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Erekose13 said:
I was under the impression that DMs could make up magic items but had to detail out what they did so that it wouldn't be a problem in the future. During adventure mystery is okay, post game everything needs to be spelled out.

This was my impression as well, which is part of the reason for the "Goruksblain" thread. Of course, an item which gets more powerfull if you restore it further could suggest that RA has a continuing interest in DMing for us, which I'd certainly be in favor of! :)

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Great job Erekose 13!
Putting those numbers into action results in the following distribution:

Ironwolf: crystal sword "Warrior's Determination" (and Cog Crystal?): 30,075 (+25000?=55,075)
Zaeryl: Psychic Nexus of Power Preservation (and Dorje of Energy Ray, 23 charges?): 36,000 (+1,725?=37,725)
Eternity: Torc of Self Mastery (and 3 power stones?) (?+2,775?+300?+2,525?=?+5,600)
Hulgyr: Belt of the Nyntarian Guard and/or Lucky Socks and/or +1 ghost touch greatsword: ?+14,500+8350=?+18,350
Micheal: stone (Dwimmerstone)(and wand of Cure Moderate, 32 Charges?) 36,000(+2,880?=38,880)
Almayce: (nothing really suits?) Cloak of the Beguiler, Bag of Holding Type III and wand of Fly (12 charges) and Wand of Poison? :25,500+7,400+2,700+?=35,600+?


+1 Blessed Crossbow Bolts (Sell value=1/2 of 8,305 gp=4,152.5 gp)
Cash equivalent items: 52,327.88

Could everybody give an affermative in the items he/she really wants?

The totals for Zaeryl, Michael and Almayce are in the upper thirties.
Those for Hulgyr and Eternity are unknown due the mayor items with unknown value.
What really stands out is the cog. crystal that bumps Ironwolf's over 55.000.

Apart from Ironwolf's share 'm fine with this distribution.
I suggest just to split the rest of the gold since we have two mayor items with unknown value that really don't make it possible to give everybody an equal share of the rest of the loot.
What to do with the cog. crystal?


Eternity wont be able to use the second 2 power stones. I really don't know how to price out the Torc or the Socks. I'll do a bit of research on the Torc to see if there is anything in the MIC like it. The socks we don't even know what they really do.

As for DMing us again, I believe we tentatively slotted for the 2nd highest level adventure in the big campaign.


Erekose13 said:
[*]The crystal greatsword--'Warrior's Determination': +1 Collision Greatsword that provides a +1 insight bonus to AC and saving throws while psionically focused. The item is empathic and appears to link itself to the wielder's psychic pathways and each of the major power nodes of the human body. It hums within your mind when there is psionics or magic about, a stronger vibration for stronger psionics or magic. Also, once a day it can use its connection to the body to manifest Body Adjustment (5 PP) on the wielder of its own accord and using its own action. The greatsword seems to be missing a crucial crystal that was once set into the pommel. If it were to be found, it might recover even more powers. = 1,000gp (crystal) + 18,000 (+1 collision) + 350 (MW Greatsword) + 6,750*.7 (+1 insight AC/Saves) + 6,000 (BA 1/day) = 30,075gp

This is trivial, but the +1 insight to AC and Saves ought to be reduced in value because they'll hardly ever be available when needed. Ironwolf's focus is usually expended by the second round of combat, if not sooner. I suppose that's balanced out by the presence of the more difficult to define powers, such as the detect psionics like ability and the empathic nature of the sword.


Yeah, the cog crystal is a problem. Someone should probably keep it, but it does make the loot division sticky. I've always found the price of those crystals a bit puzzling... as a 9th levelel psionic, it's in all ways worse than a +4 Wisdom item, but significantly more expensive than one. It's the fact that it doesn't self recharge that's the real killer. Maybe we should just sell the darn thing....


ooc: discount for focus. Yup took that into account its 4500*1.5 for not being slotted and being added as a non relevant ability then *0.7 for requiring you to be in focus. While you typically expend it, not everyone holding the sword would be so quick to spend it.

I'm for selling the thing [Cog crystal] just to help the treasure split. Unless Eternity's item ends up being significantly lower priced than I'm imagining (I'm thinking 25000gp, but still researching).


Are we going to add up the aproximated cash values of the claimed items, add them to cash amount, and then distribute cash so as to even things out? I had initially skipped that, as I didn't want to do all the work E13 just did. ;)

I would think that the lucky socks, being too powerfull to ID with a 1st level identify spell, are likely to be the single most valuable item. Anyone care to take a wild guess as to their value?


Also, are you sure the sword is Deep Crystal (+1,000 gp) and not Mundane Crystal (+0 gp)? I don't see that in the description.

If the sword really is worth 30k+, maybe we should sell that too. A nice, simple adamantine falchion +2 would only be 11k and would work with the weapon feats I plan to eventually pick up. The Crystal Sword sounds a bit high maintenance.


ooc: I thought it was deep crystal, if not its just the 1000 off. But yeah after reading the collission power I'm not too impressed. The other stuff is really nice in my opinion though. Its up to you though.


Erekose13 said:
ooc: I thought it was deep crystal, if not its just the 1000 off. But yeah after reading the collission power I'm not too impressed. The other stuff is really nice in my opinion though. Its up to you though.

Let's take it around Orussus and see what kind of offers we get to sell the sword. If we can sell it for 15 to 16 k or more, let's do so.

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