D&D (2024) Are you going to buy the new 2024 D&D Core Books

Do you plan on getting the new D&D core books in 2024?

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Golden Procrastinator
Question about DDB content sharing: any idea if you're still able to share stuff like Volo's with a new player who didn't have access to the book prior to it being marked as legacy? I figured maybe you'd know since it sounds like you end up sharing content with brand new players more frequently than most here.
You can share legacy content on DDB.

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I am pretty sure PHB MM, and DMG will become Legacy when the new versions come out. I doubt very many people will much care. The Basic Rules and SRD with the old version will still be around, and most people already have the PHB.

I don't think there will be a ton of gnashing of teeth to get the new version.

I am pretty sure PHB MM, and DMG will become Legacy when the new versions come out. I doubt very many people will much care. The Basic Rules and SRD with the old version will still be around, and most people already have the PHB.

I don't think there will be a ton of gnashing of teeth to get the new version.
How much would you want to bet on that?

The only way I see them getting away with it is if:

A) Classes are actually closer to the 2014 PHB than is the case in the current playtest UAs (which would cause anger but of a different kind).


B) Half-Elves get snuck into the 2024 PHB somehow. Probably as an example of what you could do.

You seem to think WotC will delete from existence the third most popular race in D&D, one which many popular podcast characters are (probably an even higher proportion, in fact), and there will just be consequences, and I think you're thinking like the OGL 1.1 guys.

And let's not forget - when the first rumblings of the OGL 1.1 stuff happened, a bunch of you guys on the boards here said "Ohhhh nobody will care!" "It won't come to anything!" "WotC won't change their minds!" "It'll all blow over!" and so on, and boy were you lot very wrong. Hell some of you guys were saying that like half-way through the rolling disaster. People were saying after the whole thing had blown up even.


I'm in two 5e campaigns right now, but am not running one.

If either of my dungeon masters switch to the new rules, I'll buy the updated Player's Handbook.

How much would you want to bet on that?

The only way I see them getting away with it is if:

A) Classes are actually closer to the 2014 PHB than is the case in the current playtest UAs (which would cause anger but of a different kind).


B) Half-Elves get snuck into the 2024 PHB somehow. Probably as an example of what you could do.

You seem to think WotC will delete from existence the third most popular race in D&D, one which many popular podcast characters are (probably an even higher proportion, in fact), and there will just be consequences, and I think you're thinking like the OGL 1.1 guys.

And let's not forget - when the first rumblings of the OGL 1.1 stuff happened, a bunch of you guys on the boards here said "Ohhhh nobody will care!" "It won't come to anything!" "WotC won't change their minds!" "It'll all blow over!" and so on, and boy were you lot very wrong. Hell some of you guys were saying that like half-way through the rolling disaster. People were saying after the whole thing had blown up even.
Assuming I'm reading what @MonsterEnvy wrote correctly, I don't think they're suggesting the 2014 books will be deleted from existence. They won't be printed again, you won't be able to buy them on DDB anymore, but if you toggle Legacy content on in DDB, you will still be able to read and use the books and associated character options so it wouldn't stop a player with those books to make a 2024 paladin with the 2014 half-elf rules. This is what they did with the books they retired when MotM was released, which @Nikosandros said you can still share with new players through a campaign share if you have a subscription so it wouldn't prevent a table from saying "thanks, but we'll stick with the 2014 version".

This is all speculation at this point, but seems to be the direction they've been going so far.

Edit: Just checked and realized my DDB subscription isn't expired yet. I created a new campaign and enabled content sharing and sure enough Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes was available for me to share.


Assuming I'm reading what @MonsterEnvy wrote correctly, I don't think they're suggesting the 2014 books will be deleted from existence. They won't be printed again, you won't be able to buy them on DDB anymore, but if you toggle Legacy content on in DDB, you will still be able to read and use the books and associated character options so it wouldn't stop a player with those books to make a 2024 paladin with the 2014 half-elf rules. This is what they did with the books they retired when MotM was released, which @Nikosandros said you can still share with new players through a campaign share if you have a subscription so it wouldn't prevent a table from saying "thanks, but we'll stick with the 2014 version".

This is all speculation at this point, but seems to be the direction they've been going so far.

Edit: Just checked and realized my DDB subscription isn't expired yet. I created a new campaign and enabled content sharing and sure enough Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes was available for me to share.

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Yeah sorry for the hyperbole causing confusion, we're talking about the same thing. But you can share with what, three campaigns? Unless they increased it. And you have to find someone to share the product with you - and it's precarious, because if they cancel their sub or let it lapse or decide to de-share you so they can help someone else, it's over. (It literally just happened to me re: some material, but that's a whole other discussion.)

I just think that people are really underestimating how annoyed people are going to be if the PHB 2014 stops being available on Beyond day and date of PHB 2024 release or soon thereafter.

I could be wrong, but historically, I really don't think I am. I think there's always a temptation to say people don't care/won't care but recent events show that... is not true. If they were like, just eliminating half-orcs, I think they'd be fine - as I've said before, most people who want to play half-orcs, want to play orcs, in my experience (not everyone, I don't need a rando anecdote about how one of y'all did thank you very much!). Whereas with Half-Elves, I cannot a think of a single character where the person actually wanted to play an Elf or a Human. And they're incredibly popular. Last I checked, both the third most popular overall, and more popular than, for example, both gnomes and halflings together - like you literally get rid of access to both of those, and cause less disruption! And imagine how mad people would be if you did that!

I think if they pull it in a few years, they'll probably be fine, but same year as release or the year after? Nah.

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