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Are You Still Playtesting?

Are you still playtesting D&D Next?


I got the packet (eventually), read the rules, liked what I saw, and was all ready to playtest...

And then I didn't. Sadly, life is far too busy at the moment, such that I only have time (just barely) for a single regular campaign and no other gaming. And I'm enjoying my "Eberron Code" campaign too damn much to put it on hiatus for a 5e playtest.

So I'd love to do some playtesting, and see how the rules work in actual play. But I won't have time for the forseeable future. :(

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Yes. We've had 2 sessions so far, and will continue because we're enjoying it. We're also still getting the hang of some rules (I'm trying to ensure that we play the RAW, which means sometimes I have to check that I'm not applying a 3e rules), and I think it will be a while before we discover some of the implications.



One and done. I played the Dwarf Fighter in a Playtest at Origins. They made me get some RPGA number. I did sign up at WotC site, but I was not motivated enough to download the material and I never saw any of the survey(s).



My group has played 4 times now, and each session we liked the system less and less. We've decided to stop until they release new materials, but at this point, things aren't looking good for my group making the switch.

The biggest complaint is that the system is too limited and basic--especially the skills. We all recognize that rule modules will be offered, but we feel at least a few of those should have been presented by now (at least miniatures rules and additional classes/races). At this point its hard to envision the final game we may end up with, so it feels kind of pointless to play a version we KNOW we would not use.

The next complaint is with class imbalance. Some of the characters are just outright better than the others. When we get together nobody wants to play either cleric. Sure we can provide feedback, but in the here and now no one's interested in those characters.

Finally, the adventure is about as far from my group's preferred style of play as it gets. I understand others may like it, but I hated that modules back when I first started in '86, and I hate it today. I'm still running our regular 4E campaign, so I really don't have time to create another adventure, and even if I did... I do not have enough information to do so. I can guess at the encounter XP guidelines (not that the adventures helps with that at all), but I have only a handful of monsters and no traps to work with.


Between sporadically running AD&D, finishing up playing a Pathfinder campaign, preparing to run a new Pathfinder campaign, and the busy lives of my middle-aged friends (one with a newborn!), we haven't had a chance to playtest 5e yet.

One day... before the official release.


First Post
My buddy and I have run one session so far, can't remember the last time 11 hours went by so quick, we'll be running another fat session this weekend (it's rare for us to have 11 hours to kill).

I have started doing conversions for monsters from my current Planescape campaign; you can also use other editions to fill in any gaps.


Still going -- I hope.
We're spread across the world, doing Play-by-Post over Yahoo! Groups, so we're still fighting the beasties in the first cave we invaded. There's an ogre. It's going really slowly; but PBP seems to do that.

One of the biggest holdups was in getting WotC's approval to do such a thing: we didn't begin play until WotC updated their FAQ to allow PbP. (That was about the same time (IIRC) they stopped taking survey results, too.)


Did I miss the time for the first playtest survey?

Anyway, I just started last week. Ran a session with my normal group, then another for the regular Encounters crowd I play with. Planning two more sessions, one with some guys I haven't played DnD with, and a second session with the home group.

It's been okay so far. Nothing particularly innovative to report ... need swarm rules, and the game runs reasonably smoothly.

Deadly DM

Yes, I am still playtesting and look forward to it each session. 1 game is for the Friends and Family playtest which i have been a part of since the spring, and I am DM'ing my (3.5) group through the Open playtest (which we started 2 weeks ago).

Really enjoying myself.

Voidrunner's Codex

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