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Aryana Online Interlude


Cato begins to respond, smiles, and then laughs.

Once, a wise man who forsook everything worldly carried only a bowl to drink from. He threw it away when he saw a child drinking from a fountain with cupped hands and said, "In the practice of moderation a child has become my master."

He chuckled.

Take no offense at the comparison, Ajax, but you have taught me. I have indeed taken for granted this iron in my mace...

Cato drops the mace to the ground and begins to strip his armor off,

...and the iron of my armor. I have enjoyed too much the pleasant chai while seated in the shade of Jehna's sanctum. No more time for that now. Now is the time to teach and to build, not because I am a slave, but because there are those that might rest easier through my labor.

Cato's armor falls to the ground.

But I cannot do it alone. You are right. I should not demand when I should ask. I do so now. Please, help me.

Picking up his gear, Cato's face is solemn as he places it at Ajax's feet.

I have nothing else to offer you in forgiveness, but it is much that I ask. Please, help these people. Help them the way you wished someone would help you when you were in similar straits. I am sorry I did nothing for you or your friends in your time of need; I was idle. I am sorry that I did not speak out against Seha Nefrat publicly, and only argued with Sanctist Naraka about this Sindi practice in private. I am sorry to have seen so much death.

Standing up straight again, Cato puts his hand on Ajax's shoulder.

But being sorry now will not help. Nor will our division. I ask you as a friend, please. Please help these people. My people. For you can help them. Where you might afford the trappings of those who wear the stones you mined from the earth, you could also afford the love and gratitude of those you assist. Which is more valuable?

I promise you: neither He nor I will forget that you sacrificed what was yours that others might benefit.

Will you help me?
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Of course I will. I have some provisions I need to purchase, and I'll need to keep a bit of walking around money. And I promised Cyris I'd give him some for that house for his sister if he wants it so we can get going quicker. The rest I'll give to Aeschlyus.

The more I think about it, we should probably do it that way rather than getting rid of Roxana, now is not the time to create a power vaccum in Phrada's guilds. I don't think any of us want to stay here and get involved in their internal politics.


First Post
Cyris gets help

After asking around, Cyris reaches the conclusion that fit laborers are hard to come by in Phrada. The fields around the city, watered by an ingenious irrigation system fed from the gushing well that allows the settlement to exist, are being planted with barley and beans. Phrada’s walls are being repaired and reinforced by large work gangs; under the supervision of engineers, other gangs are assembling exotic contraptions of wood and rope they promise will make any attacker shudder in fear. Craftsmen’s workshops are working night and day to fill numerous orders from the city’s Tyrants.

At dawn of the group’s second day in the city, Cyris wanders into the Great Market. Women with blankets covered in vegetables or household implements call to him, seeking to make early sales before the sun gets hot.

Here he sees a crowd of men and women looking anxiously at passersby. Occasionally, one stops and announces some work and a general din starts as job seekers compete for the opportunity to earn a day’s wages.

Cyris quickly observes that the going rates for simple labor are triple the norm. Making a quick calculation, Cyris works out his need and steps up to the crowd…..


DM’s notes:
A common laborer typically earns 1 drachma/day. The current rate is 3 drachma/day.

12 laborers can finish your work in 3 days. (108 drachma)

You will have to remain and supervise. Three days is the minimum time required. I worked out rates for longer periods of time but they were all more expensive. Remember to also pay the base price for materials I quoted above.


First Post

Cyris announces to the crowd in the market the need for 12 people to finish a job. After securing the 12, he then acquires the need materials to fix the ramshackle house in the slums. After setting up the job site and setting the 12 to their tasks, Cyris starts the search for 5 guardians for Equilla. He also acquires the needs spears and the rest of the supplies for the guardians. After finding all of the Guardians, he decides to pay for 4 months salary to the Guardians of Equilla. Cyris has also been spotted coming and going to the White Sanctum during the week.


First Post
Cyris's trip to the weapon smith

Also during that week Cyris looks for a solidly constructed longbow with a good strong draw to it.


Ajax walks over to Cato, lugging far more armor than he would ever think of wearing and dumps it at the preist's feet.
"Sorry about just dropping it there but that stuff is heavy. I don't know how you and Cyris can walk around in it all day. Oh, and here's your mace too. Crack a couple Ghinn skulls with it and I'm willing to bet that any slaves involved in its creation will call the score even.
I haven't gotten the chance to do my shopping,yet, but I'll be giving that money over to the sanctum soon.
I bumped into Cyris and he seemd to agree on what we should do when we leave in a few days -- hit those iron mines and then try to cut across the mountains to Cyopolis to try to recover those disks. I think that going to the iron mines will wind up taking us through Dost territory, so maybe we could see what they're up to. I haven't seen or heard from Tariq since we got here, but, at this point, I can only assume that he'll be up for anything.
I think we should go meet with Yasmeen, and Catrika, as well and share some information, see if Shana reported back to her. Tell her what the Angel said to us, maybe she has some ideas about who the Ghinn could be exploiting and where, that might be more pressing than the disks.
Plus, someone else should know about the disks, just in case ... you know."
Ajax chokes up a bit thinking of the two friends he has lost recently.
"I don't know just where Cyris stands on that part of it."


First Post
Cato goes calling

The White Sanctum sits on a small hill just south of Phrada’s Great Market. While the work is less impressive than that of Jehna’s Sanctum, its white walls induce a pleasant sense of peace in Cato’s chest.

Inside, he is greeted, offered water, and invited to pray until the Sanctist can respond to his request for a meeting. After an hour Sanctist Zakariyah, a handsome older man with distinctly Median features, comes and sits, politely waiting for Cato to complete his devotions.

Cato thanks Zakariyah for the attention he has paid to the refugee’s spiritual well-being. The old man responds in a manner similar to Sanctist Naraka- a shrug, he is happy to be the instrument of Avasara’a mercy.

Cato then discusses the unity that is necessary to defeat the Ghinn, especially where the Eternal Hierarchy and the Dissenting School are concerned.

"Everyone is the enemy of the One Enemy,” Cato says, “and nothing would please him more than to see Avasara's servants bicker among themselves."

Zakariyah accepts this advice with a smile, politely reminding the enthusiastic young man before him that the servants of the Hierarchy have not been seen east of the Cassandric Empire in twenty years, since the Bastiyaanis threw the imperials out.
Cato then invites the Sanctist to come to the blessing of the ramshackle sanctum in the slums.

“Is there a new one?” the old man asks. “Sanctist Aeschylus and I just convened prayers in a newly dedicated Sanctum in the Empty Quarter last week. We’re it not for the pressing importance of plowing and fortifying the city my charges would be repairing it already. ”

Later, talking with Aeschylus, Cato sees his former mentor break into hysterical laughter. Several times he gains control of himself only to look at Cato and fall apart again.

“My dear brother, may Avasara love you and Arrousha’s words guide your life,” Aeschylus finally says. “Naraka instructed me to see to lead the Sanctum shortly after you left on your mysterious mission. Having seen the Perfect People, I think Sanctist Zakariyah’s Redeemer ideas are impractical but he is a good man, almost as good as Naraka. He was probably biting his tongue not to tell you to come and speak to me.”

Aeschylus hugs his former student. Through the hug Cato can sense tremendous gratitude. It has probably been weeks since the older man laughed.

Cato quickly learns that an audience with the Council of Tyrants will take a month to acquire.

Those whose minds were emptied in the strange events around Metazerne’s encampment are physically well under Sanctist Aeschylus’s care. Indeed, Aspirant Naraka can be seen preparing food for those who have none. His language skills remain incomplete, but his smile is broader- less burdened- than it was before.

It is getting late when Cato arrives at the home of Kamshad Tissaphrenes. The house is large and its painted façade leaves no doubt that wealth resides within. The door guard is deferential to the servant of Avasara and happily relays the message that Alexandra of Jehna has a guest.

Inside, Cato is taken past a beautiful fountain, frescos of fields, and walls colored in light blues and deep reds. Guiding him into a room adorned with a simple low table and couches for reclining built out from the walls, an iron-collared slave asks him to wait.

A period of silence is followed by a joyful bellow, after which Cyrus appears. The aging soldier wraps Cato in a powerful embrace before recovering his composure.

It seems word of Cyrus’s service to Cassandra and deeds performed during the Battle of Nezad reached the right ears. He is assisting the Tyrants by training their soldiers.

“Scruffy, shameful, and marked for death,” he concludes. Such acclaim from the old man is rare. Deinon, he relates, charged him with protecting Alexandra and sent them from the city shortly after Cato left.

When he learns of Cato’s intent to speak to Jehna’s refugees, he puts a protective arm around the younger man.

“Now I can’t stop you, but I think you’re not fully considering what happened up there. Epiphilates, the Ionian faction’s choice to replace Ixion, betrayed the city twice. First, he pulled them out of the vendetta with the Tadus when Ionian numbers were needed. Then there was this business of letting the enemy walk into Jehna and slaughter these people’s kin. Now, you have a good reputation- serving in the Sanctum and your recent victories. But some folk might not see that, they might see an upstart Ionian. They almost tore Aeschylus apart when they first got here. Let ‘em cool off for a bit.

“Plus, I’ll let you in on a not-so-secret secret. The Tyrants of Phrada are good and just, but why did they let the tribes in? Seha and his boys have been raiding their trade for years. Now, strategy was always the province of people more educated than me, but I’d guess having the Duraani warriors in the mountains causing the Perfect People headaches- and getting them to think of things other than Phrada- passed through the Tyrant’s minds at some point. Phrada benefits in more ways than spiritually by taking them in.

“About Deinon, his loincloth was always a bit tight and his head was filling with that Ionian purity foolishness- but he would never betray Jehna.”

At this point Alexandra radiantly enters the room. She is overwhelmed and spends a long time crying on her brother’s shoulder, stopping only when a slave brings wine and food.

Finally, she tells Cato of the kindness Kamshad Tissaphrenes is showing her. He is an honorable host and is donating food from his personal stores to the refugees. Alexandra has her own servant and a new wardrobe. She has yet to venture out of the house much, preferring to spend her time weaving blankets for Jehna’s refugees on a loom in the women’s section of the house.

Cyrus accompanies Cato to the barracks of Iskander’s Legion. The complex of buildings is located near the Lion’s Gate where the party originally entered the city.

The note of introduction and Cyrus’s well-dropped references to the Immortal Band and Nezad gain the pair quick access to Iskander. The mercenary is surprising mild mannered and refined. Seeing the letter, he offers Cato space in the barracks and hearty congratulations on ridding the world of Metazernes. To the news Cato has already gained, Iskander adds that Bastiyaan has yet to see a nomad incursion into its territory this year. Usually almost as soon as Spring’s Onset arrives so do the nomads.

It is well after the middle part of the night when the two emerge from the barracks. Exchanging a fond goodnight, they each head for bed.

DM’s notes:
Regarding your desire to see Aeschylus' Sanctum, please see the introduction to this thread.

If you wish to make a speech, I will assume some of the people will gather to hear you, write it and I’ll let you know about the response.


First Post
Ajax and Yasmeen

The home where Yasmeen and Catika are residing is two stories of mudbrick surrounding a courtyard. After Ajax gives his name he is quickly admitted. Passing from the doorway into the courtyard, he is amazed by the number of cats wandering around. Several of them look him over, as if appraising a threat, before returning to their pursuits- generally sleeping away the blistering Phrada day.

The doorman leads Ajax into a room on the first floor. Its dirt floor is covered by a colorful rug. A wicker tray with a fired clay container and leather cups sits in the center of the room.

Reclining against one wall with a reading stand before her and scrolls piled around is Catrika. Her hair is covered in its usual veil, an archaic fashion among Median aristocrats. Corum’s former teacher is in her early forties and is well-reputed for her ability to draw men’s stares. Her attention, as always, remains almost totally focused on her reading material.

Yasmeen the Fars also sits in the room, directly across from the blanket that hangs in the doorway. Her eyes snap up from a copy of the Recitations of Arrousha that rests in a reading stand before her. Ajax is not sure, but he thinks a grin tries to cross her face before her features settle into their usual expressionless mask.

Ajax is asked to sit and offered water. Then the questioning starts. It lasts an hour and is very through.

There are only two interruptions. At the news of Corum’s death, Catrika’s face takes on a pained look and she makes a couple of inquiries. From that point forward Ajax has her full attention. Later, following Ajax’s use of the term “angel,” Catrika politely interjects “oracle.”

At the interrogation’s end, feeling as if he spent the day squeezing through the deepest tunnels of Therma’s lapis mine, Ajax sips some water. The memory of mining work brings several images: claustrophobia, the fear of cave-ins, and the asphyxiating feeling of deep holes.

The young man manages to maintain his uncaring façade as Shana pushes in past the blanket in the doorway. The woman looks as if she just woke and the right-side of her face is black and blue.

Seeing Ajax she smiles a warm greeting, the expression looks as if it hurts her. She waves off his concern about her condition. Reading between the lines of her, certainly abbreviated, tale Ajax gets the impression that she spent several days alone in the desert being chased by the Aga Singh’s guards- and something else of a more vile nature. She relates the story as if discussing a strenuous hike. She arrived just last night.

Finally, Yasmeen begins to talk.
“An enemy that appears from history’s nowhere searching for something we no nothing of,” she muses, “how frustrating.”

“Catrika tells me of a Kakanda in Purushanda who mentioned ‘the Perfect People” to her once, it was a fragment of oral history that a scribe committed to ink in the Age of Erroneous Idolatry. So the secrets to our enemy’s lie in the most ancient of places.

“Their word for what they seek is eldrach. It appears to imply concepts such as ‘ghastly’ and ‘weird.’ We still have no idea what it is- though I become more and more convinced it is a being of some kind. The oracle did say “ancient conqueror” and that agrees with the statements of the Ghinn we captured. He said: ‘The traitor god left us to them.’ I assume the ‘them’ are those beings that inhabited the building you found Katanga watching.”

Knowing what he does of the Ghinn, Ajax shudders at what occurred to acquire that scrap of information from the prisoner. For all her piety, the Wearer of Black sitting before him is capable of astonishing brutality.

“Your party is doing well,” Yasmeen continues, “In a time of limited success, you are contributing to Avasara’s ultimate victory. I do not command you and you have executed your commitment to Jehna’s Gray Council. I do hope you will continue your efforts in this struggle, by now I am sure you see its outcome has a direct impact upon you.”

The sun is long gone when Ajax emerges from the house.

Wandering back into the Empty Quarter the young man passes a particularly decrepit dwelling. A voice from inside, however, gladdens his heart.

“My child, I understood your baby talk despite its absent words,” says Leeya Nefrat to her unseen audience. “Wah-Wah meant you wanted a drink…ma-ma meant you were hungry… and as for ca-ca – well the moment you said that I had you out of the house and held you at arms’ length.”

There is laughter, hers among it.

Passing the open doorway, Ajax sees the young poetess. Her eyes meet his and he quickly reads that her time as a slave is finally in the past. Her smile holds a promise never made during Jehna’s cold winter. Quickly, she hustles her audience, all older members of the Nefrat tribe, out of the house. Many openly scowl as she takes the young Ionian by the hand and leads him inside.

“Tonight,” she whispers, “war, slavers, and the Perfect People are troubles for others.”

“Leeya, there’s no door,” Ajax says as they pass through opening.

“True,” she replies, “and there is no roof either.”


First Post
The final post

Days pass as the work on Equlia’s home is completed.

On your fourth day in town each of you receives a note delivered by a man dressed in the uniform of Phrada’s guards.

Each note says essentially the same thing: “I have heard that your group rid the world of the slaver Metazernes. I congratulate you. It is my fond wish that you join me for a meal at mid-day, four days from today. I sincerely hope to discuss issues of mutual interest and possibly profit. Pharnaces, Tyrant of Phrada.”

Three days later, news spreads through the city that an army emerged from the mouth of the Darya River Valley two days ago. Phrada’s rumor mongers explode: Atmananda, Emperor of Sind, has been assassinated and one-hundred and fourteen of his sons have declared themselves sole emperor of Sind; the army of 10,000, or 50,000, Perfect People marches on Phrada; the army is marching north to Bastiyaan; the Perfect People are running from an alliance of Durrani tribes; the Dost have all been massacred; the Dost are marching alongside the Perfect People; Purushanda is under siege by the Perfect People, the Eternally Open Gates of Purushanda are smashed and the city is fallen; the Perfect People carry with them a weapon that can eliminate entire populations.

In the Great Market all food and other immediately useful items sell out. Phradan soldiers suppress a near riot that threatens to loot the city’s grain stores.

As you gather before Aeschylus’s make-shift Sanctum just before noon the day of your meal with the Tyrant, a runner comes by and tells you that, despite the pressing situation, Pharnaces still wishes to see you. He hopes you will come to his home two hours before the mid-part of the night for supper.

As you watch the messenger’s back disappear around a corner, Equlia emerges. She is naked and carrying a dagger. Blood streams from countless cuts she has inflicted on her face, arms and legs. Tears have cut paths through the blood on her face.

People cry out in fear at the sight of her. Then they start to wail in horror as the sky begins to go black.

“Cherith is reborn!” she cries.

“There…” droplets of blood splash to the ground as she points it’s the dagger’s tip in the direction of the Sind Killers “…the Queen of Bane has birthed the Traitor. Soon the Abyss will shred all of you in its cold waters. You walk the wrong path, brother.”

At this she begins to scream. The noise is bloodcurdling and filled with awfulness.

And, as her wails reach a fever pitch and she drops to the ground in convulsions, the mid-day sky goes pitch black.


DM’s note: End of thread. See you all Sunday.

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