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Arabesu's Eyes of the Lich Queen - IC


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OOC - assumption is a funny thing isn't it? How would Rosa know that Hightower had been tortured his whole life as a slave in Thrane, and never had the luxury of any illusions about how civilized society treats it's captives.

Noticing the discomfort of his team, he switches back to common as he addresses Rosa, "Should we step into the trees to continue this line of questioning? I didn't think that folk who changed into animals with razor claws and hurled fire at groups would be so queamish about getting info from a creature that they were more than happy to kill a moment ago."

[sblock=The Real Interogation (not for the squeamish)]Once in the cover of the verge he returns to the ancient dragon language, "Now let's try this again shall we?" The goliath grabs the sail hanging from the back of its head, and rips it cleanly off in smooth upward pull with his free hand. The blood spray hits all the leaves around them at the same instant followed immediately by the peircingly anguished cry of the captive echoing through the forest...[/sblock]

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Apparently this is just too much for him and he goes unconscious but stabilizes.

Hightower stalks back to the group, barely keeping anoyance from touching his features, liters of blood covering his hands.

Frustratingly, it seems clear that this line of questioning is going nowhere. Trent barely suppresses his displessure at the methods that Hightower is employing, as might others in the group with a more defined sense of morality.

OOC I'm gonna say you need to find other actions at this point, such as approaching the temple, either stealthily or in force. You had a shot at getting the info and it didn't work. This is the second chance at getting info you have been given: the first chance you opted out of voluntarily and with the second chance the dice weren't with you. Time to go on. Besides, Hightower would rather get to the fightn' part right?

The map is up if you want to start coordinating your "assault" or "infiltration."


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Rosa nods. "I suppose you might call it one of the illusions of civilization - and illusions can be quite powerful. Very well, lead on."

She keeps an eye out during Hightower's interrogation but does not participate.

(Rosa wouldn't really know about Hightower's own experiences, but with her background she can readily grasp the concept that the rules of civilization are themselves tools of control to produce a stable society. While she might personally feel that something like this is unpleasant, it could be vital for the team's survival and she won't make an issue of Hightower's methods if they might produce results. She's also hot, uncomfortable, and frustrated after trudging through the jungle and being attacked without warning by zealous lizardfolk.)

When the captive passes out again in the forest, she addresses Hightower. "We may have to stop this in the interests of time and get moving soon. Should we leave him alive, and maybe break his legs so he can't follow or warn others, or would it be more appropriate to kill him? He seems to be from a warrior culture and wouldn't take being a cripple too well, but then, nothing says we have to be nice and play along with what he would want."

She pauses. "Maybe it would go over better with the others if we asked them what they think rather than just doing it."
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Fenwick looks over at Trent and back at the others growing more nervous by the minute. "Guys... I don't like waiting out here in the open. Can we get moving? Faris scouted the temple for us and her and Saris are starting towards it." Fenwick shouts to Rosa and Hightower.

Once the group gathers together Fenwick says "So how do you guys want to approach this one? Do we kick the door in or try to be a little more subtle? My vote's for subtle, but that's just me. I just want to get outta this jungle and back to a cozy tavern."


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"I am with you there," says Rosa, not caring much for the jungle. "We just need to figure out how to handle this lizardfolk in a way we can all agree on."

She listens to the scouts' report.

"So, there are two cleared spaces and a large temple? Was there activity in the cleared spaces? The relic ought to be in the temple, but I don't want to leave enemies behind us if we can help it."


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From the air Faris could not make out anyone in the eastern camp, but his powers of observation are not the best among you. In the western camp he could easily spot a pair of blackscales lounging about and lazily pursuing menial tasks.

If you want to view the camps to get a more accurate head-count you will need to approach closer and observe.

OOC give me a spot check and the closest possible distance you feel comfortable to approach. If your spot check is good, I will give you information from the maximum possible distance appropriate to your spot checks.
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Fangor the Fierce

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Trent turns to Faris, asking the obvious, "So, the trees around the cleared areas, how tall are they? Would I be able to get up into the branches, and use my spear effectively if need be? (+1 Impaling/Returning Spear of Changeling) Otherwise, let's get a plan together to get in, take out the scouts, and make sure they don't raise any alarms. Hightower stays back, so as not to alarm them too early."


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"That sounds like a good plan Trent, let's not rile up the hornet's nest. At least before we're ready" Fenwick says with a wink already turning up the path, but he spins around quickly and excitedly says"Hey, What a minute... maybe I can send Hoppy ahead? Nobody will suspect a frog of anything and he can tell us what's going on"


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Faris draws in the mud and moss, the outline of the temple and the placement of the two camps. She indicates the outlines of grassy areas (OOC light green) on the map that can afford the kind of cover needed to sneek if necessary. The larger individuals will need to low-crawl, whereas the small-folk can crouch or squat and still take advantage of the weed's cover for stealth. (OOC Faris in cat form can be considered "small" due to her low profile).

She indicates the tree line (OOC dark green on the map) and points out that from the tree line, the spear will be difficult to throw into the western camp. However, most of the eastern camp can easily be reached by a thrown spear (OOC w/ 20ft range increment, most squares in west camp are in the third increment, whereas half of the squares for the eastern camp are in the first increment, each square is 5ft on a side).

She also suggest that the path is well worn, so crossing it stealthily will be difficult without magic (OOC brown square afford no cover, but with luck you can cross without getting seen if you are starting from a hidden space. If someone happens to look in your direction, 25% to 50% chance, then even the sneakiest can be seen unless they are using brown camouflage or magic).


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Hoppy moves toward the eastern camp, keeping within the treeline. Occasionally he climbs up onto a tree, to get a better vantage. He returns and speaks to Fenwick in their secret language.

"B-B-Boss, I t-t-think there are at l-l-least three or four of d-d-dem poisoned d-d-dusks in the eastern camp. D-d-difficult to say, b-b-because d-d-dey change color as d-d-dey move. I had t-t-to get into the grass and get close to see one of d-d-dem clearly. He was messing with a toad stool and some arrows. You want me t-t-to go up and scout other camp?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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