Release Arcane Armada collection of Spelljammer ships and deck plans


Arcane Armada: a collection of 13 custom Spelljammer ships and full deck plans, a Binary Wildspace system & Nebula, 3 new species, 10 new nebula monsters. A 96 page heavily illustrated and mapped supplement (only 9 text only pages).

Full map support: 300 ppi printable PDF maps, 100 ppi VT ready maps, 70 ppi Roll20 ready maps. Now available at the DM's Guild as a PDF download for $9.99

Coming soon: hard cover print book, and pro Spanish translation version!


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Sneak peak at a deck plan of the Scarab Crew Deck, one of the new species called Anubians, and one of the nebula monsters - in this case the Sky Kraken.


sky kraken.jpg
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Just a heads up. I wanted to get Hardcover print version of this publication, and in order to do that I had to pull the product offline from sales, while it goes through the process. It has been approved, and the printers at GM's Guild has shipped a single book, but it's going to take 3 weeks to get here, before I can approve the proof copy and get this publicly released. Looks like sometime in July for that to happen...


Arcane Armada is now re-released, now available as a Premium, full color Hardcover book for $20.50 with PDF, or PDF only for $9.99, plus 1.6 GB of map support: 300 ppi printable PDFs, 300 ppi sliced to letter size PDF, 100 ppi VTT ready JPGs, and 70 ppi Roll20 ready JPGs. Ship tokens coming soon.

Click Here!


Well Arcane Armada just got it's first 5 star rating and review, a short one, but has some nice things to say about it. I've been hoping for a review on it soon, and it's a good one! Read it here...

Voidrunner's Codex

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