotiate on the length of service and would have agreed if pushed to service for a term of years. I also would have agreed to a more restricted servitude, but she had agreed to everything.
There are few ways to test an agreement that you have written. Most of the techniques for testing whether a devil has been bound serve to verify the nature of the contract when the devil has drawn it up. When the diabolist has drafted the contract, there should be no doubt, at least assuming the diabolist’s competence. Still, I had my doubts. She had agreed with so little resistance--a little negotiating, but not even insisting that I alter the contract itself, and without even any torment.
I instructed her to lower her resistance to a spell and cast detect thoughts. I had a clear read on her mind and asked her what her opinion of me was. Her thoughts, or at least her surface thoughts, were dominated by surprise at my audacity, although she also found me impressive and attractive, to the point of wondering whether she could draw my interest, despite my concubines. I sensed no reservations or secret hatred. While my spell was only a minor one and could not allow me to read beneath the surface thoughts, it was sufficient to resolve my doubts.
I spoke with his excellence the bishop, who congratulated me on my success and agreed that all appeared to be in order.